Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.Net.Http.Headers.CacheControlHeaderValue Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 CacheControlHeaderValue ()
override string ToString ()
override bool Equals ([NotNullWhen(true)] object? obj)
override int GetHashCode ()

Static Public Member Functions

static CacheControlHeaderValue Parse (string? input)
static bool TryParse (string? input, out CacheControlHeaderValue? parsedValue)

Static Package Functions

static int GetCacheControlLength (string input, int startIndex, CacheControlHeaderValue storeValue, out CacheControlHeaderValue parsedValue)


bool NoCache [get, set]
ICollection< stringNoCacheHeaders [get]
bool NoStore [get, set]
TimeSpanMaxAge [get, set]
TimeSpanSharedMaxAge [get, set]
bool MaxStale [get, set]
TimeSpanMaxStaleLimit [get, set]
TimeSpanMinFresh [get, set]
bool NoTransform [get, set]
bool OnlyIfCached [get, set]
bool Public [get, set]
bool Private [get, set]
ICollection< stringPrivateHeaders [get]
bool MustRevalidate [get, set]
bool ProxyRevalidate [get, set]
ICollection< NameValueHeaderValueExtensions [get]

Private Member Functions

 CacheControlHeaderValue (CacheControlHeaderValue source)
object ICloneable. Clone ()

Static Private Member Functions

static bool TrySetCacheControlValues (CacheControlHeaderValue cc, List< NameValueHeaderValue > nameValueList)
static bool TrySetTokenOnlyValue (NameValueHeaderValue nameValue, ref bool boolField)
static bool TrySetOptionalTokenList (NameValueHeaderValue nameValue, ref bool boolField, ref ObjectCollection< string > destination)
static bool TrySetTimeSpan (NameValueHeaderValue nameValue, ref TimeSpan? timeSpan)
static void AppendValueIfRequired (StringBuilder sb, bool appendValue, string value)
static void AppendValueWithSeparatorIfRequired (StringBuilder sb, string value)
static void AppendValues (StringBuilder sb, ObjectCollection< string > values)
static void CheckIsValidToken (string item)

Private Attributes

bool _noCache
ObjectCollection< string_noCacheHeaders
bool _noStore
bool _maxStale
bool _noTransform
bool _onlyIfCached
bool _publicField
bool _privateField
ObjectCollection< string_privateHeaders
bool _mustRevalidate
bool _proxyRevalidate
ObjectCollection< NameValueHeaderValue_extensions

Static Private Attributes

static readonly HttpHeaderParser s_nameValueListParser = GenericHeaderParser.MultipleValueNameValueParser
static readonly Action< strings_checkIsValidToken = CheckIsValidToken

Detailed Description

Definition at line 8 of file CacheControlHeaderValue.cs.

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