Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
Interop.NCrypt Class Reference


struct  NCryptBuffer
struct  NCryptBufferDesc
struct  PBE_PARAMS

Package Types

enum  SecretAgreementFlags { None = 0 , UseSecretAsHmacKey = 1 , None = 0 , UseSecretAsHmacKey = 1 }
enum  BufferType {
  KdfHashAlgorithm = 0 , KdfSecretPrepend = 1 , KdfSecretAppend = 2 , KdfHmacKey = 3 ,
  KdfTlsLabel = 4 , KdfTlsSeed = 5 , PkcsAlgOid = 41 , PkcsAlgParam = 42 ,
  PkcsSecret = 46 , KdfHashAlgorithm = 0 , KdfSecretPrepend = 1 , KdfSecretAppend = 2 ,
  KdfHmacKey = 3 , KdfTlsLabel = 4 , KdfTlsSeed = 5 , PkcsAlgOid = 41 ,
  PkcsAlgParam = 42 , PkcsSecret = 46
enum  AsymmetricPaddingMode {
enum  ErrorCode {
  ERROR_SUCCESS = 0 , NTE_BAD_SIGNATURE = -2146893818 , NTE_NOT_FOUND = -2146893807 , NTE_BAD_KEYSET = -2146893802 ,
  NTE_INVALID_PARAMETER = -2146893785 , NTE_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL = -2146893784 , NTE_NOT_SUPPORTED = -2146893783 , NTE_NO_MORE_ITEMS = -2146893782 ,
  E_FAIL = -2147467259 , STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL = -1073741823 , ERROR_SUCCESS = 0 , NTE_BAD_SIGNATURE = -2146893818 ,
  NTE_NOT_FOUND = -2146893807 , NTE_BAD_KEYSET = -2146893802 , NTE_INVALID_PARAMETER = -2146893785 , NTE_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL = -2146893784 ,
  NTE_NOT_SUPPORTED = -2146893783 , NTE_NO_MORE_ITEMS = -2146893782 , E_FAIL = -2147467259 , STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL = -1073741823
enum  AsymmetricPaddingMode {
enum  ErrorCode {
  ERROR_SUCCESS = 0 , NTE_BAD_SIGNATURE = -2146893818 , NTE_NOT_FOUND = -2146893807 , NTE_BAD_KEYSET = -2146893802 ,
  NTE_INVALID_PARAMETER = -2146893785 , NTE_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL = -2146893784 , NTE_NOT_SUPPORTED = -2146893783 , NTE_NO_MORE_ITEMS = -2146893782 ,
  E_FAIL = -2147467259 , STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL = -1073741823 , ERROR_SUCCESS = 0 , NTE_BAD_SIGNATURE = -2146893818 ,
  NTE_NOT_FOUND = -2146893807 , NTE_BAD_KEYSET = -2146893802 , NTE_INVALID_PARAMETER = -2146893785 , NTE_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL = -2146893784 ,
  NTE_NOT_SUPPORTED = -2146893783 , NTE_NO_MORE_ITEMS = -2146893782 , E_FAIL = -2147467259 , STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL = -1073741823
enum  SecretAgreementFlags { None = 0 , UseSecretAsHmacKey = 1 , None = 0 , UseSecretAsHmacKey = 1 }
enum  BufferType {
  KdfHashAlgorithm = 0 , KdfSecretPrepend = 1 , KdfSecretAppend = 2 , KdfHmacKey = 3 ,
  KdfTlsLabel = 4 , KdfTlsSeed = 5 , PkcsAlgOid = 41 , PkcsAlgParam = 42 ,
  PkcsSecret = 46 , KdfHashAlgorithm = 0 , KdfSecretPrepend = 1 , KdfSecretAppend = 2 ,
  KdfHmacKey = 3 , KdfTlsLabel = 4 , KdfTlsSeed = 5 , PkcsAlgOid = 41 ,
  PkcsAlgParam = 42 , PkcsSecret = 46

