Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Text.Json.JsonWriterHelper Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static void WriteIndentation (Span< byte > buffer, int indent)
static void ValidateProperty (ReadOnlySpan< byte > propertyName)
static void ValidateValue (ReadOnlySpan< byte > value)
static void ValidateBytes (ReadOnlySpan< byte > bytes)
static void ValidateDouble (double value)
static void ValidateSingle (float value)
static void ValidateProperty (ReadOnlySpan< char > propertyName)
static void ValidateValue (ReadOnlySpan< char > value)
static void ValidatePropertyAndValue (ReadOnlySpan< char > propertyName, ReadOnlySpan< byte > value)
static void ValidatePropertyAndValue (ReadOnlySpan< byte > propertyName, ReadOnlySpan< char > value)
static void ValidatePropertyAndValue (ReadOnlySpan< byte > propertyName, ReadOnlySpan< byte > value)
static void ValidatePropertyAndValue (ReadOnlySpan< char > propertyName, ReadOnlySpan< char > value)
static void ValidatePropertyAndBytes (ReadOnlySpan< char > propertyName, ReadOnlySpan< byte > bytes)
static void ValidatePropertyAndBytes (ReadOnlySpan< byte > propertyName, ReadOnlySpan< byte > bytes)
static void WriteDateTimeTrimmed (Span< byte > buffer, DateTime value, out int bytesWritten)
static void WriteDateTimeOffsetTrimmed (Span< byte > buffer, DateTimeOffset value, out int bytesWritten)
static void TrimDateTimeOffset (Span< byte > buffer, out int bytesWritten)
static int NeedsEscaping (ReadOnlySpan< byte > value, JavaScriptEncoder encoder)
static unsafe int NeedsEscaping (ReadOnlySpan< char > value, JavaScriptEncoder encoder)
static int GetMaxEscapedLength (int textLength, int firstIndexToEscape)
static void EscapeString (ReadOnlySpan< byte > value, Span< byte > destination, int indexOfFirstByteToEscape, JavaScriptEncoder encoder, out int written)
static void EscapeString (ReadOnlySpan< char > value, Span< char > destination, int indexOfFirstByteToEscape, JavaScriptEncoder encoder, out int written)
static unsafe OperationStatus ToUtf8 (ReadOnlySpan< byte > utf16Source, Span< byte > utf8Destination, out int bytesConsumed, out int bytesWritten)

Static Package Functions

static void ValidateNumber (ReadOnlySpan< byte > utf8FormattedNumber)


static ReadOnlySpan< byte > AllowList [get]

Static Private Member Functions

static bool NeedsEscaping (byte value)
static bool NeedsEscapingNoBoundsCheck (char value)
static void EscapeString (ReadOnlySpan< byte > value, Span< byte > destination, JavaScriptEncoder encoder, ref int written)
static void EscapeNextBytes (byte value, Span< byte > destination, ref int written)
static bool IsAsciiValue (byte value)
static bool IsAsciiValue (char value)
static void EscapeString (ReadOnlySpan< char > value, Span< char > destination, JavaScriptEncoder encoder, ref int written)
static void EscapeNextChars (char value, Span< char > destination, ref int written)
static unsafe int PtrDiff (char *a, char *b)
static unsafe int PtrDiff (byte *a, byte *b)

Static Private Attributes

static readonly StandardFormat s_dateTimeStandardFormat = new StandardFormat('O')
static readonly StandardFormat s_hexStandardFormat = new StandardFormat('X', 4)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 9 of file JsonWriterHelper.cs.

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