Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.Net.HttpListenerRequest Class Referencesealed


class  Helpers

Public Member Functions

X509Certificate2GetClientCertificate ()
IAsyncResult BeginGetClientCertificate (AsyncCallback? requestCallback, object? state)
Task< X509Certificate2?> GetClientCertificateAsync ()
X509Certificate2EndGetClientCertificate (IAsyncResult asyncResult)

Package Functions

unsafe HttpListenerRequest (HttpListenerContext httpContext, RequestContextBase memoryBlob)
void DetachBlob (RequestContextBase memoryBlob)
void ReleasePins ()
void SetClientCertificateError (int clientCertificateError)
void Close ()
ChannelBinding GetChannelBinding ()
void CheckDisposed ()

Package Attributes

ulong _connectionId


string?[] AcceptTypes [get]
string?[] UserLanguages [get]
CookieCollection Cookies [get]
Encoding ContentEncoding [get]
stringContentType [get]
bool IsLocal [get]
bool IsWebSocketRequest [get]
bool KeepAlive [get]
NameValueCollection QueryString [get]
stringRawUrl [get]
string RequestScheme [get]
string UserAgent [get]
string UserHostAddress [get]
string UserHostName [get]
UriUrlReferrer [get]
UriUrl [get]
Version ProtocolVersion [get]
ListenerClientCertState ClientCertState [get, set]
X509Certificate2ClientCertificate [get, set]
int ClientCertificateError [get]
HttpListenerContext HttpListenerContext [get]
IntPtr RequestBuffer [get]
IntPtr OriginalBlobAddress [get]
ulong RequestId [get]
unsafe Guid RequestTraceIdentifier [get]
long ContentLength64 [get]
NameValueCollection Headers [get]
string HttpMethod [get]
Stream InputStream [get]
bool IsAuthenticated [get]
bool IsSecureConnection [get]
stringServiceName [get, set]
TransportContext TransportContext [get]
bool HasEntityBody [get]
IPEndPoint RemoteEndPoint [get]
IPEndPoint LocalEndPoint [get]
Uri RequestUri [get]
bool SupportsWebSockets [get]

Private Types

enum  SslStatus : byte { Insecure , NoClientCert , ClientCert }

Private Member Functions

CookieCollection ParseCookies (Uri uri, string setCookieHeader)
int GetClientCertificateErrorCore ()
unsafe ListenerClientCertAsyncResult BeginGetClientCertificateCore (AsyncCallback requestCallback, object state)
unsafe void GetClientCertificateCore ()

Private Attributes

CookieCollection _cookies
string _rawUrl
Uri _requestUri
Version _version
readonly ulong _requestId
readonly SslStatus _sslStatus
readonly string _cookedUrlHost
readonly string _cookedUrlPath
readonly string _cookedUrlQuery
long _contentLength
Stream _requestStream
string _httpMethod
WebHeaderCollection _webHeaders
IPEndPoint _localEndPoint
IPEndPoint _remoteEndPoint
BoundaryType _boundaryType
int _clientCertificateError
RequestContextBase _memoryBlob
readonly HttpListenerContext _httpContext
bool _isDisposed
string _serviceName

Detailed Description

Definition at line 17 of file HttpListenerRequest.cs.

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