Package Functions

static ErrorCode NCryptImportKey (SafeNCryptProviderHandle hProvider, IntPtr hImportKey, string pszBlobType, IntPtr pParameterList, out SafeNCryptKeyHandle phKey, ref byte pbData, int cbData, int dwFlags)
static ErrorCode NCryptImportKey (SafeNCryptProviderHandle hProvider, IntPtr hImportKey, string pszBlobType, ref NCryptBufferDesc pParameterList, out SafeNCryptKeyHandle phKey, ref byte pbData, int cbData, int dwFlags)
static ErrorCode NCryptExportKey (SafeNCryptKeyHandle hKey, IntPtr hExportKey, string pszBlobType, IntPtr pParameterList, [Out] byte[] pbOutput, int cbOutput, out int pcbResult, int dwFlags)
static ErrorCode NCryptExportKey (SafeNCryptKeyHandle hKey, IntPtr hExportKey, string pszBlobType, IntPtr pParameterList, ref byte pbOutput, int cbOutput, out int pcbResult, int dwFlags)
static ErrorCode NCryptExportKey (SafeNCryptKeyHandle hKey, IntPtr hExportKey, string pszBlobType, ref NCryptBufferDesc pParameterList, ref byte pbOutput, int cbOutput, out int pcbResult, int dwFlags)
static ErrorCode NCryptCreatePersistedKey (SafeNCryptProviderHandle hProvider, out SafeNCryptKeyHandle phKey, string pszAlgId, string pszKeyName, int dwLegacyKeySpec, CngKeyCreationOptions dwFlags)
static ErrorCode NCryptFinalizeKey (SafeNCryptKeyHandle hKey, int dwFlags)
static ErrorCode NCryptFreeObject (IntPtr hObject)
static ErrorCode NCryptOpenStorageProvider (out SafeNCryptProviderHandle phProvider, string pszProviderName, int dwFlags)
static unsafe ErrorCode NCryptGetProperty (SafeNCryptHandle hObject, string pszProperty, [Out] void *pbOutput, int cbOutput, out int pcbResult, CngPropertyOptions dwFlags)
static unsafe ErrorCode NCryptSetProperty (SafeNCryptHandle hObject, string pszProperty, [In] void *pbInput, int cbInput, CngPropertyOptions dwFlags)
static ErrorCode NCryptOpenKey (SafeNCryptProviderHandle hProvider, out SafeNCryptKeyHandle phKey, string pszKeyName, int dwLegacyKeySpec, CngKeyOpenOptions dwFlags)
static ErrorCode NCryptImportKey (SafeNCryptProviderHandle hProvider, IntPtr hImportKey, string pszBlobType, IntPtr pParameterList, out SafeNCryptKeyHandle phKey, ref byte pbData, int cbData, int dwFlags)
static ErrorCode NCryptImportKey (SafeNCryptProviderHandle hProvider, IntPtr hImportKey, string pszBlobType, ref NCryptBufferDesc pParameterList, out SafeNCryptKeyHandle phKey, ref byte pbData, int cbData, int dwFlags)
static ErrorCode NCryptExportKey (SafeNCryptKeyHandle hKey, IntPtr hExportKey, string pszBlobType, IntPtr pParameterList, [Out] byte[] pbOutput, int cbOutput, out int pcbResult, int dwFlags)
static ErrorCode NCryptExportKey (SafeNCryptKeyHandle hKey, IntPtr hExportKey, string pszBlobType, IntPtr pParameterList, ref byte pbOutput, int cbOutput, out int pcbResult, int dwFlags)
static ErrorCode NCryptExportKey (SafeNCryptKeyHandle hKey, IntPtr hExportKey, string pszBlobType, ref NCryptBufferDesc pParameterList, ref byte pbOutput, int cbOutput, out int pcbResult, int dwFlags)
static ErrorCode NCryptDeleteKey (SafeNCryptKeyHandle hKey, int dwFlags)
static ErrorCode NCryptCreatePersistedKey (SafeNCryptProviderHandle hProvider, out SafeNCryptKeyHandle phKey, string pszAlgId, string pszKeyName, int dwLegacyKeySpec, CngKeyCreationOptions dwFlags)
static ErrorCode NCryptFinalizeKey (SafeNCryptKeyHandle hKey, int dwFlags)
static ErrorCode NCryptFreeObject (IntPtr hObject)
static ErrorCode NCryptOpenStorageProvider (out SafeNCryptProviderHandle phProvider, string pszProviderName, int dwFlags)
static unsafe ErrorCode NCryptGetProperty (SafeNCryptHandle hObject, string pszProperty, [Out] void *pbOutput, int cbOutput, out int pcbResult, CngPropertyOptions dwFlags)
static unsafe ErrorCode NCryptSetProperty (SafeNCryptHandle hObject, string pszProperty, [In] void *pbInput, int cbInput, CngPropertyOptions dwFlags)

Static Package Functions

static byte[] DeriveKeyMaterialHash (SafeNCryptSecretHandle secretAgreement, string hashAlgorithm, byte[] secretPrepend, byte[] secretAppend, SecretAgreementFlags flags)
static byte[] DeriveKeyMaterialHmac (SafeNCryptSecretHandle secretAgreement, string hashAlgorithm, byte[] hmacKey, byte[] secretPrepend, byte[] secretAppend, SecretAgreementFlags flags)
static unsafe byte[] DeriveKeyMaterialTls (SafeNCryptSecretHandle secretAgreement, byte[] label, byte[] seed, SecretAgreementFlags flags)
static SafeNCryptSecretHandle DeriveSecretAgreement (SafeNCryptKeyHandle privateKey, SafeNCryptKeyHandle otherPartyPublicKey)
static unsafe ErrorCode NCryptEncrypt (SafeNCryptKeyHandle hKey, ReadOnlySpan< byte > pbInput, int cbInput, void *pPaddingInfo, Span< byte > pbOutput, int cbOutput, out int pcbResult, AsymmetricPaddingMode dwFlags)
static unsafe ErrorCode NCryptDecrypt (SafeNCryptKeyHandle hKey, ReadOnlySpan< byte > pbInput, int cbInput, void *pPaddingInfo, Span< byte > pbOutput, int cbOutput, out int pcbResult, AsymmetricPaddingMode dwFlags)
static unsafe ErrorCode NCryptGetIntProperty (SafeNCryptHandle hObject, string pszProperty, ref int result)
static unsafe ErrorCode NCryptSignHash (SafeNCryptKeyHandle hKey, void *pPaddingInfo, ReadOnlySpan< byte > pbHashValue, int cbHashValue, Span< byte > pbSignature, int cbSignature, out int pcbResult, AsymmetricPaddingMode dwFlags)
static unsafe ErrorCode NCryptVerifySignature (SafeNCryptKeyHandle hKey, void *pPaddingInfo, ReadOnlySpan< byte > pbHashValue, int cbHashValue, ReadOnlySpan< byte > pbSignature, int cbSignature, AsymmetricPaddingMode dwFlags)
static unsafe ErrorCode NCryptEncrypt (SafeNCryptKeyHandle hKey, ReadOnlySpan< byte > pbInput, int cbInput, void *pPaddingInfo, Span< byte > pbOutput, int cbOutput, out int pcbResult, AsymmetricPaddingMode dwFlags)
static unsafe ErrorCode NCryptDecrypt (SafeNCryptKeyHandle hKey, ReadOnlySpan< byte > pbInput, int cbInput, void *pPaddingInfo, Span< byte > pbOutput, int cbOutput, out int pcbResult, AsymmetricPaddingMode dwFlags)
static byte[] DeriveKeyMaterialHash (SafeNCryptSecretHandle secretAgreement, string hashAlgorithm, byte[] secretPrepend, byte[] secretAppend, SecretAgreementFlags flags)
static byte[] DeriveKeyMaterialHmac (SafeNCryptSecretHandle secretAgreement, string hashAlgorithm, byte[] hmacKey, byte[] secretPrepend, byte[] secretAppend, SecretAgreementFlags flags)
static unsafe byte[] DeriveKeyMaterialTls (SafeNCryptSecretHandle secretAgreement, byte[] label, byte[] seed, SecretAgreementFlags flags)
static SafeNCryptSecretHandle DeriveSecretAgreement (SafeNCryptKeyHandle privateKey, SafeNCryptKeyHandle otherPartyPublicKey)
static unsafe ErrorCode NCryptGetIntProperty (SafeNCryptHandle hObject, string pszProperty, ref int result)
static unsafe ErrorCode NCryptSignHash (SafeNCryptKeyHandle hKey, void *pPaddingInfo, ReadOnlySpan< byte > pbHashValue, int cbHashValue, Span< byte > pbSignature, int cbSignature, out int pcbResult, AsymmetricPaddingMode dwFlags)
static unsafe ErrorCode NCryptVerifySignature (SafeNCryptKeyHandle hKey, void *pPaddingInfo, ReadOnlySpan< byte > pbHashValue, int cbHashValue, ReadOnlySpan< byte > pbSignature, int cbSignature, AsymmetricPaddingMode dwFlags)

