Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
Interop.Kernel32 Class Reference


struct  CHAR_INFO
struct  COORD
struct  CPINFO
struct  FILE_TIME
struct  MountPointReparseBuffer
struct  NlsVersionInfoEx
struct  NtModuleInfo
class  ProcessWaitHandle
struct  SMALL_RECT
struct  SymbolicLinkReparseBuffer
struct  WIN32_FIND_DATA

Public Member Functions

static int GetProcessId (SafeProcessHandle nativeHandle)

Package Types

enum  Color : short {
  Black = 0 , ForegroundBlue = 1 , ForegroundGreen = 2 , ForegroundRed = 4 ,
  ForegroundYellow = 6 , ForegroundIntensity = 8 , BackgroundBlue = 16 , BackgroundGreen = 32 ,
  BackgroundRed = 64 , BackgroundYellow = 96 , BackgroundIntensity = 128 , ForegroundMask = 15 ,
  BackgroundMask = 240 , ColorMask = 255
enum  FINDEX_INFO_LEVELS : uint {
  FindExInfoStandard , FindExInfoBasic , FindExInfoMaxInfoLevel , FindExInfoStandard ,
  FindExInfoBasic , FindExInfoMaxInfoLevel
enum  FINDEX_SEARCH_OPS : uint {
  FindExSearchNameMatch , FindExSearchLimitToDirectories , FindExSearchLimitToDevices , FindExSearchMaxSearchOp ,
  FindExSearchNameMatch , FindExSearchLimitToDirectories , FindExSearchLimitToDevices , FindExSearchMaxSearchOp
enum  GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS : uint { GetFileExInfoStandard , GetFileExMaxInfoLevel , GetFileExInfoStandard , GetFileExMaxInfoLevel }
enum  FileAction : uint {
enum  FileCompletionNotificationModes : byte {
  None = 0 , SkipCompletionPortOnSuccess = 1 , SkipSetEventOnHandle = 2 , None = 0 ,
  SkipCompletionPortOnSuccess = 1 , SkipSetEventOnHandle = 2
enum  FileCompletionNotificationModes : byte {
  None = 0 , SkipCompletionPortOnSuccess = 1 , SkipSetEventOnHandle = 2 , None = 0 ,
  SkipCompletionPortOnSuccess = 1 , SkipSetEventOnHandle = 2
enum  HandleFlags : uint { None = 0u , HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT = 1u , HANDLE_FLAG_PROTECT_FROM_CLOSE = 2u }
enum  FINDEX_INFO_LEVELS : uint {
  FindExInfoStandard , FindExInfoBasic , FindExInfoMaxInfoLevel , FindExInfoStandard ,
  FindExInfoBasic , FindExInfoMaxInfoLevel
enum  FINDEX_SEARCH_OPS : uint {
  FindExSearchNameMatch , FindExSearchLimitToDirectories , FindExSearchLimitToDevices , FindExSearchMaxSearchOp ,
  FindExSearchNameMatch , FindExSearchLimitToDirectories , FindExSearchLimitToDevices , FindExSearchMaxSearchOp
enum  GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS : uint { GetFileExInfoStandard , GetFileExMaxInfoLevel , GetFileExInfoStandard , GetFileExMaxInfoLevel }
enum  ProcessorArchitecture : ushort {
  Processor_Architecture_INTEL = 0 , Processor_Architecture_ARM = 5 , Processor_Architecture_IA64 = 6 , Processor_Architecture_AMD64 = 9 ,
  Processor_Architecture_ARM64 = 12 , Processor_Architecture_UNKNOWN = ushort.MaxValue

Package Functions

static bool Beep (int frequency, int duration)
static bool GetConsoleCursorInfo (IntPtr hConsoleOutput, out CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cci)
static bool SetConsoleCursorInfo (IntPtr hConsoleOutput, ref CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cci)
static bool FillConsoleOutputAttribute (IntPtr hConsoleOutput, short wColorAttribute, int numCells, COORD startCoord, out int pNumBytesWritten)
static bool FillConsoleOutputCharacter (IntPtr hConsoleOutput, char character, int nLength, COORD dwWriteCoord, out int pNumCharsWritten)
static bool GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo (IntPtr hConsoleOutput, out CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO lpConsoleScreenBufferInfo)
