Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.Globalization.CalendarData Class Referencesealed


struct  EnumData
struct  IcuEnumCalendarsData
struct  NlsEnumCalendarsData

Package Functions

 CalendarData (string localeName, CalendarId calendarId, bool bUseUserOverrides)

Static Package Functions

static int GetCalendarCurrentEra (Calendar calendar)
static int IcuGetTwoDigitYearMax (CalendarId calendarId)
static int IcuGetCalendars (string localeName, CalendarId[] calendars)
static bool EnumCalendarInfo (string localeName, CalendarId calendarId, CalendarDataType dataType, out string[] calendarData)
static int NlsGetTwoDigitYearMax (CalendarId calendarId)
static int GetCalendarsCore (string localeName, bool useUserOverride, CalendarId[] calendars)

Package Attributes

string sNativeName
string[] saShortDates
string[] saYearMonths
string[] saLongDates
string sMonthDay
string[] saEraNames
string[] saAbbrevEraNames
string[] saAbbrevEnglishEraNames
string[] saDayNames
string[] saAbbrevDayNames
string[] saSuperShortDayNames
string[] saMonthNames
string[] saAbbrevMonthNames
string[] saMonthGenitiveNames
string[] saAbbrevMonthGenitiveNames
string[] saLeapYearMonthNames
int iTwoDigitYearMax = 2029
bool bUseUserOverrides

Static Package Attributes

static readonly CalendarData Invariant = CreateInvariant()

Private Member Functions

 CalendarData ()
void InitializeEraNames (string localeName, CalendarId calendarId)
void InitializeAbbreviatedEraNames (string localeName, CalendarId calendarId)
bool IcuLoadCalendarDataFromSystem (string localeName, CalendarId calendarId)
bool LoadCalendarDataFromSystemCore (string localeName, CalendarId calendarId)
void InsertOrSwapOverride (string value, ref string[] destination)
bool NlsLoadCalendarDataFromSystem (string localeName, CalendarId calendarId)

Static Private Member Functions

static CalendarData CreateInvariant ()
static string CalendarIdToCultureName (CalendarId calendarId)
static bool SystemSupportsTaiwaneseCalendar ()
static bool IcuSystemSupportsTaiwaneseCalendar ()
static unsafe bool GetCalendarInfo (string localeName, CalendarId calendarId, CalendarDataType dataType, out string calendarString)
static bool EnumDatePatterns (string localeName, CalendarId calendarId, CalendarDataType dataType, out string[] datePatterns)
static void FixDefaultShortDatePattern (List< string > shortDatePatterns)
static string NormalizeDatePattern (string input)
static void NormalizeDayOfWeek (string input, StringBuilder destination, ref int index)
static int CountOccurrences (string input, char value, ref int index)
static bool EnumMonthNames (string localeName, CalendarId calendarId, CalendarDataType dataType, out string[] monthNames, ref string leapHebrewMonthName)
static bool EnumEraNames (string localeName, CalendarId calendarId, CalendarDataType dataType, out string[] eraNames)
static unsafe bool EnumCalendarInfo (string localeName, CalendarId calendarId, CalendarDataType dataType, ref IcuEnumCalendarsData callbackContext)
static unsafe void EnumCalendarInfoCallback (char *calendarStringPtr, IntPtr context)
static bool NlsSystemSupportsTaiwaneseCalendar ()
static bool CallGetCalendarInfoEx (string localeName, CalendarId calendar, uint calType, out int data)
static unsafe bool CallGetCalendarInfoEx (string localeName, CalendarId calendar, uint calType, out string data)
static unsafe Interop.BOOL EnumCalendarInfoCallback (char *lpCalendarInfoString, uint calendar, IntPtr pReserved, void *lParam)
static unsafe Interop.BOOL EnumCalendarsCallback (char *lpCalendarInfoString, uint calendar, IntPtr reserved, void *lParam)
static void NormalizeCalendarId (ref CalendarId calendarId, ref string localeName)
static void CheckSpecialCalendar (ref CalendarId calendar, ref string localeName)
static unsafe bool CallEnumCalendarInfo (string localeName, CalendarId calendar, uint calType, uint lcType, out string[] data)
static bool GetCalendarDayInfo (string localeName, CalendarId calendar, uint calType, out string[] outputStrings)
static bool GetCalendarMonthInfo (string localeName, CalendarId calendar, uint calType, out string[] outputStrings)
static unsafe int NlsGetCalendars (string localeName, bool useUserOverride, CalendarId[] calendars)

Private Attributes

int iCurrentEra

Detailed Description

Definition at line 8 of file CalendarData.cs.

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