static bool | IsOSPlatform (string platform) |
static bool | IsOSPlatformVersionAtLeast (string platform, int major, int minor=0, int build=0, int revision=0) |
static bool | IsBrowser () |
static bool | IsLinux () |
static bool | IsFreeBSD () |
static bool | IsFreeBSDVersionAtLeast (int major, int minor=0, int build=0, int revision=0) |
static bool | IsAndroid () |
static bool | IsAndroidVersionAtLeast (int major, int minor=0, int build=0, int revision=0) |
static bool | IsIOS () |
static bool | IsIOSVersionAtLeast (int major, int minor=0, int build=0) |
static bool | IsMacOS () |
static bool | IsMacOSVersionAtLeast (int major, int minor=0, int build=0) |
static bool | IsMacCatalyst () |
static bool | IsMacCatalystVersionAtLeast (int major, int minor=0, int build=0) |
static bool | IsTvOS () |
static bool | IsTvOSVersionAtLeast (int major, int minor=0, int build=0) |
static bool | IsWatchOS () |
static bool | IsWatchOSVersionAtLeast (int major, int minor=0, int build=0) |
static bool | IsWindows () |
static bool | IsWindowsVersionAtLeast (int major, int minor=0, int build=0, int revision=0) |
Definition at line 7 of file OperatingSystem.cs.
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