Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.Net.Mail.SmtpConnection Class Referencesealed


class  AuthenticateCallbackContext
class  ConnectAndHandshakeAsyncResult

Package Functions

 SmtpConnection (SmtpTransport parent, SmtpClient client, ICredentialsByHost credentials, ISmtpAuthenticationModule[] authenticationModules)
void InitializeConnection (string host, int port)
IAsyncResult BeginInitializeConnection (string host, int port, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
void EndInitializeConnection (IAsyncResult result)
IAsyncResult BeginGetConnection (System.Net.ContextAwareResult outerResult, AsyncCallback callback, object state, string host, int port)
IAsyncResult BeginFlush (AsyncCallback callback, object state)
void EndFlush (IAsyncResult result)
void Flush ()
void ReleaseConnection ()
void Abort ()
void GetConnection (string host, int port)
void EndGetConnection (IAsyncResult result)
Stream GetClosableStream ()
void ParseExtensions (string[] extensions)
bool AuthSupported (ISmtpAuthenticationModule module)

Package Attributes

SmtpTransport _parent
TcpClient _tcpClient


BufferBuilder BufferBuilder [get]
bool IsConnected [get]
bool IsStreamOpen [get]
SmtpReplyReaderFactory Reader [get]
bool EnableSsl [get, set]
X509CertificateCollection ClientCertificates [set]
bool DSNEnabled [get]
bool ServerSupportsEai [get]

Private Member Functions

void ShutdownConnection (bool isAbort)
Authorization SetContextAndTryAuthenticate (ISmtpAuthenticationModule module, NetworkCredential credential, System.Net.ContextAwareResult context)
void OnClose (object sender, EventArgs args)

Static Private Member Functions

static void AuthenticateCallback (object state)

Private Attributes

readonly BufferBuilder _bufferBuilder = new BufferBuilder()
bool _isConnected
bool _isClosed
bool _isStreamOpen
readonly EventHandler _onCloseHandler
readonly SmtpClient _client
NetworkStream _networkStream
SmtpReplyReaderFactory _responseReader
readonly ICredentialsByHost _credentials
string[] _extensions
bool _enableSsl
X509CertificateCollection _clientCertificates
bool _serverSupportsEai
bool _dsnEnabled
bool _serverSupportsStartTls
bool _sawNegotiate
SupportedAuth _supportedAuth
readonly ISmtpAuthenticationModule[] _authenticationModules

Static Private Attributes

static readonly ContextCallback s_AuthenticateCallback = AuthenticateCallback
static readonly char[] s_authExtensionSplitters = new char[2] { ' ', '=' }

Detailed Description

Definition at line 10 of file SmtpConnection.cs.

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