static uint GetConsoleCP ()
static unsafe uint GetConsoleTitleW (char *title, uint nSize)
static bool GetConsoleMode (IntPtr handle, out int mode)
static bool SetConsoleMode (IntPtr handle, int mode)
static uint GetConsoleOutputCP ()
static COORD GetLargestConsoleWindowSize (IntPtr hConsoleOutput)
static uint GetFileType (IntPtr hFile)
static IntPtr GetStdHandle (int nStdHandle)
static unsafe int MultiByteToWideChar (uint CodePage, uint dwFlags, byte *lpMultiByteStr, int cbMultiByte, char *lpWideCharStr, int cchWideChar)
static bool PeekConsoleInput (IntPtr hConsoleInput, out InputRecord buffer, int numInputRecords_UseOne, out int numEventsRead)
static unsafe int ReadFile (IntPtr handle, byte *bytes, int numBytesToRead, out int numBytesRead, IntPtr mustBeZero)
static unsafe bool ReadConsole (IntPtr hConsoleInput, byte *lpBuffer, int nNumberOfCharsToRead, out int lpNumberOfCharsRead, IntPtr pInputControl)
static bool ReadConsoleInput (IntPtr hConsoleInput, out InputRecord buffer, int numInputRecords_UseOne, out int numEventsRead)
static unsafe bool ReadConsoleOutput (IntPtr hConsoleOutput, CHAR_INFO *pBuffer, COORD bufferSize, COORD bufferCoord, ref SMALL_RECT readRegion)
static bool SetConsoleCP (int codePage)
static bool SetConsoleCursorPosition (IntPtr hConsoleOutput, COORD cursorPosition)
static bool SetConsoleOutputCP (int codePage)
static bool SetConsoleScreenBufferSize (IntPtr hConsoleOutput, COORD size)
static int SetConsoleTextAttribute (IntPtr hConsoleOutput, short wAttributes)
static bool SetConsoleTitle (string title)
static unsafe bool SetConsoleWindowInfo (IntPtr hConsoleOutput, bool absolute, SMALL_RECT *consoleWindow)
static unsafe int WideCharToMultiByte (uint CodePage, uint dwFlags, char *lpWideCharStr, int cchWideChar, byte *lpMultiByteStr, int cbMultiByte, IntPtr lpDefaultChar, IntPtr lpUsedDefaultChar)
static unsafe int WriteFile (IntPtr handle, byte *bytes, int numBytesToWrite, out int numBytesWritten, IntPtr mustBeZero)
static unsafe bool WriteConsole (IntPtr hConsoleOutput, byte *lpBuffer, int nNumberOfCharsToWrite, out int lpNumberOfCharsWritten, IntPtr lpReservedMustBeNull)
static unsafe bool WriteConsoleOutput (IntPtr hConsoleOutput, CHAR_INFO *buffer, COORD bufferSize, COORD bufferCoord, ref SMALL_RECT writeRegion)
static unsafe int VerLanguageName (uint wLang, char *szLang, uint cchLang)
static bool EnumProcessModules (SafeProcessHandle handle, IntPtr[] modules, int size, out int needed)
static bool CloseHandle (IntPtr handle)
static bool IsWow64Process (IntPtr hProcess, out bool Wow64Process)
static bool IsWow64Process (SafeProcessHandle hProcess, out bool Wow64Process)
static bool GetExitCodeProcess (SafeProcessHandle processHandle, out int exitCode)
static bool GetProcessTimes (SafeProcessHandle handle, out long creation, out long exit, out long kernel, out long user)
static bool GetThreadTimes (SafeThreadHandle handle, out long creation, out long exit, out long kernel, out long user)
static IntPtr GetStdHandle (int nStdHandle)
static unsafe bool CreateProcess (string lpApplicationName, char *lpCommandLine, ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES procSecAttrs, ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES threadSecAttrs, bool bInheritHandles, int dwCreationFlags, IntPtr lpEnvironment, string lpCurrentDirectory, ref STARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo, ref PROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation)
