Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.ComponentModel.IBindingListView Interface Reference

Public Member Functions

void ApplySort (ListSortDescriptionCollection sorts)
void RemoveFilter ()
object? AddNew ()
void AddIndex (PropertyDescriptor property)
void ApplySort (PropertyDescriptor property, ListSortDirection direction)
int Find (PropertyDescriptor property, object key)
void RemoveIndex (PropertyDescriptor property)
void RemoveSort ()
int Add (object? value)
bool Contains (object? value)
void Clear ()
int IndexOf (object? value)
void Insert (int index, object? value)
void Remove (object? value)
void RemoveAt (int index)
void CopyTo (Array array, int index)
IEnumerator GetEnumerator ()


stringFilter [get, set]
ListSortDescriptionCollection SortDescriptions [get]
bool SupportsAdvancedSorting [get]
bool SupportsFiltering [get]
bool AllowNew [get]
bool AllowEdit [get]
bool AllowRemove [get]
bool SupportsChangeNotification [get]
bool SupportsSearching [get]
bool SupportsSorting [get]
bool IsSorted [get]
PropertyDescriptorSortProperty [get]
ListSortDirection SortDirection [get]
object? this[int index] [get, set]
bool IsReadOnly [get]
bool IsFixedSize [get]
int Count [get]
object SyncRoot [get]
bool IsSynchronized [get]


ListChangedEventHandler ListChanged

Detailed Description

Definition at line 6 of file IBindingListView.cs.

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