Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.MemoryExtensions Class Reference


struct  TryWriteInterpolatedStringHandler

Static Public Member Functions

static Span< TAsSpan< T > (this T[]? array, int start)
static Span< TAsSpan< T > (this T[]? array, Index startIndex)
static Span< TAsSpan< T > (this T[]? array, Range range)
static ReadOnlySpan< char > AsSpan (this string? text)
static ReadOnlySpan< char > AsSpan (this string? text, int start)
static ReadOnlySpan< char > AsSpan (this string? text, int start, int length)
static ReadOnlyMemory< char > AsMemory (this string? text)
static ReadOnlyMemory< char > AsMemory (this string? text, int start)
static ReadOnlyMemory< char > AsMemory (this string? text, Index startIndex)
static ReadOnlyMemory< char > AsMemory (this string? text, int start, int length)
static ReadOnlyMemory< char > AsMemory (this string? text, Range range)
static bool Contains< T > (this Span< T > span, T value)
static bool Contains< T > (this ReadOnlySpan< T > span, T value)
static int IndexOf< T > (this Span< T > span, T value)
static int IndexOf< T > (this Span< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > value)
static int LastIndexOf< T > (this Span< T > span, T value)
static int LastIndexOf< T > (this Span< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > value)
static bool SequenceEqual< T > (this Span< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > other)
static int SequenceCompareTo< T > (this Span< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > other)
static int IndexOf< T > (this ReadOnlySpan< T > span, T value)
static int IndexOf< T > (this ReadOnlySpan< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > value)
static int LastIndexOf< T > (this ReadOnlySpan< T > span, T value)
static int LastIndexOf< T > (this ReadOnlySpan< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > value)
static int IndexOfAny< T > (this Span< T > span, T value0, T value1)
static int IndexOfAny< T > (this Span< T > span, T value0, T value1, T value2)
static int IndexOfAny< T > (this Span< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > values)
static int IndexOfAny< T > (this ReadOnlySpan< T > span, T value0, T value1)
static int IndexOfAny< T > (this ReadOnlySpan< T > span, T value0, T value1, T value2)
static int IndexOfAny< T > (this ReadOnlySpan< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > values)
static int LastIndexOfAny< T > (this Span< T > span, T value0, T value1)
static int LastIndexOfAny< T > (this Span< T > span, T value0, T value1, T value2)
static int LastIndexOfAny< T > (this Span< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > values)
static int LastIndexOfAny< T > (this ReadOnlySpan< T > span, T value0, T value1)
static int LastIndexOfAny< T > (this ReadOnlySpan< T > span, T value0, T value1, T value2)
static int LastIndexOfAny< T > (this ReadOnlySpan< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > values)
static bool SequenceEqual< T > (this ReadOnlySpan< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > other)
static bool SequenceEqual< T > (this Span< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > other, IEqualityComparer< T >? comparer=null)
static bool SequenceEqual< T > (this ReadOnlySpan< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > other, IEqualityComparer< T >? comparer=null)
static int SequenceCompareTo< T > (this ReadOnlySpan< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > other)
static bool StartsWith< T > (this Span< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > value)
static bool StartsWith< T > (this ReadOnlySpan< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > value)
static bool EndsWith< T > (this Span< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > value)
static bool EndsWith< T > (this ReadOnlySpan< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > value)
static void Reverse< T > (this Span< T > span)
static Span< TAsSpan< T > (this T[]? array)
static Span< TAsSpan< T > (this T[]? array, int start, int length)
static Span< TAsSpan< T > (this ArraySegment< T > segment)
static Span< TAsSpan< T > (this ArraySegment< T > segment, int start)
static Span< TAsSpan< T > (this ArraySegment< T > segment, Index startIndex)
static Span< TAsSpan< T > (this ArraySegment< T > segment, int start, int length)
