Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
Interop.Globalization Class Reference

Package Types

enum  ResultCode { Success , UnknownError , InsufficentBuffer , OutOfMemory }

Package Functions

static int GetCalendars (string localeName, CalendarId[] calendars, int calendarsCapacity)
static unsafe ResultCode GetCalendarInfo (string localeName, CalendarId calendarId, CalendarDataType calendarDataType, char *result, int resultCapacity)
static unsafe bool EnumCalendarInfo (delegate *unmanaged< char *, IntPtr, void > callback, string localeName, CalendarId calendarId, CalendarDataType calendarDataType, IntPtr context)
static int GetLatestJapaneseEra ()
static bool GetJapaneseEraStartDate (int era, out int startYear, out int startMonth, out int startDay)
static unsafe void ChangeCase (char *src, int srcLen, char *dstBuffer, int dstBufferCapacity, bool bToUpper)
static unsafe void ChangeCaseInvariant (char *src, int srcLen, char *dstBuffer, int dstBufferCapacity, bool bToUpper)
static unsafe void ChangeCaseTurkish (char *src, int srcLen, char *dstBuffer, int dstBufferCapacity, bool bToUpper)
static unsafe void InitOrdinalCasingPage (int pageNumber, char *pTarget)
static ResultCode GetSortHandle (string localeName, out IntPtr sortHandle)
static void CloseSortHandle (IntPtr handle)
static unsafe int CompareString (IntPtr sortHandle, char *lpStr1, int cwStr1Len, char *lpStr2, int cwStr2Len, CompareOptions options)
static unsafe int IndexOf (IntPtr sortHandle, char *target, int cwTargetLength, char *pSource, int cwSourceLength, CompareOptions options, int *matchLengthPtr)
static unsafe int LastIndexOf (IntPtr sortHandle, char *target, int cwTargetLength, char *pSource, int cwSourceLength, CompareOptions options, int *matchLengthPtr)
static unsafe bool StartsWith (IntPtr sortHandle, char *target, int cwTargetLength, char *source, int cwSourceLength, CompareOptions options, int *matchedLength)
static unsafe bool EndsWith (IntPtr sortHandle, char *target, int cwTargetLength, char *source, int cwSourceLength, CompareOptions options, int *matchedLength)
static unsafe int GetSortKey (IntPtr sortHandle, char *str, int strLength, byte *sortKey, int sortKeyLength, CompareOptions options)
static int GetSortVersion (IntPtr sortHandle)
static int LoadICU ()
static void InitICUFunctions (IntPtr icuuc, IntPtr icuin, string version, string suffix)
static int GetICUVersion ()
static unsafe int ToAscii (uint flags, char *src, int srcLen, char *dstBuffer, int dstBufferCapacity)
static unsafe int ToUnicode (uint flags, char *src, int srcLen, char *dstBuffer, int dstBufferCapacity)
static unsafe bool GetLocaleName (string localeName, char *value, int valueLength)
static unsafe bool GetLocaleInfoString (string localeName, uint localeStringData, char *value, int valueLength, string uiLocaleName=null)
static bool IsPredefinedLocale (string localeName)
static unsafe bool GetLocaleTimeFormat (string localeName, bool shortFormat, char *value, int valueLength)
static bool GetLocaleInfoInt (string localeName, uint localeNumberData, ref int value)
static bool GetLocaleInfoGroupingSizes (string localeName, uint localeGroupingData, ref int primaryGroupSize, ref int secondaryGroupSize)
static int GetLocales ([Out] char[] value, int valueLength)
static unsafe int IsNormalized (NormalizationForm normalizationForm, char *src, int srcLen)
static unsafe int NormalizeString (NormalizationForm normalizationForm, char *src, int srcLen, char *dstBuffer, int dstBufferCapacity)
static unsafe int WindowsIdToIanaId (string windowsId, IntPtr region, char *ianaId, int ianaIdLength)
static unsafe int IanaIdToWindowsId (string ianaId, char *windowsId, int windowsIdLength)

Static Package Functions

static void InitICUFunctions (IntPtr icuuc, IntPtr icuin, ReadOnlySpan< char > version, ReadOnlySpan< char > suffix)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 30 of file Interop.cs.

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