Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.Linq.Expressions.Interpreter.TryCatchFinallyHandler Class Referencesealed

Package Functions

 TryCatchFinallyHandler (int tryStart, int tryEnd, int gotoEndTargetIndex, ExceptionHandler[] handlers)
 TryCatchFinallyHandler (int tryStart, int tryEnd, int gotoEndLabelIndex, int finallyStart, int finallyEnd, ExceptionHandler[] handlers)
bool HasHandler (InterpretedFrame frame, Exception exception, [NotNullWhen(true)] out ExceptionHandler handler, out object unwrappedException)

Package Attributes

readonly int TryStartIndex
readonly int TryEndIndex
readonly int FinallyStartIndex
readonly int FinallyEndIndex
readonly int GotoEndTargetIndex


bool IsFinallyBlockExist [get]
ExceptionHandler[] Handlers [get]
bool IsCatchBlockExist [get]

Static Private Member Functions

static bool FilterPasses (InterpretedFrame frame, ref object exception, ExceptionFilter filter)

Private Attributes

readonly ExceptionHandler[] _handlers

Detailed Description

Definition at line 6 of file TryCatchFinallyHandler.cs.

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