static Span< TAsSpan< T > (this ArraySegment< T > segment, Range range)
static Memory< TAsMemory< T > (this T[]? array)
static Memory< TAsMemory< T > (this T[]? array, int start)
static Memory< TAsMemory< T > (this T[]? array, Index startIndex)
static Memory< TAsMemory< T > (this T[]? array, int start, int length)
static Memory< TAsMemory< T > (this T[]? array, Range range)
static Memory< TAsMemory< T > (this ArraySegment< T > segment)
static Memory< TAsMemory< T > (this ArraySegment< T > segment, int start)
static Memory< TAsMemory< T > (this ArraySegment< T > segment, int start, int length)
static void CopyTo< T > (this T[]? source, Span< T > destination)
static void CopyTo< T > (this T[]? source, Memory< T > destination)
static bool Overlaps< T > (this Span< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > other)
static bool Overlaps< T > (this Span< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > other, out int elementOffset)
static bool Overlaps< T > (this ReadOnlySpan< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > other)
static bool Overlaps< T > (this ReadOnlySpan< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > other, out int elementOffset)
static int BinarySearch< T > (this Span< T > span, IComparable< T > comparable)
static int BinarySearch< T, TComparable > (this Span< T > span, TComparable comparable)
static int BinarySearch< T, TComparer > (this Span< T > span, T value, TComparer comparer)
static int BinarySearch< T > (this ReadOnlySpan< T > span, IComparable< T > comparable)
static int BinarySearch< T, TComparable > (this ReadOnlySpan< T > span, TComparable comparable)
static int BinarySearch< T, TComparer > (this ReadOnlySpan< T > span, T value, TComparer comparer)
static void Sort< T > (this Span< T > span)
static void Sort< T, TComparer > (this Span< T > span, TComparer comparer)
static void Sort< T > (this Span< T > span, Comparison< T > comparison)
static void Sort< TKey, TValue > (this Span< TKey > keys, Span< TValue > items)
static void Sort< TKey, TValue, TComparer > (this Span< TKey > keys, Span< TValue > items, TComparer comparer)
static void Sort< TKey, TValue > (this Span< TKey > keys, Span< TValue > items, Comparison< TKey > comparison)
static bool TryWrite (this Span< char > destination, [InterpolatedStringHandlerArgument("destination")] ref TryWriteInterpolatedStringHandler handler, out int charsWritten)
static bool TryWrite (this Span< char > destination, IFormatProvider? provider, [InterpolatedStringHandlerArgument(new string[] { "destination", "provider" })] ref TryWriteInterpolatedStringHandler handler, out int charsWritten)
static bool IsWhiteSpace (this ReadOnlySpan< char > span)
static bool Contains (this ReadOnlySpan< char > span, ReadOnlySpan< char > value, StringComparison comparisonType)
static bool Equals (this ReadOnlySpan< char > span, ReadOnlySpan< char > other, StringComparison comparisonType)
static int CompareTo (this ReadOnlySpan< char > span, ReadOnlySpan< char > other, StringComparison comparisonType)
static int IndexOf (this ReadOnlySpan< char > span, ReadOnlySpan< char > value, StringComparison comparisonType)
static int LastIndexOf (this ReadOnlySpan< char > span, ReadOnlySpan< char > value, StringComparison comparisonType)
static int ToLower (this ReadOnlySpan< char > source, Span< char > destination, CultureInfo? culture)
static int ToLowerInvariant (this ReadOnlySpan< char > source, Span< char > destination)
static int ToUpper (this ReadOnlySpan< char > source, Span< char > destination, CultureInfo? culture)
static int ToUpperInvariant (this ReadOnlySpan< char > source, Span< char > destination)
static bool EndsWith (this ReadOnlySpan< char > span, ReadOnlySpan< char > value, StringComparison comparisonType)
static bool StartsWith (this ReadOnlySpan< char > span, ReadOnlySpan< char > value, StringComparison comparisonType)
static SpanRuneEnumerator EnumerateRunes (this ReadOnlySpan< char > span)
static SpanRuneEnumerator EnumerateRunes (this Span< char > span)
static SpanLineEnumerator EnumerateLines (this ReadOnlySpan< char > span)
static SpanLineEnumerator EnumerateLines (this Span< char > span)
static Memory< TTrim< T > (this Memory< T > memory, T trimElement)
static Memory< TTrimStart< T > (this Memory< T > memory, T trimElement)
