Terraria v1.4.4.9
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System.Data.Common.DbCommandBuilder Class Referenceabstract


class  ParameterNames

Public Member Functions

DbCommand GetInsertCommand ()
DbCommand GetInsertCommand (bool useColumnsForParameterNames)
DbCommand GetUpdateCommand ()
DbCommand GetUpdateCommand (bool useColumnsForParameterNames)
DbCommand GetDeleteCommand ()
DbCommand GetDeleteCommand (bool useColumnsForParameterNames)
virtual string QuoteIdentifier (string unquotedIdentifier)
virtual void RefreshSchema ()
virtual string UnquoteIdentifier (string quotedIdentifier)
void Dispose ()
override string ToString ()
object GetLifetimeService ()
virtual object InitializeLifetimeService ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual ? DataTable GetSchemaTable (DbCommand sourceCommand)
override void Dispose (bool disposing)
virtual DbCommand InitializeCommand (DbCommand? command)
void RowUpdatingHandler (RowUpdatingEventArgs rowUpdatingEvent)
void ApplyParameterInfo (DbParameter parameter, DataRow row, StatementType statementType, bool whereClause)
string GetParameterName (int parameterOrdinal)
string GetParameterName (string parameterName)
string GetParameterPlaceholder (int parameterOrdinal)
void SetRowUpdatingHandler (DbDataAdapter adapter)
virtual ? object GetService (Type service)
MarshalByRefObject MemberwiseClone (bool cloneIdentity)

Package Functions

DbCommand GetInsertCommand (DataRow dataRow, bool useColumnsForParameterNames)
DbCommand GetUpdateCommand (DataRow dataRow, bool useColumnsForParameterNames)
DbCommand GetDeleteCommand (DataRow dataRow, bool useColumnsForParameterNames)


virtual ConflictOption ConflictOption [get, set]
virtual CatalogLocation CatalogLocation [get, set]
virtual string CatalogSeparator [get, set]
DbDataAdapterDataAdapter [get, set]
int ParameterNameMaxLength [get]
stringParameterNamePattern [get]
stringQuotedBaseTableName [get]
virtual string QuotePrefix [get, set]
virtual string QuoteSuffix [get, set]
virtual string SchemaSeparator [get, set]
bool SetAllValues [get, set]
DbCommandInsertCommand [get, set]
DbCommandUpdateCommand [get, set]
DbCommandDeleteCommand [get, set]
virtual bool CanRaiseEvents [get]
bool CanRaiseEventsInternal [get]
EventHandlerList Events [get]
virtual ? ISite Site [get, set]
IContainer? Container [get]
bool DesignMode [get]

Private Member Functions

void BuildCache (bool closeConnection, DataRow dataRow, bool useColumnsForParameterNames)
void BuildInformation (DataTable schemaTable)
DbCommand BuildDeleteCommand (DataTableMapping mappings, DataRow dataRow)
DbCommand BuildInsertCommand (DataTableMapping mappings, DataRow dataRow)
DbCommand BuildUpdateCommand (DataTableMapping mappings, DataRow dataRow)
int BuildWhereClause (DataTableMapping mappings, DataRow dataRow, StringBuilder builder, DbCommand command, int parameterCount, bool isUpdate)
string CreateParameterForNullTest (DbCommand command, string parameterName, string sourceColumn, DataRowVersion version, int parameterCount, object value, DbSchemaRow row, StatementType statementType, bool whereClause)
string CreateParameterForValue (DbCommand command, string parameterName, string sourceColumn, DataRowVersion version, int parameterCount, object value, DbSchemaRow row, StatementType statementType, bool whereClause)
DataTableMapping GetTableMapping (DataRow dataRow)
string GetBaseParameterName (int index)
string GetOriginalParameterName (int index)
string GetNullParameterName (int index)
DbCommand GetSelectCommand ()
object GetColumnValue (DataRow row, string columnName, DataTableMapping mappings, DataRowVersion version)
object GetColumnValue (DataRow row, DataColumn column, DataRowVersion version)
DataColumn GetDataColumn (string columnName, DataTableMapping tablemapping, DataRow row)
bool IncludeInInsertValues (DbSchemaRow row)
bool IncludeInUpdateSet (DbSchemaRow row)
bool IncludeInWhereClause (DbSchemaRow row, bool isUpdate)
bool IncrementWhereCount (DbSchemaRow row)
string QuotedColumn (string column)
void RowUpdatingHandlerBuilder (RowUpdatingEventArgs rowUpdatingEvent)

Static Private Member Functions

static DbParameter GetNextParameter (DbCommand command, int pcount)
static void RemoveExtraParameters (DbCommand command, int usedParameterCount)

Private Attributes

DbDataAdapter _dataAdapter
DbCommand _insertCommand
DbCommand _updateCommand
DbCommand _deleteCommand
MissingMappingAction _missingMappingAction
ConflictOption _conflictDetection = ConflictOption.CompareAllSearchableValues
bool _setAllValues
bool _hasPartialPrimaryKey
DataTable _dbSchemaTable
DbSchemaRow[] _dbSchemaRows
string[] _sourceColumnNames
ParameterNames _parameterNames
string _quotedBaseTableName
CatalogLocation _catalogLocation = CatalogLocation.Start
string _catalogSeparator = "."
string _schemaSeparator = "."
string _quotePrefix = string.Empty
string _quoteSuffix = string.Empty
string _parameterNamePattern
string _parameterMarkerFormat
int _parameterNameMaxLength
ISite _site
EventHandlerList _events

Static Private Attributes

static readonly object s_eventDisposed = new object()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 9 of file DbCommandBuilder.cs.

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