Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.Data.Common.DbDataReader Class Referenceabstract

Public Member Functions

virtual void Close ()
virtual Task CloseAsync ()
void Dispose ()
virtual ValueTask DisposeAsync ()
string GetDataTypeName (int ordinal)
IEnumerator GetEnumerator ()
Type GetFieldType (int ordinal)
string GetName (int ordinal)
int GetOrdinal (string name)
virtual ? DataTable GetSchemaTable ()
virtual Task< DataTable?> GetSchemaTableAsync (CancellationToken cancellationToken=default(CancellationToken))
virtual Task< ReadOnlyCollection< DbColumn > > GetColumnSchemaAsync (CancellationToken cancellationToken=default(CancellationToken))
bool GetBoolean (int ordinal)
byte GetByte (int ordinal)
long GetBytes (int ordinal, long dataOffset, byte[]? buffer, int bufferOffset, int length)
char GetChar (int ordinal)
long GetChars (int ordinal, long dataOffset, char[]? buffer, int bufferOffset, int length)
DbDataReader GetData (int ordinal)
DateTime GetDateTime (int ordinal)
decimal GetDecimal (int ordinal)
double GetDouble (int ordinal)
float GetFloat (int ordinal)
Guid GetGuid (int ordinal)
short GetInt16 (int ordinal)
int GetInt32 (int ordinal)
long GetInt64 (int ordinal)
virtual Type GetProviderSpecificFieldType (int ordinal)
virtual object GetProviderSpecificValue (int ordinal)
virtual int GetProviderSpecificValues (object[] values)
string GetString (int ordinal)
virtual Stream GetStream (int ordinal)
virtual TextReader GetTextReader (int ordinal)
object GetValue (int ordinal)
virtual T GetFieldValue< T > (int ordinal)
Task< TGetFieldValueAsync< T > (int ordinal)
virtual Task< TGetFieldValueAsync< T > (int ordinal, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
int GetValues (object[] values)
bool IsDBNull (int ordinal)
Task< boolIsDBNullAsync (int ordinal)
virtual Task< boolIsDBNullAsync (int ordinal, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
bool NextResult ()
bool Read ()
Task< boolReadAsync ()
virtual Task< boolReadAsync (CancellationToken cancellationToken)
Task< boolNextResultAsync ()
virtual Task< boolNextResultAsync (CancellationToken cancellationToken)
object GetLifetimeService ()
virtual object InitializeLifetimeService ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
virtual DbDataReader GetDbDataReader (int ordinal)
MarshalByRefObject MemberwiseClone (bool cloneIdentity)


int Depth [get]
int FieldCount [get]
bool HasRows [get]
bool IsClosed [get]
int RecordsAffected [get]
virtual int VisibleFieldCount [get]
object this[int ordinal] [get]
object this[string name] [get]
object this[int i] [get]

Private Member Functions

IDataReader IDataRecord. GetData (int ordinal)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 11 of file DbDataReader.cs.

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