Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.ConsolePal Class Reference


class  WindowsConsoleStream

Static Public Member Functions

static Stream OpenStandardInput ()
static Stream OpenStandardOutput ()
static Stream OpenStandardError ()
static void SetConsoleInputEncoding (Encoding enc)
static void SetConsoleOutputEncoding (Encoding enc)
static bool IsInputRedirectedCore ()
static bool IsOutputRedirectedCore ()
static bool IsErrorRedirectedCore ()
static ConsoleKeyInfo ReadKey (bool intercept)
static void ResetColor ()
static int int Top GetCursorPosition ()
static void Beep ()
static void Beep (int frequency, int duration)
static unsafe void MoveBufferArea (int sourceLeft, int sourceTop, int sourceWidth, int sourceHeight, int targetLeft, int targetTop, char sourceChar, ConsoleColor sourceForeColor, ConsoleColor sourceBackColor)
static void Clear ()
static void SetCursorPosition (int left, int top)
static void SetBufferSize (int width, int height)
static unsafe void SetWindowPosition (int left, int top)
static unsafe void SetWindowSize (int width, int height)

Static Public Attributes

static int Left

Package Types

enum  ControlKeyState {
  RightAltPressed = 1 , LeftAltPressed = 2 , RightCtrlPressed = 4 , LeftCtrlPressed = 8 ,
  ShiftPressed = 0x10 , NumLockOn = 0x20 , ScrollLockOn = 0x40 , CapsLockOn = 0x80 ,
  EnhancedKey = 0x100

Static Package Functions

static void EnsureConsoleInitialized ()
static TextReader GetOrCreateReader ()


static IntPtr InvalidHandleValue [get]
static IntPtr InputHandle [get]
static IntPtr OutputHandle [get]
static IntPtr ErrorHandle [get]
static Encoding InputEncoding [get]
static Encoding OutputEncoding [get]
static bool NumberLock [get]
static bool CapsLock [get]
static bool KeyAvailable [get]
static bool TreatControlCAsInput [get, set]
static ConsoleColor BackgroundColor [get, set]
static ConsoleColor ForegroundColor [get, set]
static int CursorSize [get, set]
static bool CursorVisible [get, set]
static unsafe string Title [get, set]
static int BufferWidth [get, set]
static int BufferHeight [get, set]
static int LargestWindowWidth [get]
static int LargestWindowHeight [get]
static int WindowLeft [get, set]
static int WindowTop [get, set]
static int WindowWidth [get, set]
static int WindowHeight [get, set]

Static Private Member Functions

static bool IsWindows7 ()
static Stream GetStandardFile (int handleType, FileAccess access, bool useFileAPIs)
static unsafe bool ConsoleHandleIsWritable (IntPtr outErrHandle)
static bool IsHandleRedirected (IntPtr handle)
static bool IsKeyDownEvent (global::Interop.InputRecord ir)
static bool IsModKey (global::Interop.InputRecord ir)
static bool IsAltKeyDown (global::Interop.InputRecord ir)
static global::Interop.Kernel32.Color ConsoleColorToColorAttribute (ConsoleColor color, bool isBackground)
static ConsoleColor ColorAttributeToConsoleColor (global::Interop.Kernel32.Color c)
static global::Interop.Kernel32.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO GetBufferInfo ()
static global::Interop.Kernel32.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO GetBufferInfo (bool throwOnNoConsole, out bool succeeded)

Static Private Attributes

static readonly object s_readKeySyncObject = new object()
static global::Interop.InputRecord _cachedInputRecord
static volatile bool _haveReadDefaultColors
static volatile byte _defaultColors

Detailed Description

Definition at line 7 of file ConsolePal.cs.

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