Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.Dynamic.Utils.DelegateHelpers Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static void ActionThunk (Func< object[], object > handler)
static void ActionThunk1< T1 > (Func< object[], object > handler, T1 t1)
static void ActionThunk2< T1, T2 > (Func< object[], object > handler, T1 t1, T2 t2)
static TReturn FuncThunk< TReturn > (Func< object[], object > handler)
static TReturn FuncThunk1< T1, TReturn > (Func< object[], object > handler, T1 t1)
static TReturn FuncThunk2< T1, T2, TReturn > (Func< object[], object > handler, T1 t1, T2 t2)

Static Package Functions

static Delegate CreateObjectArrayDelegate (Type delegateType, Func< object[], object > handler)

Static Private Member Functions

static MethodInfo GetEmptyObjectArrayMethod ()
static MethodInfo[] GetActionThunks ()
static MethodInfo[] GetFuncThunks ()
static MethodInfo GetCSharpThunk (Type returnType, bool hasReturnValue, ParameterInfo[] parameters)
static Delegate CreateObjectArrayDelegateRefEmit (Type delegateType, Func< object[], object > handler)
static Type ConvertToBoxableType (Type t)

Static Private Attributes

static readonly CacheDict< Type, MethodInfos_thunks = new CacheDict<Type, MethodInfo>(256)
static readonly MethodInfo s_FuncInvoke = typeof(Func<object[], object>).GetMethod("Invoke")
static readonly MethodInfo s_ArrayEmpty = GetEmptyObjectArrayMethod()
static readonly MethodInfo[] s_ActionThunks = GetActionThunks()
static readonly MethodInfo[] s_FuncThunks = GetFuncThunks()
static int s_ThunksCreated

Detailed Description

Definition at line 9 of file DelegateHelpers.cs.

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