Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Xml.Serialization.StructModel Class Referencesealed

Package Functions

 StructModel ([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All)] Type type, TypeDesc typeDesc, ModelScope scope)
MemberInfo[] GetMemberInfos ()
FieldModel GetFieldModel (MemberInfo memberInfo)

Static Package Functions

static bool CheckPropertyRead (PropertyInfo propertyInfo)


Type Type [get]
ModelScope ModelScope [get]
TypeDesc TypeDesc [get]

Private Member Functions

void CheckSupportedMember (TypeDesc typeDesc, MemberInfo member, Type type)
FieldModel GetFieldModel (FieldInfo fieldInfo)
FieldModel GetPropertyModel (PropertyInfo propertyInfo)

Private Attributes

readonly TypeDesc _typeDesc
readonly Type _type
readonly ModelScope _scope

Detailed Description

Definition at line 6 of file StructModel.cs.

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