Private Member Functions

static ErrorCode NCryptDeriveKey (SafeNCryptSecretHandle hSharedSecret, string pwszKDF, [In] ref NCryptBufferDesc pParameterList, [Out][MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] pbDerivedKey, int cbDerivedKey, out int pcbResult, SecretAgreementFlags dwFlags)
static ErrorCode NCryptSecretAgreement (SafeNCryptKeyHandle hPrivKey, SafeNCryptKeyHandle hPubKey, out SafeNCryptSecretHandle phSecret, int dwFlags)
static unsafe ErrorCode NCryptEncrypt (SafeNCryptKeyHandle hKey, ref byte pbInput, int cbInput, void *pPaddingInfo, ref byte pbOutput, int cbOutput, out int pcbResult, AsymmetricPaddingMode dwFlags)
static unsafe ErrorCode NCryptDecrypt (SafeNCryptKeyHandle hKey, ref byte pbInput, int cbInput, void *pPaddingInfo, ref byte pbOutput, int cbOutput, out int pcbResult, AsymmetricPaddingMode dwFlags)
static unsafe ErrorCode NCryptSignHash (SafeNCryptKeyHandle hKey, void *pPaddingInfo, ref byte pbHashValue, int cbHashValue, ref byte pbSignature, int cbSignature, out int pcbResult, AsymmetricPaddingMode dwFlags)
static unsafe ErrorCode NCryptVerifySignature (SafeNCryptKeyHandle hKey, void *pPaddingInfo, ref byte pbHashValue, int cbHashValue, ref byte pbSignature, int cbSignature, AsymmetricPaddingMode dwFlags)
static unsafe ErrorCode NCryptEncrypt (SafeNCryptKeyHandle hKey, ref byte pbInput, int cbInput, void *pPaddingInfo, ref byte pbOutput, int cbOutput, out int pcbResult, AsymmetricPaddingMode dwFlags)
static unsafe ErrorCode NCryptDecrypt (SafeNCryptKeyHandle hKey, ref byte pbInput, int cbInput, void *pPaddingInfo, ref byte pbOutput, int cbOutput, out int pcbResult, AsymmetricPaddingMode dwFlags)
static ErrorCode NCryptDeriveKey (SafeNCryptSecretHandle hSharedSecret, string pwszKDF, [In] ref NCryptBufferDesc pParameterList, [Out][MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] pbDerivedKey, int cbDerivedKey, out int pcbResult, SecretAgreementFlags dwFlags)
static ErrorCode NCryptSecretAgreement (SafeNCryptKeyHandle hPrivKey, SafeNCryptKeyHandle hPubKey, out SafeNCryptSecretHandle phSecret, int dwFlags)
static unsafe ErrorCode NCryptSignHash (SafeNCryptKeyHandle hKey, void *pPaddingInfo, ref byte pbHashValue, int cbHashValue, ref byte pbSignature, int cbSignature, out int pcbResult, AsymmetricPaddingMode dwFlags)
static unsafe ErrorCode NCryptVerifySignature (SafeNCryptKeyHandle hKey, void *pPaddingInfo, ref byte pbHashValue, int cbHashValue, ref byte pbSignature, int cbSignature, AsymmetricPaddingMode dwFlags)

Static Private Member Functions

static unsafe byte[] DeriveKeyMaterial (SafeNCryptSecretHandle secretAgreement, string kdf, string hashAlgorithm, byte[] hmacKey, byte[] secretPrepend, byte[] secretAppend, SecretAgreementFlags flags)
static unsafe byte[] DeriveKeyMaterial (SafeNCryptSecretHandle secretAgreement, string kdf, ReadOnlySpan< NCryptBuffer > parameters, SecretAgreementFlags flags)
static unsafe byte[] DeriveKeyMaterial (SafeNCryptSecretHandle secretAgreement, string kdf, string hashAlgorithm, byte[] hmacKey, byte[] secretPrepend, byte[] secretAppend, SecretAgreementFlags flags)
static unsafe byte[] DeriveKeyMaterial (SafeNCryptSecretHandle secretAgreement, string kdf, ReadOnlySpan< NCryptBuffer > parameters, SecretAgreementFlags flags)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 537 of file Interop.cs.

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