Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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Terraria.GameContent.Creative.CreativePowers.ASharedTogglePower Class Referenceabstract

Public Member Functions

void SetPowerInfo (bool enabled)
void Reset ()
void OnPlayerJoining (int playerIndex)
void DeserializeNetMessage (BinaryReader reader, int userId)
void ProvidePowerButtons (CreativePowerUIElementRequestInfo info, List< UIElement > elements)
bool GetIsUnlocked ()

Package Functions

void CustomizeButton (UIElement button)
string GetButtonTextKey ()


ushort PowerId [get, set]
string ServerConfigName [get, set]
PowerPermissionLevel CurrentPermissionLevel [get, set]
PowerPermissionLevel DefaultPermissionLevel [get, set]
bool Enabled [get, private set]

Private Member Functions

void RequestUse ()
void button_OnUpdate (UIElement affectedElement)
void button_OnClick (UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 452 of file CreativePowers.cs.

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