Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSubstitutionGroupV1Compat Class Referencesealed

Package Functions

virtual void OnAdd (XmlSchemaObjectCollection container, object item)
virtual void OnRemove (XmlSchemaObjectCollection container, object item)
virtual void OnClear (XmlSchemaObjectCollection container)
virtual void SetUnhandledAttributes (XmlAttribute[] moreAttributes)
virtual void AddAnnotation (XmlSchemaAnnotation annotation)
virtual XmlSchemaObject Clone ()


XmlSchemaChoice Choice [get]
ArrayList Members [get]
XmlQualifiedName Examplar [get, set]
int LineNumber [get, set]
int LinePosition [get, set]
stringSourceUri [get, set]
XmlSchemaObjectParent [get, set]
XmlSerializerNamespaces Namespaces [get, set]
virtual ? string IdAttribute [get, set]
virtual ? string NameAttribute [get, set]
bool IsProcessing [get, set]

Private Attributes

readonly XmlSchemaChoice _choice = new XmlSchemaChoice()
readonly ArrayList _membersList = new ArrayList()
XmlQualifiedName _examplar = XmlQualifiedName.Empty
int _lineNum
int _linePos
string _sourceUri
XmlSerializerNamespaces _namespaces
XmlSchemaObject _parent
bool _isProcessing

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file XmlSchemaSubstitutionGroupV1Compat.cs.

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