static Memory< TTrimEnd< T > (this Memory< T > memory, T trimElement)
static ReadOnlyMemory< TTrim< T > (this ReadOnlyMemory< T > memory, T trimElement)
static ReadOnlyMemory< TTrimStart< T > (this ReadOnlyMemory< T > memory, T trimElement)
static ReadOnlyMemory< TTrimEnd< T > (this ReadOnlyMemory< T > memory, T trimElement)
static Span< TTrim< T > (this Span< T > span, T trimElement)
static Span< TTrimStart< T > (this Span< T > span, T trimElement)
static Span< TTrimEnd< T > (this Span< T > span, T trimElement)
static ReadOnlySpan< TTrim< T > (this ReadOnlySpan< T > span, T trimElement)
static ReadOnlySpan< TTrimStart< T > (this ReadOnlySpan< T > span, T trimElement)
static ReadOnlySpan< TTrimEnd< T > (this ReadOnlySpan< T > span, T trimElement)
static Memory< TTrim< T > (this Memory< T > memory, ReadOnlySpan< T > trimElements)
static Memory< TTrimStart< T > (this Memory< T > memory, ReadOnlySpan< T > trimElements)
static Memory< TTrimEnd< T > (this Memory< T > memory, ReadOnlySpan< T > trimElements)
static ReadOnlyMemory< TTrim< T > (this ReadOnlyMemory< T > memory, ReadOnlySpan< T > trimElements)
static ReadOnlyMemory< TTrimStart< T > (this ReadOnlyMemory< T > memory, ReadOnlySpan< T > trimElements)
static ReadOnlyMemory< TTrimEnd< T > (this ReadOnlyMemory< T > memory, ReadOnlySpan< T > trimElements)
static Span< TTrim< T > (this Span< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > trimElements)
static Span< TTrimStart< T > (this Span< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > trimElements)
static Span< TTrimEnd< T > (this Span< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > trimElements)
static ReadOnlySpan< TTrim< T > (this ReadOnlySpan< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > trimElements)
static ReadOnlySpan< TTrimStart< T > (this ReadOnlySpan< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > trimElements)
static ReadOnlySpan< TTrimEnd< T > (this ReadOnlySpan< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > trimElements)
static Memory< char > Trim (this Memory< char > memory)
static Memory< char > TrimStart (this Memory< char > memory)
static Memory< char > TrimEnd (this Memory< char > memory)
static ReadOnlyMemory< char > Trim (this ReadOnlyMemory< char > memory)
static ReadOnlyMemory< char > TrimStart (this ReadOnlyMemory< char > memory)
static ReadOnlyMemory< char > TrimEnd (this ReadOnlyMemory< char > memory)
static ReadOnlySpan< char > Trim (this ReadOnlySpan< char > span)
static ReadOnlySpan< char > TrimStart (this ReadOnlySpan< char > span)
static ReadOnlySpan< char > TrimEnd (this ReadOnlySpan< char > span)
static ReadOnlySpan< char > Trim (this ReadOnlySpan< char > span, char trimChar)
static ReadOnlySpan< char > TrimStart (this ReadOnlySpan< char > span, char trimChar)
static ReadOnlySpan< char > TrimEnd (this ReadOnlySpan< char > span, char trimChar)
static ReadOnlySpan< char > Trim (this ReadOnlySpan< char > span, ReadOnlySpan< char > trimChars)
static ReadOnlySpan< char > TrimStart (this ReadOnlySpan< char > span, ReadOnlySpan< char > trimChars)
static ReadOnlySpan< char > TrimEnd (this ReadOnlySpan< char > span, ReadOnlySpan< char > trimChars)
static Span< char > Trim (this Span< char > span)
static Span< char > TrimStart (this Span< char > span)
static Span< char > TrimEnd (this Span< char > span)

Static Package Functions

static bool EqualsOrdinal (this ReadOnlySpan< char > span, ReadOnlySpan< char > value)
static bool EqualsOrdinalIgnoreCase (this ReadOnlySpan< char > span, ReadOnlySpan< char > value)
static bool EndsWithOrdinalIgnoreCase (this ReadOnlySpan< char > span, ReadOnlySpan< char > value)
static bool StartsWithOrdinalIgnoreCase (this ReadOnlySpan< char > span, ReadOnlySpan< char > value)

Static Private Member Functions

static int ClampStart< T > (ReadOnlySpan< T > span, T trimElement)
static int ClampEnd< T > (ReadOnlySpan< T > span, int start, T trimElement)
static int ClampStart< T > (ReadOnlySpan< T > span, ReadOnlySpan< T > trimElements)
static int ClampEnd< T > (ReadOnlySpan< T > span, int start, ReadOnlySpan< T > trimElements)
static int ClampStart (ReadOnlySpan< char > span)
static int ClampEnd (ReadOnlySpan< char > span, int start)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 11 of file MemoryExtensions.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: