Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
Terraria.ID.DustID Class Reference

Static Public Attributes

const short Dirt = 0
const short Stone = 1
const short Grass = 2
const short GrassBlades = 3
const short TintableDust = 4
const short Blood = 5
const short Torch = 6
const short Iron = 8
const short Copper = 9
const short Gold = 10
const short Silver = 11
const short LifeCrystal = 12
const short Cloud = 16
const short CorruptPlants = 17
const short CorruptGibs = 18
const short Bone = 26
const short Shadowflame = 27
const short WaterCandle = 29
const short Web = 30
const short Smoke = 31
const short Sand = 32
const short Lava = 35
const short Ash = 36
const short JunglePlants = 40
const short TintableDustLighted = 43
const short HallowedPlants = 47
const short BlueTorch = 59
const short RedTorch = 60
const short GreenTorch = 61
const short PurpleTorch = 62
const short WhiteTorch = 63
const short YellowTorch = 64
const short DemonTorch = 65
const short RainbowTorch = 66
const short BlueCrystalShard = 68
const short PinkCrystalShard = 69
const short PurpleCrystalShard = 70
const short CursedTorch = 75
const short Ice = 80
const short Tin = 81
const short Lead = 82
const short Tungsten = 83
const short Platinum = 84
const short GreenMoss = 93
const short BrownMoss = 94
const short RedMoss = 95
const short BlueMoss = 96
const short PurpleMoss = 97
const short Terra = 107
const short PureSpray = 110
const short HallowSpray = 111
const short CorruptSpray = 112
const short MushroomSpray = 113
const short CrimsonSpray = 114
const short Crimson = 115
const short CrimsonPlants = 125
const short Flare = 127
const short IceTorch = 135
const short Confetti = 139
const short TintablePaint = 143
const short Honey = 152
const short UltraBrightTorch = 156
const short OrangeTorch = 158
const short IchorTorch = 169
const short BlueFlare = 187
const short SnowflakeIce = 197
const short Fireworks = 219
const short Electric = 226
const short GoldFlame = 228
const short Vortex = 229
const short BoneTorch = 234
const short Marble = 236
const short Mothron = 237
const short MothronEgg = 238
const short Silk = 239
const short Granite = 240
const short MarblePot = 241
const short PinkTorch = 242
const short PinkSlime = 243
const short CopperCoin = 244
const short SilverCoin = 245
const short GoldCoin = 246
const short PlatinumCoin = 247
const short EnchantedNightcrawler = 248
const short Grubby = 249
const short Sluggy = 250
const short Buggy = 251
const short CrystalPulse = 254
const short CrystalPulse2 = 255
const short ToxicBubble = 256
const short BubbleBlock = 257
const short LavaMoss = 258
const short SolarFlare = 259
const short SparksMech = 260
const short AncientLight = 261
const short AmberBolt = 262
const short PortalBolt = 263
const short PortalBoltTrail = 264
const short LunarOre = 265
const short SomethingRed = 266
const short RainbowMk2 = 267
const short Sandstorm = 268
const short Sandnado = 269
const short FlameBurst = 270
const short HealingPlus = 271
const short WitherLightning = 272
const short GreenBlood = 273
const short ApprenticeStorm = 274
const short DungeonBlue = 275
const short DungeonGreen = 276
const short DungeonPink = 277
const short FireworksRGB = 278
const short SilverFlame = 279
const short BeachShell = 280
const short RedStarfish = 281
const short PinkStarfish = 282
const short YellowStarfish = 283
const short FoodPiece = 284
const short GolfPaticle = 285
const short OrangeStainedGlass = 286
const short DesertPot = 287
const short DesertWater2 = 288
const short SeaOatsOasis = 289
const short SeaOatsBeach = 290
const short OasisCactus = 291
const short YellowStarDust = 292
const short DesertTorch = 293
const short CoralTorch = 294
const short CorruptTorch = 295
const short CrimsonTorch = 296
const short HallowedTorch = 297
const short JungleTorch = 298
const short KryptonMoss = 299
const short XenonMoss = 300
const short ArgonMoss = 301
const short Terragrim = 302
const short SteampunkSteam = 303
const short Firefly = 304
const short VioletMoss = 305
const short SparkForLightDisc = 306
const short MushroomTorch = 307
const short ShimmerSplash = 308
const short ShimmerSpark = 309
const short ShimmerTorch = 310
const short SandSpray = 311
const short SnowSpray = 312
const short DirtSpray = 313
const short LunarRust = 314
const short DarkCelestial = 315
const short Astra = 316
const short CosmicEmber = 317
const short Cryocore = 318
const short Mercury = 319
const short StarRoyale = 320
const short Heavenforge = 321
const short Poop = 322
const short MoonBoulder = 323
static readonly short Count = 324
const short t_BorealWood = 214
const short t_Slime = 4
const short t_SteampunkMetal = 8
const short t_LivingWood = 78
const short t_Honey = 147
const short t_Cactus = 40
const short t_Martian = 226
const short t_Meteor = 23
const short t_Granite = 240
const short t_Marble = 236
const short t_Crystal = 68
const short t_Golden = 10
const short t_PearlWood = 78
const short t_Lihzahrd = 148
const short t_Flesh = 5
const short t_Frozen = 80
const short GemAmethyst = 86
const short GemTopaz = 87
const short GemSapphire = 88
const short GemEmerald = 89
const short GemRuby = 90
const short GemDiamond = 91
const short GemAmber = 138

Detailed Description

Definition at line 3 of file DustID.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: