Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.Data.ExpressionNode Class Referenceabstract

Protected Member Functions

 ExpressionNode (DataTable table)
void BindTable (DataTable table)

Package Functions

void Bind (DataTable table, List< DataColumn > list)
object Eval ()
object Eval (DataRow row, DataRowVersion version)
object Eval (int[] recordNos)
bool IsConstant ()
bool IsTableConstant ()
bool HasLocalAggregate ()
bool HasRemoteAggregate ()
ExpressionNode Optimize ()
virtual bool DependsOn (DataColumn column)

Static Package Functions

static bool IsInteger (StorageType type)
static bool IsIntegerSql (StorageType type)
static bool IsSigned (StorageType type)
static bool IsSignedSql (StorageType type)
static bool IsUnsigned (StorageType type)
static bool IsUnsignedSql (StorageType type)
static bool IsNumeric (StorageType type)
static bool IsNumericSql (StorageType type)
static bool IsFloat (StorageType type)
static bool IsFloatSql (StorageType type)


IFormatProvider FormatProvider [get]
virtual bool IsSqlColumn [get]
DataTable table [get]

Private Attributes

DataTable _table

Detailed Description

Definition at line 8 of file ExpressionNode.cs.

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