Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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Terraria.GameContent.Generation.TrackGenerator Class Reference


struct  TrackHistory

Public Member Functions

bool Place (Point origin, int minLength, int maxLength)

Private Types

enum  TrackPlacementState { Available , Obstructed , Invalid }
enum  TrackSlope : sbyte { Up = -1 , Straight , Down }
enum  TrackMode : byte { Normal , Tunnel }

Private Member Functions

void PlacePath ()
void CreateTrackStart (Point origin)
bool FindPath (int minLength, int maxLength)
TrackPlacementState CreateTunnel ()
void AppendToHistory (TrackSlope slope, TrackMode mode=TrackMode.Normal)
TrackPlacementState TryRewriteHistoryToAvoidTiles ()
void RewriteSlopeDirection (int index, TrackSlope slope)
TrackPlacementState GetHistorySegmentPlacementState (int startIndex, int length)
void SmoothTrack ()
void DrawPause ()

Static Private Member Functions

static bool CanSlopesTouch (TrackSlope leftSlope, TrackSlope rightSlope)
static bool FindSuitableOrigin (ref Point origin)
static TrackPlacementState CalculateStateForLocation (int x, int y)
static bool IsMinecartTrack (int x, int y)
static bool IsLocationInvalid (int x, int y)

Private Attributes

readonly TrackHistory[] _history = new TrackHistory[4096]
readonly TrackHistory[] _rewriteHistory = new TrackHistory[25]
int _xDirection
int _length
int playerHeight = 6

Static Private Attributes

static readonly ushort[] InvalidWalls
static readonly ushort[] InvalidTiles

Detailed Description

Definition at line 9 of file TrackGenerator.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: