Guid =
Name =
76 17, 0, 83, 121, 115, 116, 101, 109, 46, 82,
77 117, 110, 116, 105, 109, 101, 0
105 DisplayName =
"CPU Usage",
113 DisplayName =
"Working Set",
121 DisplayName =
"GC Heap Size",
129 DisplayName =
"Gen 0 GC Count",
130 DisplayRateTimeScale =
new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0)
137 DisplayName =
"Gen 1 GC Count",
138 DisplayRateTimeScale =
new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0)
145 DisplayName =
"Gen 2 GC Count",
146 DisplayRateTimeScale =
new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0)
153 DisplayName =
"ThreadPool Thread Count"
160 DisplayName =
"Monitor Lock Contention Count",
161 DisplayRateTimeScale =
new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1)
168 DisplayName =
"ThreadPool Queue Length"
175 DisplayName =
"ThreadPool Completed Work Item Count",
176 DisplayRateTimeScale =
new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1)
183 DisplayName =
"Allocation Rate",
185 DisplayRateTimeScale =
new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1)
192 DisplayName =
"Number of Active Timers"
203 DisplayName =
"GC Fragmentation",
211 DisplayName =
"GC Committed Bytes",
219 DisplayName =
"Exception Count",
220 DisplayRateTimeScale =
new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1)
227 DisplayName =
"% Time in GC since last GC",
235 DisplayName =
"Gen 0 Size",
243 DisplayName =
"Gen 1 Size",
251 DisplayName =
"Gen 2 Size",
259 DisplayName =
"LOH Size",
267 DisplayName =
"POH (Pinned Object Heap) Size",
275 DisplayName =
"Number of Assemblies Loaded"
282 DisplayName =
"IL Bytes Jitted",
290 DisplayName =
"Number of Methods Jitted"
297 DisplayName =
"Time spent in JIT",
299 DisplayRateTimeScale =
new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1)
306 : base(new
Guid(1230580751, 23045, 20845, 170, 75, 166, 78, 2, 2, 108, 137),
static void LogSwitchValues(RuntimeEventSource ev)
unsafe void WriteEvent(int eventId)
IncrementingPollingCounter _monitorContentionCounter
IncrementingPollingCounter _gen1GCCounter
override ReadOnlySpan< byte > ProviderMetadata
IncrementingPollingCounter _exceptionCounter
PollingCounter _assemblyCounter
PollingCounter _ilBytesJittedCounter
override void OnEventCommand(EventCommandEventArgs command)
PollingCounter _methodsJittedCounter
PollingCounter _gen1SizeCounter
PollingCounter _timerCounter
IncrementingPollingCounter _gen2GCCounter
IncrementingPollingCounter _completedItemsCounter
RuntimeEventSource(int _)
PollingCounter _cpuTimeCounter
PollingCounter _gen2SizeCounter
PollingCounter _threadPoolQueueCounter
PollingCounter _committedCounter
IncrementingPollingCounter _jitTimeCounter
void LogAppContextSwitch(string switchName, int value)
PollingCounter _workingSetCounter
PollingCounter _threadPoolThreadCounter
PollingCounter _fragmentationCounter
PollingCounter _gcHeapSizeCounter
static RuntimeEventSource s_RuntimeEventSource
PollingCounter _lohSizeCounter
const string EventSourceName
PollingCounter _gcTimeCounter
PollingCounter _pohSizeCounter
IncrementingPollingCounter _allocRateCounter
PollingCounter _gen0SizeCounter
IncrementingPollingCounter _gen0GCCounter
static unsafe long WorkingSet
static uint GetExceptionCount()
static long GetTotalAllocatedBytes(bool precise=false)
static int CollectionCount(int generation)
static ulong GetGenerationSize(int gen)
static long GetTotalMemory()
static GCMemoryInfo GetGCMemoryInfo()
static int GetLastGCPercentTimeInGC()
static uint GetAssemblyCount()
static long GetCompiledILBytes(bool currentThread=false)
static long GetCompiledMethodCount(bool currentThread=false)
static TimeSpan GetCompilationTime(bool currentThread=false)
static long LockContentionCount
static long PendingWorkItemCount
static long CompletedWorkItemCount