Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.Threading.Channels.BoundedChannel< T >.BoundedChannelWriter Class Referencesealed

Public Member Functions

override bool TryComplete (Exception error)
override bool TryWrite (T item)
override ValueTask< boolWaitToWriteAsync (CancellationToken cancellationToken)
override ValueTask WriteAsync (T item, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
virtual bool TryComplete (Exception? error=null)
void Complete (Exception? error=null)

Package Functions

 BoundedChannelWriter (BoundedChannel< T > parent)

Package Attributes

readonly BoundedChannel< T_parent


int ItemsCountForDebugger [get]
int CapacityForDebugger [get]

Private Member Functions

IEnumerator< T > IDebugEnumerable< T >. GetEnumerator ()
async ValueTask WriteAsyncCore (T innerItem, CancellationToken ct)

Private Attributes

readonly VoidAsyncOperationWithData< T_writerSingleton
readonly AsyncOperation< bool_waiterSingleton

Detailed Description

Definition at line 178 of file BoundedChannel.cs.

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