Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.SpanHelpers Class Reference


struct  ComparerComparable

Static Public Member Functions

static int BinarySearch< T, TComparable > (this ReadOnlySpan< T > span, TComparable comparable)
static int BinarySearch< T, TComparable > (ref T spanStart, int length, TComparable comparable)
static int IndexOf (ref byte searchSpace, int searchSpaceLength, ref byte value, int valueLength)
static bool Contains (ref byte searchSpace, byte value, int length)
static unsafe int IndexOf (ref byte searchSpace, byte value, int length)
static int LastIndexOf (ref byte searchSpace, int searchSpaceLength, ref byte value, int valueLength)
static int LastIndexOf (ref byte searchSpace, byte value, int length)
static int IndexOfAny (ref byte searchSpace, byte value0, byte value1, int length)
static int IndexOfAny (ref byte searchSpace, byte value0, byte value1, byte value2, int length)
static int LastIndexOfAny (ref byte searchSpace, byte value0, byte value1, int length)
static int LastIndexOfAny (ref byte searchSpace, byte value0, byte value1, byte value2, int length)
static unsafe bool SequenceEqual (ref byte first, ref byte second, nuint length)
static unsafe int SequenceCompareTo (ref byte first, int firstLength, ref byte second, int secondLength)
static int IndexOf (ref char searchSpace, int searchSpaceLength, ref char value, int valueLength)
static unsafe int SequenceCompareTo (ref char first, int firstLength, ref char second, int secondLength)
static unsafe bool Contains (ref char searchSpace, char value, int length)
static unsafe int IndexOf (ref char searchSpace, char value, int length)
static int IndexOfAny (ref char searchStart, char value0, char value1, int length)
static int IndexOfAny (ref char searchStart, char value0, char value1, char value2, int length)
static int IndexOfAny (ref char searchStart, char value0, char value1, char value2, char value3, int length)
static int IndexOfAny (ref char searchStart, char value0, char value1, char value2, char value3, char value4, int length)
static unsafe int LastIndexOf (ref char searchSpace, char value, int length)
static void ClearWithoutReferences (ref byte b, nuint byteLength)
static void ClearWithReferences (ref IntPtr ip, nuint pointerSizeLength)
static void Fill< T > (ref T refData, nuint numElements, T value)
static int IndexOf< T > (ref T searchSpace, int searchSpaceLength, ref T value, int valueLength)
static bool Contains< T > (ref T searchSpace, T value, int length)
static int IndexOf< T > (ref T searchSpace, T value, int length)
static int IndexOfAny< T > (ref T searchSpace, T value0, T value1, int length)
static int IndexOfAny< T > (ref T searchSpace, T value0, T value1, T value2, int length)
static int IndexOfAny< T > (ref T searchSpace, int searchSpaceLength, ref T value, int valueLength)
static int LastIndexOf< T > (ref T searchSpace, int searchSpaceLength, ref T value, int valueLength)
static int LastIndexOf< T > (ref T searchSpace, T value, int length)
static int LastIndexOfAny< T > (ref T searchSpace, T value0, T value1, int length)
static int LastIndexOfAny< T > (ref T searchSpace, T value0, T value1, T value2, int length)
static int LastIndexOfAny< T > (ref T searchSpace, int searchSpaceLength, ref T value, int valueLength)
static bool SequenceEqual< T > (ref T first, ref T second, int length)
static int SequenceCompareTo< T > (ref T first, int firstLength, ref T second, int secondLength)

Static Private Member Functions

static int LocateFirstFoundByte (Vector< byte > match)
static int LocateLastFoundByte (Vector< byte > match)
static int LocateFirstFoundByte (ulong match)
static int LocateLastFoundByte (ulong match)
static ushort LoadUShort (ref byte start)
static uint LoadUInt (ref byte start)
static uint LoadUInt (ref byte start, nuint offset)
static nuint LoadNUInt (ref byte start)
static nuint LoadNUInt (ref byte start, nuint offset)
static Vector< byte > LoadVector (ref byte start, nuint offset)
static Vector128< byte > LoadVector128 (ref byte start, nuint offset)
static Vector256< byte > LoadVector256 (ref byte start, nuint offset)
static nuint GetByteVectorSpanLength (nuint offset, int length)
static nuint GetByteVector128SpanLength (nuint offset, int length)
static nuint GetByteVector256SpanLength (nuint offset, int length)
static unsafe nuint UnalignedCountVector (ref byte searchSpace)
static unsafe nuint UnalignedCountVector128 (ref byte searchSpace)
static unsafe nuint UnalignedCountVectorFromEnd (ref byte searchSpace, int length)
static int LocateFirstFoundChar (Vector< ushort > match)
static int LocateFirstFoundChar (ulong match)
static int LocateLastFoundChar (Vector< ushort > match)
static int LocateLastFoundChar (ulong match)
static Vector< ushort > LoadVector (ref char start, nint offset)
static Vector< ushort > LoadVector (ref char start, nuint offset)
static Vector128< ushort > LoadVector128 (ref char start, nint offset)
static Vector128< ushort > LoadVector128 (ref char start, nuint offset)
static Vector256< ushort > LoadVector256 (ref char start, nint offset)
static Vector256< ushort > LoadVector256 (ref char start, nuint offset)
static ref char Add (ref char start, nuint offset)
static nint GetCharVectorSpanLength (nint offset, nint length)
static nint GetCharVector128SpanLength (nint offset, nint length)
static nint GetCharVector256SpanLength (nint offset, nint length)
static unsafe nint UnalignedCountVector (ref char searchSpace)
static unsafe nint UnalignedCountVector128 (ref char searchSpace)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 12 of file SpanHelpers.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: