Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings Class Referencesealed

Public Member Functions

 XmlWriterSettings ()
void Reset ()
XmlWriterSettings Clone ()

Package Functions

XmlWriter CreateWriter (string outputFileName)
XmlWriter CreateWriter (Stream output)
XmlWriter CreateWriter (TextWriter output)
XmlWriter CreateWriter (XmlWriter output)
void GetObjectData (XmlQueryDataWriter writer)
 XmlWriterSettings (XmlQueryDataReader reader)

Static Package Attributes

static readonly XmlWriterSettings s_defaultWriterSettings


bool Async [get, set]
Encoding Encoding [get, set]
bool OmitXmlDeclaration [get, set]
NewLineHandling NewLineHandling [get, set]
string NewLineChars [get, set]
bool Indent [get, set]
string IndentChars [get, set]
bool NewLineOnAttributes [get, set]
bool CloseOutput [get, set]
ConformanceLevel ConformanceLevel [get, set]
bool CheckCharacters [get, set]
NamespaceHandling NamespaceHandling [get, set]
bool WriteEndDocumentOnClose [get, set]
XmlOutputMethod OutputMethod [get, set]
List< XmlQualifiedNameCDataSectionElements [get]
bool DoNotEscapeUriAttributes [get, set]
bool MergeCDataSections [get, set]
stringMediaType [get, set]
stringDocTypeSystem [get, set]
stringDocTypePublic [get, set]
XmlStandalone Standalone [get, set]
bool AutoXmlDeclaration [get, set]
TriState IndentInternal [get, set]
bool IsQuerySpecific [get]
bool ReadOnly [get, set]

Private Member Functions

void CheckReadOnly (string propertyName)
void Initialize ()
XmlWriter AddConformanceWrapper (XmlWriter baseWriter)

Private Attributes

bool _useAsync
Encoding _encoding
bool _omitXmlDecl
NewLineHandling _newLineHandling
string _newLineChars
TriState _indent
string _indentChars
bool _newLineOnAttributes
bool _closeOutput
NamespaceHandling _namespaceHandling
ConformanceLevel _conformanceLevel
bool _checkCharacters
bool _writeEndDocumentOnClose
XmlOutputMethod _outputMethod
List< XmlQualifiedName_cdataSections = new List<XmlQualifiedName>()
bool _doNotEscapeUriAttributes
bool _mergeCDataSections
string _mediaType
string _docTypeSystem
string _docTypePublic
XmlStandalone _standalone
bool _autoXmlDecl
bool _isReadOnly

Detailed Description

Definition at line 9 of file XmlWriterSettings.cs.

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