Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.Text.Encodings.Web.OptimizedInboxTextEncoder Class Referencesealed


struct  AllowedAsciiCodePoints
struct  AsciiPreescapedData

Public Member Functions

unsafe int FindFirstCharacterToEncode (char *text, int textLength)
unsafe bool TryEncodeUnicodeScalar (int unicodeScalar, char *buffer, int bufferLength, out int numberOfCharactersWritten)
OperationStatus Encode (ReadOnlySpan< char > source, Span< char > destination, out int charsConsumed, out int charsWritten, bool isFinalBlock)
OperationStatus EncodeUtf8 (ReadOnlySpan< byte > source, Span< byte > destination, out int bytesConsumed, out int bytesWritten, bool isFinalBlock)
unsafe int GetIndexOfFirstByteToEncode (ReadOnlySpan< byte > data)
unsafe int GetIndexOfFirstCharToEncode (ReadOnlySpan< char > data)
bool IsScalarValueAllowed (Rune value)

Package Functions

 OptimizedInboxTextEncoder (ScalarEscaperBase scalarEscaper, in AllowedBmpCodePointsBitmap allowedCodePointsBmp, bool forbidHtmlSensitiveCharacters=true, ReadOnlySpan< char > extraCharactersToEscape=default(ReadOnlySpan< char >))

Private Member Functions

void _AssertThisNotNull ()
unsafe nuint GetIndexOfFirstByteToEncodeSsse3 (byte *pData, nuint lengthInBytes)
unsafe nuint GetIndexOfFirstCharToEncodeSsse3 (char *pData, nuint lengthInChars)
unsafe nuint GetIndexOfFirstByteToEncodeAdvSimd64 (byte *pData, nuint lengthInBytes)
unsafe nuint GetIndexOfFirstCharToEncodeAdvSimd64 (char *pData, nuint lengthInChars)

Private Attributes

readonly AllowedAsciiCodePoints _allowedAsciiCodePoints
readonly AsciiPreescapedData _asciiPreescapedData
readonly AllowedBmpCodePointsBitmap _allowedBmpCodePoints
readonly ScalarEscaperBase _scalarEscaper

Detailed Description

Definition at line 11 of file OptimizedInboxTextEncoder.cs.

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