Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Data.Common.ObjectStorage Class Referencesealed


class  TempAssemblyComparer

Public Member Functions

override object Aggregate (int[] records, AggregateType kind)
override int Compare (int recordNo1, int recordNo2)
override int CompareValueTo (int recordNo1, object value)
override void Copy (int recordNo1, int recordNo2)
override object Get (int recordNo)
override bool IsNull (int record)
override void Set (int recordNo, object value)
override void SetCapacity (int capacity)
override object ConvertXmlToObject (string s)
override object ConvertXmlToObject (XmlReader xmlReader, XmlRootAttribute xmlAttrib)
override string ConvertObjectToXml (object value)
override void ConvertObjectToXml (object value, XmlWriter xmlWriter, XmlRootAttribute xmlAttrib)
object AggregateCount (int[] recordNos)
virtual object ConvertValue (object value)
virtual int GetStringLength (int record)

Static Public Member Functions

static DataStorage CreateStorage (DataColumn column, [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicFields|DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicProperties)] Type dataType, StorageType typeCode)
static bool IsSqlType (Type dataType)
static bool IsObjectNull (object value)
static bool IsObjectSqlNull (object value)

Protected Member Functions

override object GetEmptyStorage (int recordCount)
override void CopyValue (int record, object store, BitArray nullbits, int storeIndex)
override void SetStorage (object store, BitArray nullbits)
int CompareBits (int recordNo1, int recordNo2)
void CopyBits (int srcRecordNo, int dstRecordNo)
object GetBits (int recordNo)
bool HasValue (int recordNo)
void SetNullBit (int recordNo, bool flag)
void SetNullStorage (BitArray nullbits)

Package Functions

 ObjectStorage (DataColumn column, Type type)
object GetEmptyStorageInternal (int recordCount)
void CopyValueInternal (int record, object store, BitArray nullbits, int storeIndex)
void SetStorageInternal (object store, BitArray nullbits)

Static Package Functions

static void VerifyIDynamicMetaObjectProvider (Type type)
static XmlSerializer GetXmlSerializer (Type type)
static XmlSerializer GetXmlSerializer (Type type, XmlRootAttribute attribute)
static StorageType GetStorageType (Type dataType)
static Type GetTypeStorage (StorageType storageType)
static bool IsTypeCustomType (Type type)
static bool IsTypeCustomType (StorageType typeCode)
static bool IsSqlType (StorageType storageType)
static void ImplementsInterfaces (StorageType typeCode, Type dataType, out bool sqlType, out bool nullable, out bool xmlSerializable, out bool changeTracking, out bool revertibleChangeTracking)
static bool ImplementsINullableValue (StorageType typeCode, Type dataType)
static Type GetType (string value)
static string GetQualifiedName (Type type)

Package Attributes

readonly DataColumn _column
readonly DataTable _table
readonly Type _dataType
readonly StorageType _storageTypeCode
readonly object _nullValue
readonly bool _isCloneable
readonly bool _isCustomDefinedType
readonly bool _isStringType
readonly bool _isValueType


DataSetDateTime DateTimeMode [get]
IFormatProvider FormatProvider [get]

Private Types

enum  Families {

Private Member Functions

int CompareTo (object valueNo1, object valueNo2)
int CompareWithFamilies (object valueNo1, object valueNo2)
Families GetFamily (Type dataType)

Static Private Member Functions

static bool DetermineIfValueType (StorageType typeCode, Type dataType)
static Tuple< bool, bool, bool, boolInspectTypeForInterfaces (Type dataType)

Private Attributes

object[] _values
readonly bool _implementsIXmlSerializable
BitArray _dbNullBits
readonly object _defaultValue

Static Private Attributes

static readonly object s_tempAssemblyCacheLock = new object()
static Dictionary< KeyValuePair< Type, XmlRootAttribute >, XmlSerializers_tempAssemblyCache
static readonly XmlSerializerFactory s_serializerFactory = new XmlSerializerFactory()
static readonly Type[] s_storageClassType
static readonly Func< Type, Tuple< bool, bool, bool, bool > > s_inspectTypeForInterfaces = InspectTypeForInterfaces
static readonly ConcurrentDictionary< Type, Tuple< bool, bool, bool, bool > > s_typeImplementsInterface = new ConcurrentDictionary<Type, Tuple<bool, bool, bool, bool>>()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 12 of file ObjectStorage.cs.

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