Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Xml.XmlCharType Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static bool IsWhiteSpace (char ch)
static bool IsNCNameSingleChar (char ch)
static bool IsStartNCNameSingleChar (char ch)
static bool IsNameSingleChar (char ch)
static bool IsCharData (char ch)
static bool IsPubidChar (char ch)
static bool IsLetter (char ch)
static bool IsNCNameCharXml4e (char ch)
static bool IsStartNCNameCharXml4e (char ch)
static bool IsNameCharXml4e (char ch)
static bool IsDigit (char ch)

Static Package Functions

static bool IsTextChar (char ch)
static bool IsAttributeValueChar (char ch)
static bool IsHighSurrogate (int ch)
static bool IsLowSurrogate (int ch)
static bool IsSurrogate (int ch)
static int CombineSurrogateChar (int lowChar, int highChar)
static void SplitSurrogateChar (int combinedChar, out char lowChar, out char highChar)
static bool IsOnlyWhitespace (string str)
static int IsOnlyWhitespaceWithPos (string str)
static int IsOnlyCharData (string str)
static bool IsOnlyDigits (string str, int startPos, int len)
static int IsPublicId (string str)


static ReadOnlySpan< byte > CharProperties [get]

Static Private Member Functions

static bool InRange (int value, int start, int end)
static uint GetCharProperties (char ch)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 6 of file XmlCharType.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: