Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Data.SimpleType Class Referencesealed

Package Functions

 SimpleType (string baseType)
 SimpleType (XmlSchemaSimpleType node)
void LoadTypeValues (XmlSchemaSimpleType node)
bool IsPlainString ()
string QualifiedName (string name)
XmlNode ToNode (XmlDocument dc, Hashtable prefixes, bool inRemoting)
string HasConflictingDefinition (SimpleType otherSimpleType)
bool CanHaveMaxLength ()
void ConvertToAnnonymousSimpleType ()

Static Package Functions

static SimpleType CreateEnumeratedType (string values)
static SimpleType CreateByteArrayType (string encoding)
static SimpleType CreateLimitedStringType (int length)
static SimpleType CreateSimpleType (StorageType typeCode, Type type)

Package Attributes

string _enumeration = string.Empty


string BaseType [get]
XmlQualifiedName XmlBaseType [get]
string Name [get]
string Namespace [get]
int Length [get]
int MaxLength [get, set]
SimpleType BaseSimpleType [get]
string SimpleTypeQualifiedName [get]

Private Member Functions

void ISerializable. GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)

Private Attributes

string _baseType
SimpleType _baseSimpleType
XmlQualifiedName _xmlBaseType
string _name = string.Empty
int _length = -1
int _minLength = -1
int _maxLength = -1
string _pattern = string.Empty
string _ns = string.Empty
string _maxExclusive = string.Empty
string _maxInclusive = string.Empty
string _minExclusive = string.Empty
string _minInclusive = string.Empty

Detailed Description

Definition at line 10 of file SimpleType.cs.

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