Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
Terraria.ID.NPCHeadID Class Reference


class  Sets

Static Public Attributes

const int HousingQuery = 0
const int Guide = 1
const int Merchant = 2
const int Nurse = 3
const int Demolitionist = 4
const int Dryad = 5
const int ArmsDealer = 6
const int Clothier = 7
const int Mechanic = 8
const int GoblinTinkerer = 9
const int Wizard = 10
const int SantaClaus = 11
const int Truffle = 12
const int Steampunker = 13
const int DyeTrader = 14
const int PartyGirl = 15
const int Cyborg = 16
const int Painter = 17
const int WitchDoctor = 18
const int Pirate = 19
const int Stylist = 20
const int TravellingMerchant = 21
const int Angler = 22
const int TaxCollector = 23
const int DD2Bartender = 24
const int Golfer = 25
const int BestiaryGirl = 26
const int CatSiamese = 27
const int CatBlack = 28
const int CatOrangeTabby = 29
const int CatRussianBlue = 30
const int CatSilver = 31
const int CatWhite = 32
const int DogLabrador = 33
const int DogPitBull = 34
const int DogBeagle = 35
const int DogCorgi = 36
const int DogDalmation = 37
const int DogHusky = 38
const int BunnyWhite = 39
const int BunnyAngora = 40
const int BunnyDutch = 41
const int BunnyFlemish = 42
const int BunnyLop = 43
const int BunnySilver = 44
const int Princess = 45
const int SlimeBlue = 46
const int SlimeGreen = 47
const int SlimeOld = 48
const int SlimePurple = 49
const int SlimeRainbow = 50
const int SlimeRed = 51
const int SlimeYellow = 52
const int SlimeCopper = 53
const int PrincessShimmered = 54
const int AnglerShimmered = 55
const int BestiaryGirlShimmered = 56
const int ClothierShimmered = 57
const int CyborgShimmered = 58
const int DemolitionistShimmered = 59
const int DyeTraderShimmered = 60
const int GolferShimmered = 61
const int MechanicShimmered = 62
const int MerchantShimmered = 63
const int NurseShimmered = 64
const int PainterShimmered = 65
const int PirateShimmered = 66
const int SantaClausShimmered = 67
const int SteampunkerShimmered = 68
const int StylistShimmered = 69
const int TaxCollectorShimmered = 70
const int WizardShimmered = 71
const int GuideShimmered = 72
const int DryadShimmered = 73
const int ArmsDealerShimmered = 74
const int GoblinTinkererShimmered = 75
const int TruffleShimmered = 76
const int PartyGirlShimmered = 77
const int WitchDoctorShimmered = 78
const int TavernkeepShimmered = 79
const int TravelingMerchantShimmered = 80
static readonly int Count = 81

Detailed Description

Definition at line 3 of file NPCHeadID.cs.

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