Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Data.ExceptionBuilder Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static Exception ArgumentNull (string paramName)
static Exception ArgumentOutOfRange (string paramName)
static Exception BadObjectPropertyAccess (string error)
static Exception ArgumentContainsNull (string paramName)
static Exception TypeNotAllowed (Type type)
static Exception CannotModifyCollection ()
static Exception CaseInsensitiveNameConflict (string name)
static Exception NamespaceNameConflict (string name)
static Exception InvalidOffsetLength ()
static Exception ColumnNotInTheTable (string column, string table)
static Exception ColumnNotInAnyTable ()
static Exception ColumnOutOfRange (int index)
static Exception ColumnOutOfRange (string column)
static Exception CannotAddColumn1 (string column)
static Exception CannotAddColumn2 (string column)
static Exception CannotAddColumn3 ()
static Exception CannotAddColumn4 (string column)
static Exception CannotAddDuplicate (string column)
static Exception CannotAddDuplicate2 (string table)
static Exception CannotAddDuplicate3 (string table)
static Exception CannotRemoveColumn ()
static Exception CannotRemovePrimaryKey ()
static Exception CannotRemoveChildKey (string relation)
static Exception CannotRemoveConstraint (string constraint, string table)
static Exception CannotRemoveExpression (string column, string expression)
static Exception ColumnNotInTheUnderlyingTable (string column, string table)
static Exception InvalidOrdinal (string name, int ordinal)
static Exception AddPrimaryKeyConstraint ()
static Exception NoConstraintName ()
static Exception ConstraintViolation (string constraint)
static Exception ConstraintNotInTheTable (string constraint)
static string KeysToString (object[] keys)
static string UniqueConstraintViolationText (DataColumn[] columns, object[] values)
static Exception ConstraintViolation (DataColumn[] columns, object[] values)
static Exception ConstraintOutOfRange (int index)
static Exception DuplicateConstraint (string constraint)
static Exception DuplicateConstraintName (string constraint)
static Exception NeededForForeignKeyConstraint (UniqueConstraint key, ForeignKeyConstraint fk)
static Exception UniqueConstraintViolation ()
static Exception ConstraintForeignTable ()
static Exception ConstraintParentValues ()
static Exception ConstraintAddFailed (DataTable table)
static Exception ConstraintRemoveFailed ()
static Exception FailedCascadeDelete (string constraint)
static Exception FailedCascadeUpdate (string constraint)
static Exception FailedClearParentTable (string table, string constraint, string childTable)
static Exception ForeignKeyViolation (string constraint, object[] keys)
static Exception RemoveParentRow (ForeignKeyConstraint constraint)
static string MaxLengthViolationText (string columnName)
static string NotAllowDBNullViolationText (string columnName)
static Exception CantAddConstraintToMultipleNestedTable (string tableName)
static Exception AutoIncrementAndExpression ()
static Exception AutoIncrementAndDefaultValue ()
static Exception AutoIncrementSeed ()
static Exception CantChangeDataType ()
static Exception NullDataType ()
static Exception ColumnNameRequired ()
static Exception DefaultValueAndAutoIncrement ()
static Exception DefaultValueDataType (string column, Type defaultType, Type columnType, Exception inner)
static Exception DefaultValueColumnDataType (string column, Type defaultType, Type columnType, Exception inner)
static Exception ExpressionAndUnique ()
static Exception ExpressionAndReadOnly ()
static Exception ExpressionAndConstraint (DataColumn column, Constraint constraint)
static Exception ExpressionInConstraint (DataColumn column)
static Exception ExpressionCircular ()
static Exception NonUniqueValues (string column)
static Exception NullKeyValues (string column)
static Exception NullValues (string column)
static Exception ReadOnlyAndExpression ()
static Exception ReadOnly (string column)
static Exception UniqueAndExpression ()
static Exception SetFailed (object value, DataColumn column, Type type, Exception innerException)
static Exception CannotSetToNull (DataColumn column)
static Exception LongerThanMaxLength (DataColumn column)
static Exception CannotSetMaxLength (DataColumn column, int value)
static Exception CannotSetMaxLength2 (DataColumn column)
static Exception CannotSetSimpleContentType (string columnName, Type type)
static Exception CannotSetSimpleContent (string columnName, Type type)
static Exception CannotChangeNamespace (string columnName)
static Exception HasToBeStringType (DataColumn column)
static Exception AutoIncrementCannotSetIfHasData (string typeName)
static Exception INullableUDTwithoutStaticNull (string typeName)
static Exception IComparableNotImplemented (string typeName)
static Exception UDTImplementsIChangeTrackingButnotIRevertible (string typeName)
static Exception SetAddedAndModifiedCalledOnnonUnchanged ()
static Exception InvalidDataColumnMapping (Type type)
static Exception CannotSetDateTimeModeForNonDateTimeColumns ()
static Exception InvalidDateTimeMode (DataSetDateTime mode)
static Exception CantChangeDateTimeMode (DataSetDateTime oldValue, DataSetDateTime newValue)
static Exception ColumnTypeNotSupported ()
static Exception SetFailed (string name)
static Exception SetDataSetFailed ()
static Exception SetRowStateFilter ()
static Exception CanNotSetDataSet ()
static Exception CanNotUseDataViewManager ()
static Exception CanNotSetTable ()
static Exception CanNotUse ()
static Exception CanNotBindTable ()
static Exception SetTable ()
static Exception SetIListObject ()
static Exception AddNewNotAllowNull ()
static Exception NotOpen ()
static Exception CreateChildView ()
static Exception CanNotDelete ()
static Exception CanNotEdit ()
static Exception GetElementIndex (int index)
static Exception AddExternalObject ()
static Exception CanNotClear ()
static Exception InsertExternalObject ()
static Exception RemoveExternalObject ()
static Exception PropertyNotFound (string property, string table)
static Exception ColumnToSortIsOutOfRange (string column)
static Exception KeyTableMismatch ()
static Exception KeyNoColumns ()
static Exception KeyTooManyColumns (int cols)
static Exception KeyDuplicateColumns (string columnName)
static Exception RelationDataSetMismatch ()
static Exception NoRelationName ()
static Exception ColumnsTypeMismatch ()
static Exception KeyLengthMismatch ()
static Exception KeyLengthZero ()
static Exception ForeignRelation ()
static Exception KeyColumnsIdentical ()