static bool TerminateProcess (SafeProcessHandle processHandle, int exitCode)
static IntPtr GetCurrentProcess ()
static SafeProcessHandle OpenProcess (int access, bool inherit, int processId)
static bool EnumProcesses (int[] processIds, int size, out int needed)
static int GetModuleBaseName (SafeProcessHandle processHandle, IntPtr moduleHandle, [Out] char[] baseName, int size)
static int GetModuleFileNameEx (SafeProcessHandle processHandle, IntPtr moduleHandle, [Out] char[] baseName, int size)
static bool SetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx (SafeProcessHandle handle, IntPtr min, IntPtr max, int flags)
static bool GetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx (SafeProcessHandle handle, out IntPtr min, out IntPtr max, out int flags)
static bool SetProcessAffinityMask (SafeProcessHandle handle, IntPtr mask)
static bool GetProcessAffinityMask (SafeProcessHandle handle, out IntPtr processMask, out IntPtr systemMask)
static bool GetThreadPriorityBoost (SafeThreadHandle handle, out bool disabled)
static bool SetThreadPriorityBoost (SafeThreadHandle handle, bool disabled)
static bool GetProcessPriorityBoost (SafeProcessHandle handle, out bool disabled)
static bool SetProcessPriorityBoost (SafeProcessHandle handle, bool disabled)
static SafeThreadHandle OpenThread (int access, bool inherit, int threadId)
static bool SetThreadPriority (SafeThreadHandle handle, int priority)
static int GetThreadPriority (SafeThreadHandle handle)
static IntPtr SetThreadAffinityMask (SafeThreadHandle handle, IntPtr mask)
static int SetThreadIdealProcessor (SafeThreadHandle handle, int processor)
static int GetPriorityClass (SafeProcessHandle handle)
static bool SetPriorityClass (SafeProcessHandle handle, int priorityClass)
static bool DuplicateHandle (IntPtr hSourceProcessHandle, SafeHandle hSourceHandle, IntPtr hTargetProcess, out SafeFileHandle targetHandle, int dwDesiredAccess, bool bInheritHandle, int dwOptions)
static bool DuplicateHandle (IntPtr hSourceProcessHandle, SafeHandle hSourceHandle, IntPtr hTargetProcess, out SafeWaitHandle targetHandle, int dwDesiredAccess, bool bInheritHandle, int dwOptions)
static uint GetConsoleCP ()
static uint GetConsoleOutputCP ()
static bool CreatePipe (out SafeFileHandle hReadPipe, out SafeFileHandle hWritePipe, ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpPipeAttributes, int nSize)
static unsafe int MultiByteToWideChar (uint CodePage, uint dwFlags, byte *lpMultiByteStr, int cbMultiByte, char *lpWideCharStr, int cchWideChar)
static unsafe int WideCharToMultiByte (uint CodePage, uint dwFlags, char *lpWideCharStr, int cchWideChar, byte *lpMultiByteStr, int cbMultiByte, IntPtr lpDefaultChar, IntPtr lpUsedDefaultChar)
static bool FindClose (IntPtr hFindFile)
static bool SetThreadErrorMode (uint dwNewMode, out uint lpOldMode)
static int GetDriveType (string drive)
static unsafe bool GetVolumeInformation (string drive, char *volumeName, int volumeNameBufLen, int *volSerialNumber, int *maxFileNameLen, out int fileSystemFlags, char *fileSystemName, int fileSystemNameBufLen)
static int GetLogicalDrives ()
static bool GetDiskFreeSpaceEx (string drive, out long freeBytesForUser, out long totalBytes, out long freeBytes)
static bool SetVolumeLabel (string driveLetter, string volumeName)
static bool SetThreadErrorMode (uint dwNewMode, out uint lpOldMode)
static unsafe bool ReadDirectoryChangesW (SafeFileHandle hDirectory, byte[] lpBuffer, uint nBufferLength, bool bWatchSubtree, uint dwNotifyFilter, uint *lpBytesReturned, NativeOverlapped *lpOverlapped, void *lpCompletionRoutine)
static SafeMemoryMappedFileHandle CreateFileMapping (SafeFileHandle hFile, ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpFileMappingAttributes, int flProtect, int dwMaximumSizeHigh, int dwMaximumSizeLow, string lpName)
static SafeMemoryMappedFileHandle CreateFileMapping (IntPtr hFile, ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpFileMappingAttributes, int flProtect, int dwMaximumSizeHigh, int dwMaximumSizeLow, string lpName)
static SafeMemoryMappedViewHandle MapViewOfFile (SafeMemoryMappedFileHandle hFileMappingObject, int dwDesiredAccess, int dwFileOffsetHigh, int dwFileOffsetLow, UIntPtr dwNumberOfBytesToMap)
static SafeMemoryMappedFileHandle OpenFileMapping (int dwDesiredAccess, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool bInheritHandle, string lpName)
static IntPtr VirtualAlloc (SafeHandle lpAddress, UIntPtr dwSize, int flAllocationType, int flProtect)
static unsafe BOOL GlobalMemoryStatusEx (MEMORYSTATUSEX *lpBuffer)
static bool CloseHandle (IntPtr handle)
static bool FlushViewOfFile (IntPtr lpBaseAddress, UIntPtr dwNumberOfBytesToFlush)
static void GetSystemInfo (out SYSTEM_INFO lpSystemInfo)
static bool UnmapViewOfFile (IntPtr lpBaseAddress)
static UIntPtr VirtualQuery (SafeHandle lpAddress, ref MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION lpBuffer, UIntPtr dwLength)
static bool CloseHandle (IntPtr handle)
static IntPtr GetCurrentProcess ()
static bool DuplicateHandle (IntPtr hSourceProcessHandle, SafeHandle hSourceHandle, IntPtr hTargetProcessHandle, out SafePipeHandle lpTargetHandle, uint dwDesiredAccess, bool bInheritHandle, uint dwOptions)
static int GetFileType (SafeHandle hFile)
static bool CreatePipe (out SafePipeHandle hReadPipe, out SafePipeHandle hWritePipe, ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpPipeAttributes, int nSize)
static unsafe bool ConnectNamedPipe (SafePipeHandle handle, NativeOverlapped *overlapped)
static bool ConnectNamedPipe (SafePipeHandle handle, IntPtr overlapped)
static bool WaitNamedPipe (string name, int timeout)
static unsafe bool GetNamedPipeHandleStateW (SafePipeHandle hNamedPipe, uint *lpState, uint *lpCurInstances, uint *lpMaxCollectionCount, uint *lpCollectDataTimeout, char *lpUserName, uint nMaxUserNameSize)
static unsafe bool GetNamedPipeInfo (SafePipeHandle hNamedPipe, uint *lpFlags, uint *lpOutBufferSize, uint *lpInBufferSize, uint *lpMaxInstances)
static unsafe bool SetNamedPipeHandleState (SafePipeHandle hNamedPipe, int *lpMode, IntPtr lpMaxCollectionCount, IntPtr lpCollectDataTimeout)
static unsafe bool CancelIoEx (SafeHandle handle, NativeOverlapped *lpOverlapped)
static bool FlushFileBuffers (SafeHandle hHandle)
static unsafe int ReadFile (SafeHandle handle, byte *bytes, int numBytesToRead, out int numBytesRead, IntPtr mustBeZero)
static unsafe int ReadFile (SafeHandle handle, byte *bytes, int numBytesToRead, IntPtr numBytesRead_mustBeZero, NativeOverlapped *overlapped)
static unsafe int WriteFile (SafeHandle handle, byte *bytes, int numBytesToWrite, out int numBytesWritten, IntPtr mustBeZero)
static unsafe int WriteFile (SafeHandle handle, byte *bytes, int numBytesToWrite, IntPtr numBytesWritten_mustBeZero, NativeOverlapped *lpOverlapped)
static bool DisconnectNamedPipe (SafePipeHandle hNamedPipe)
