17 [
"Data Contract Serialization and Deserialization might require types that cannot be statically analyzed. Make sure all of the required types are preserved.")]
23 [
"Data Contract Serialization and Deserialization might require types that cannot be statically analyzed. Make sure all of the required types are preserved.")]
33 [
"Data Contract Serialization and Deserialization might require types that cannot be statically analyzed. Make sure all of the required types are preserved.")]
override string WriteMethodName
override void WriteXmlElement(XmlWriterDelegator xmlWriter, object obj, XmlObjectSerializerWriteContext context, XmlDictionaryString name, XmlDictionaryString ns)
override void WriteXmlValue(XmlWriterDelegator writer, object obj, XmlObjectSerializerWriteContext context)
override object ReadXmlValue(XmlReaderDelegator reader, XmlObjectSerializerReadContext context)
override string ReadMethodName
object HandleReadValue(object obj, XmlObjectSerializerReadContext context)
decimal ReadElementContentAsDecimal()