Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaCollection Class Referencesealed

Public Member Functions

 XmlSchemaCollection ()
 XmlSchemaCollection (XmlNameTable nametable)
XmlSchemaAdd (string? ns, string uri)
XmlSchemaAdd (string? ns, XmlReader reader)
XmlSchemaAdd (string? ns, XmlReader reader, XmlResolver? resolver)
XmlSchemaAdd (XmlSchema schema)
XmlSchemaAdd (XmlSchema schema, XmlResolver? resolver)
void Add (XmlSchemaCollection schema)
bool Contains (XmlSchema schema)
bool Contains (string? ns)
XmlSchemaCollectionEnumerator GetEnumerator ()
void CopyTo (XmlSchema[] array, int index)

Package Functions

SchemaInfo GetSchemaInfo (string ns)
SchemaNames GetSchemaNames (XmlNameTable nt)
XmlSchema Add (string ns, SchemaInfo schemaInfo, XmlSchema schema, bool compile)


int Count [get]
XmlNameTable NameTable [get]
XmlResolverXmlResolver [set]
XmlSchemathis[string? ns] [get]
bool ICollection. IsSynchronized [get]
object ICollection. SyncRoot [get]
int ICollection. Count [get]
ValidationEventHandlerEventHandler [get, set]
ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler

Private Member Functions

IEnumerator IEnumerable. GetEnumerator ()
void ICollection. CopyTo (Array array, int index)
XmlSchema Add (string ns, SchemaInfo schemaInfo, XmlSchema schema, bool compile, XmlResolver resolver)
void AddNonThreadSafe (string ns, XmlSchemaCollectionNode node)
void Add (string ns, XmlSchemaCollectionNode node)
void SendValidationEvent (XmlSchemaException e)

Private Attributes

readonly Hashtable _collection
readonly XmlNameTable _nameTable
SchemaNames _schemaNames
readonly object _wLock
readonly bool _isThreadSafe = true
ValidationEventHandler _validationEventHandler
XmlResolver _xmlResolver

Detailed Description

Definition at line 6 of file XmlSchemaCollection.cs.

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