static Exception RelationForeignTable (string t1, string t2)
static Exception GetParentRowTableMismatch (string t1, string t2)
static Exception SetParentRowTableMismatch (string t1, string t2)
static Exception RelationForeignRow ()
static Exception RelationNestedReadOnly ()
static Exception TableCantBeNestedInTwoTables (string tableName)
static Exception LoopInNestedRelations (string tableName)
static Exception RelationDoesNotExist ()
static Exception ParentRowNotInTheDataSet ()
static Exception ParentOrChildColumnsDoNotHaveDataSet ()
static Exception InValidNestedRelation (string childTableName)
static Exception InvalidParentNamespaceinNestedRelation (string childTableName)
static Exception RowNotInTheDataSet ()
static Exception RowNotInTheTable ()
static Exception EditInRowChanging ()
static Exception EndEditInRowChanging ()
static Exception BeginEditInRowChanging ()
static Exception CancelEditInRowChanging ()
static Exception DeleteInRowDeleting ()
static Exception ValueArrayLength ()
static Exception NoCurrentData ()
static Exception NoOriginalData ()
static Exception NoProposedData ()
static Exception RowRemovedFromTheTable ()
static Exception DeletedRowInaccessible ()
static Exception RowAlreadyDeleted ()
static Exception RowEmpty ()
static Exception InvalidRowVersion ()
static Exception RowOutOfRange ()
static Exception RowOutOfRange (int index)
static Exception RowInsertOutOfRange (int index)
static Exception RowInsertTwice (int index, string tableName)
static Exception RowInsertMissing (string tableName)
static Exception RowAlreadyRemoved ()
static Exception MultipleParents ()
static Exception InvalidRowState (DataRowState state)
static Exception InvalidRowBitPattern ()
static Exception DataSetUnsupportedSchema (string ns)
static Exception MergeMissingDefinition (string obj)
static Exception TablesInDifferentSets ()
static Exception RelationAlreadyExists ()
static Exception RowAlreadyInOtherCollection ()
static Exception RowAlreadyInTheCollection ()
static Exception TableMissingPrimaryKey ()
static Exception RecordStateRange ()
static Exception IndexKeyLength (int length, int keyLength)
static Exception RemovePrimaryKey (DataTable table)
static Exception RelationAlreadyInOtherDataSet ()
static Exception RelationAlreadyInTheDataSet ()
static Exception RelationNotInTheDataSet (string relation)
static Exception RelationOutOfRange (object index)
static Exception DuplicateRelation (string relation)
static Exception RelationTableNull ()
static Exception RelationDataSetNull ()
static Exception RelationTableWasRemoved ()
static Exception ParentTableMismatch ()
static Exception ChildTableMismatch ()
static Exception EnforceConstraint ()
static Exception CaseLocaleMismatch ()
static Exception CannotChangeCaseLocale ()
static Exception CannotChangeCaseLocale (Exception innerException)
static Exception CannotChangeSchemaSerializationMode ()
static Exception InvalidSchemaSerializationMode (Type enumType, string mode)
static Exception InvalidRemotingFormat (SerializationFormat mode)
static Exception TableForeignPrimaryKey ()
static Exception TableCannotAddToSimpleContent ()
static Exception NoTableName ()
static Exception MultipleTextOnlyColumns ()
static Exception InvalidSortString (string sort)
static Exception DuplicateTableName (string table)
static Exception DuplicateTableName2 (string table, string ns)
static Exception SelfnestedDatasetConflictingName (string table)
static Exception DatasetConflictingName (string table)
static Exception TableAlreadyInOtherDataSet ()
static Exception TableAlreadyInTheDataSet ()
static Exception TableOutOfRange (int index)
static Exception TableNotInTheDataSet (string table)
static Exception TableInRelation ()
static Exception TableInConstraint (DataTable table, Constraint constraint)
static Exception CanNotSerializeDataTableHierarchy ()
static Exception CanNotRemoteDataTable ()
static Exception CanNotSetRemotingFormat ()
static Exception CanNotSerializeDataTableWithEmptyName ()
static Exception TableNotFound (string tableName)
static Exception AggregateException (AggregateType aggregateType, Type type)
static Exception InvalidStorageType (TypeCode typecode)
static Exception RangeArgument (int min, int max)
static Exception NullRange ()
static Exception NegativeMinimumCapacity ()
static Exception ProblematicChars (char charValue)
static Exception StorageSetFailed ()
static Exception SimpleTypeNotSupported ()
static Exception MissingAttribute (string attribute)
static Exception MissingAttribute (string element, string attribute)
static Exception InvalidAttributeValue (string name, string value)
static Exception AttributeValues (string name, string value1, string value2)
static Exception ElementTypeNotFound (string name)
static Exception RelationParentNameMissing (string rel)
static Exception RelationChildNameMissing (string rel)
static Exception RelationTableKeyMissing (string rel)
static Exception RelationChildKeyMissing (string rel)
static Exception UndefinedDatatype (string name)
static Exception DatatypeNotDefined ()
static Exception MismatchKeyLength ()
static Exception InvalidField (string name)
static Exception InvalidSelector (string name)
static Exception CircularComplexType (string name)
static Exception CannotInstantiateAbstract (string name)
static Exception InvalidKey (string name)
static Exception DiffgramMissingSQL ()
static Exception DuplicateConstraintRead (string str)
static Exception ColumnTypeConflict (string name)
static Exception CannotConvert (string name, string type)
static Exception MissingRefer (string name)
static Exception InvalidPrefix (string name)
static Exception CanNotDeserializeObjectType ()
static Exception IsDataSetAttributeMissingInSchema ()
static Exception TooManyIsDataSetAttributesInSchema ()
static Exception NestedCircular (string name)
static Exception MultipleParentRows (string tableQName)
static Exception PolymorphismNotSupported (string typeName)
static Exception DataTableInferenceNotSupported ()
static Exception DuplicateDeclaration (string name)
static Exception FoundEntity ()
static Exception MergeFailed (string name)
static Exception ConvertFailed (Type type1, Type type2)
static Exception InvalidDataTableReader (string tableName)
static Exception DataTableReaderSchemaIsInvalid (string tableName)
static Exception CannotCreateDataReaderOnEmptyDataSet ()
static Exception DataTableReaderArgumentIsEmpty ()
static Exception ArgumentContainsNullValue ()
static Exception InvalidCurrentRowInDataTableReader ()
static Exception EmptyDataTableReader (string tableName)
static Exception EnumeratorModified ()

