Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Xml.Xsl.XPath Namespace Reference


interface  IFocus
interface  IXPathBuilder
interface  IXPathEnvironment
class  XPathBuilder
class  XPathCompileException
class  XPathParser
class  XPathQilFactory
class  XPathScanner


enum  LexKind {
  Unknown = 0 , Or = 1 , And = 2 , Eq = 3 ,
  Ne = 4 , Lt = 5 , Le = 6 , Gt = 7 ,
  Ge = 8 , Plus = 9 , Minus = 10 , Multiply = 11 ,
  Divide = 12 , Modulo = 13 , UnaryMinus = 14 , Union = 15 ,
  LastOperator = 15 , DotDot = 16 , ColonColon = 17 , SlashSlash = 18 ,
  Number = 19 , Axis = 20 , Name = 21 , String = 22 ,
  Eof = 23 , FirstStringable = 21 , LastNonChar = 23 , LParens = 40 ,
  RParens = 41 , LBracket = 91 , RBracket = 93 , Dot = 46 ,
  At = 64 , Comma = 44 , Star = 42 , Slash = 47 ,
  Dollar = 36 , RBrace = 125
enum  XPathAxis {
  Unknown , Ancestor , AncestorOrSelf , Attribute ,
  Child , Descendant , DescendantOrSelf , Following ,
  FollowingSibling , Namespace , Parent , Preceding ,
  PrecedingSibling , Self , Root
enum  XPathOperator {
  Unknown = 0 , Or = 1 , And = 2 , Eq = 3 ,
  Ne = 4 , Lt = 5 , Le = 6 , Gt = 7 ,
  Ge = 8 , Plus = 9 , Minus = 10 , Multiply = 11 ,
  Divide = 12 , Modulo = 13 , UnaryMinus = 14 , Union = 15 ,
  LastXPath1Operator = 15 , UnaryPlus = 16 , Idiv = 17 , Is = 18 ,
  After = 19 , Before = 20 , Range = 21 , Except = 22 ,
  Intersect = 23 , ValEq = 24 , ValNe = 25 , ValLt = 26 ,
  ValLe = 27 , ValGt = 28 , ValGe = 29