Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.IO.FileSystem Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static bool DirectoryExists (string fullPath)
static bool FileExists (string fullPath)
static unsafe void CreateDirectory (string fullPath, byte[] securityDescriptor=null)
static bool DirectoryExists (string fullPath)
static bool FileExists (string fullPath)
static unsafe void CreateDirectory (string fullPath, byte[] securityDescriptor=null)
static void Encrypt (string path)
static void Decrypt (string path)
static void CopyFile (string sourceFullPath, string destFullPath, bool overwrite)
static void ReplaceFile (string sourceFullPath, string destFullPath, string destBackupFullPath, bool ignoreMetadataErrors)
static void DeleteFile (string fullPath)
static FileAttributes GetAttributes (string fullPath)
static DateTimeOffset GetCreationTime (string fullPath)
static DateTimeOffset GetLastAccessTime (string fullPath)
static DateTimeOffset GetLastWriteTime (string fullPath)
static void MoveDirectory (string sourceFullPath, string destFullPath)
static void MoveFile (string sourceFullPath, string destFullPath, bool overwrite)
static void RemoveDirectory (string fullPath, bool recursive)
static void SetAttributes (string fullPath, FileAttributes attributes)
static void SetCreationTime (string fullPath, DateTimeOffset time, bool asDirectory)
static void SetLastAccessTime (string fullPath, DateTimeOffset time, bool asDirectory)
static void SetLastWriteTime (string fullPath, DateTimeOffset time, bool asDirectory)
static string[] GetLogicalDrives ()

Static Package Functions

static int FillAttributeInfo (string path, ref global::Interop.Kernel32.WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA data, bool returnErrorOnNotFound)
static bool IsPathUnreachableError (int errorCode)
static void VerifyValidPath (string path, string argName)
static int FillAttributeInfo (string path, ref Interop.Kernel32.WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA data, bool returnErrorOnNotFound)
static bool IsPathUnreachableError (int errorCode)
static void CreateSymbolicLink (string path, string pathToTarget, bool isDirectory)
static FileSystemInfo ResolveLinkTarget (string linkPath, bool returnFinalTarget, bool isDirectory)
static string GetLinkTarget (string linkPath, bool isDirectory)
static unsafe string GetImmediateLinkTarget (string linkPath, bool isDirectory, bool throwOnError, bool returnFullPath)

Static Private Member Functions

static bool DirectoryExists (string path, out int lastError)
static bool DirectoryExists (string path, out int lastError)
static unsafe void ThrowExceptionEncryptDecryptFail (string fullPath)
static SafeFileHandle OpenHandle (string fullPath, bool asDirectory)
static void GetFindData (string fullPath, bool isDirectory, bool ignoreAccessDenied, ref Interop.Kernel32.WIN32_FIND_DATA findData)
static bool IsNameSurrogateReparsePoint (ref Interop.Kernel32.WIN32_FIND_DATA data)
static void RemoveDirectoryRecursive (string fullPath, ref Interop.Kernel32.WIN32_FIND_DATA findData, bool topLevel)
static void RemoveDirectoryInternal (string fullPath, bool topLevel, bool allowDirectoryNotEmpty=false)
static unsafe void SetFileTime (string fullPath, bool asDirectory, long creationTime=-1L, long lastAccessTime=-1L, long lastWriteTime=-1L, long changeTime=-1L, uint fileAttributes=0u)
static string GetFinalLinkTarget (string linkPath, bool isDirectory)
static unsafe SafeFileHandle OpenSafeFileHandle (string path, int flags)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 7 of file FileSystem.cs.

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