Static Package Functions

static Exception TraceExceptionAsReturnValue (Exception e)
static Exception TraceExceptionForCapture (Exception e)
static Exception TraceExceptionWithoutRethrow (Exception e)
static Exception _Argument (string error)
static Exception _Argument (string paramName, string error)
static Exception _Argument (string error, Exception innerException)
static Exception _ArgumentOutOfRange (string paramName, string msg)
static Exception SetDataSetNameToEmpty ()
static Exception SetDataSetNameConflicting (string name)
static void ThrowMultipleTargetConverter (Exception innerException)
static Exception InvalidDuplicateNamedSimpleTypeDelaration (string stName, string errorStr)
static Exception InternalRBTreeError (RBTreeError internalError)

Static Private Member Functions

static void TraceException (string trace, Exception e)
static Exception _ArgumentNull (string paramName, string msg)
static Exception _IndexOutOfRange (string error)
static Exception _InvalidOperation (string error)
static Exception _InvalidEnumArgumentException (string error)
static Exception _InvalidEnumArgumentException< T > (T value)
static void ThrowDataException (string error, Exception innerException)
static Exception _Data (string error)
static Exception _Constraint (string error)
static Exception _InvalidConstraint (string error)
static Exception _DeletedRowInaccessible (string error)
static Exception _DuplicateName (string error)
static Exception _InRowChangingEvent (string error)
static Exception _MissingPrimaryKey (string error)
static Exception _NoNullAllowed (string error)
static Exception _ReadOnly (string error)
static Exception _RowNotInTable (string error)
static Exception _VersionNotFound (string error)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 7 of file ExceptionBuilder.cs.

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