Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Data.ExprException Class Referencesealed

Static Public Member Functions

static Exception InvokeArgument ()
static Exception NYI (string moreinfo)
static Exception MissingOperand (OperatorInfo before)
static Exception MissingOperator (string token)
static Exception TypeMismatch (string expr)
static Exception FunctionArgumentOutOfRange (string arg, string func)
static Exception ExpressionTooComplex ()
static Exception UnboundName (string name)
static Exception InvalidString (string str)
static Exception UndefinedFunction (string name)
static Exception SyntaxError ()
static Exception FunctionArgumentCount (string name)
static Exception MissingRightParen ()
static Exception UnknownToken (string token, int position)
static Exception UnknownToken (Tokens tokExpected, Tokens tokCurr, int position)
static Exception DatatypeConvertion (Type type1, Type type2)
static Exception DatavalueConvertion (object value, Type type, Exception innerException)
static Exception InvalidName (string name)
static Exception InvalidDate (string date)
static Exception NonConstantArgument ()
static Exception InvalidPattern (string pat)
static Exception InWithoutParentheses ()
static Exception InWithoutList ()
static Exception InvalidIsSyntax ()
static Exception Overflow (Type type)
static Exception ArgumentType (string function, int arg, Type type)
static Exception ArgumentTypeInteger (string function, int arg)
static Exception TypeMismatchInBinop (int op, Type type1, Type type2)
static Exception AmbiguousBinop (int op, Type type1, Type type2)
static Exception UnsupportedOperator (int op)
static Exception InvalidNameBracketing (string name)
static Exception MissingOperandBefore (string op)
static Exception TooManyRightParentheses ()
static Exception UnresolvedRelation (string name, string expr)
static Exception AggregateArgument ()
static Exception AggregateUnbound (string expr)
static Exception EvalNoContext ()
static Exception ExpressionUnbound (string expr)
static Exception ComputeNotAggregate (string expr)
static Exception FilterConvertion (string expr)
static Exception LookupArgument ()
static Exception InvalidType (string typeName)
static Exception InvalidHoursArgument ()
static Exception InvalidMinutesArgument ()
static Exception InvalidTimeZoneRange ()
static Exception MismatchKindandTimeSpan ()
static Exception UnsupportedDataType (Type type)

Static Package Functions

static EvaluateException BindFailure (string relationName)

Static Private Member Functions

static OverflowException _Overflow (string error)
static InvalidExpressionException _Expr (string error)
static SyntaxErrorException _Syntax (string error)
static EvaluateException _Eval (string error)
static EvaluateException _Eval (string error, Exception innerException)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file ExprException.cs.

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