static SafePipeHandle CreateNamedPipe (string pipeName, int openMode, int pipeMode, int maxInstances, int outBufferSize, int inBufferSize, int defaultTimeout, ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES securityAttributes)
static SafePipeHandle CreateNamedPipeClient (string lpFileName, int dwDesiredAccess, FileShare dwShareMode, ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, FileMode dwCreationDisposition, int dwFlagsAndAttributes, IntPtr hTemplateFile)
static IntPtr LoadLibraryEx (string libFilename, IntPtr reserved, int flags)
static bool SetFileCompletionNotificationModes (SafeHandle handle, FileCompletionNotificationModes flags)
static unsafe bool CancelIoEx (SafeHandle handle, NativeOverlapped *lpOverlapped)
static IntPtr LoadLibraryEx (string libFilename, IntPtr reserved, int flags)
static bool CloseHandle (IntPtr handle)
static IntPtr LoadLibraryEx (string libFilename, IntPtr reserved, int flags)
static bool CloseHandle (IntPtr handle)
static unsafe bool CancelIoEx (SafeHandle handle, NativeOverlapped *lpOverlapped)
static unsafe bool CancelIoEx (IntPtr handle, NativeOverlapped *lpOverlapped)
static bool SetFileCompletionNotificationModes (SafeHandle handle, FileCompletionNotificationModes flags)
static bool SetHandleInformation (SafeHandle hObject, HandleFlags dwMask, HandleFlags dwFlags)
static unsafe int LCIDToLocaleName (int locale, char *pLocaleName, int cchName, uint dwFlags)
static int LocaleNameToLCID (string lpName, uint dwFlags)
static unsafe int LCMapStringEx (string lpLocaleName, uint dwMapFlags, char *lpSrcStr, int cchSrc, void *lpDestStr, int cchDest, void *lpVersionInformation, void *lpReserved, IntPtr sortHandle)
static unsafe int FindNLSStringEx (char *lpLocaleName, uint dwFindNLSStringFlags, char *lpStringSource, int cchSource, char *lpStringValue, int cchValue, int *pcchFound, void *lpVersionInformation, void *lpReserved, IntPtr sortHandle)
static unsafe int CompareStringEx (char *lpLocaleName, uint dwCmpFlags, char *lpString1, int cchCount1, char *lpString2, int cchCount2, void *lpVersionInformation, void *lpReserved, IntPtr lParam)
static unsafe int CompareStringOrdinal (char *lpString1, int cchCount1, char *lpString2, int cchCount2, bool bIgnoreCase)
static unsafe int FindStringOrdinal (uint dwFindStringOrdinalFlags, char *lpStringSource, int cchSource, char *lpStringValue, int cchValue, BOOL bIgnoreCase)
static unsafe bool IsNLSDefinedString (int Function, uint dwFlags, IntPtr lpVersionInformation, char *lpString, int cchStr)
static unsafe BOOL GetUserPreferredUILanguages (uint dwFlags, uint *pulNumLanguages, char *pwszLanguagesBuffer, uint *pcchLanguagesBuffer)
static unsafe int GetLocaleInfoEx (string lpLocaleName, uint LCType, void *lpLCData, int cchData)
static unsafe bool EnumSystemLocalesEx (delegate *unmanaged< char *, uint, void *, BOOL > lpLocaleEnumProcEx, uint dwFlags, void *lParam, IntPtr reserved)
static unsafe bool EnumTimeFormatsEx (delegate *unmanaged< char *, void *, BOOL > lpTimeFmtEnumProcEx, string lpLocaleName, uint dwFlags, void *lParam)
static int GetCalendarInfoEx (string lpLocaleName, uint Calendar, IntPtr lpReserved, uint CalType, IntPtr lpCalData, int cchData, out int lpValue)
static int GetCalendarInfoEx (string lpLocaleName, uint Calendar, IntPtr lpReserved, uint CalType, IntPtr lpCalData, int cchData, IntPtr lpValue)
static int GetUserGeoID (int geoClass)
static unsafe int GetGeoInfo (int location, int geoType, char *lpGeoData, int cchData, int LangId)
static unsafe bool EnumCalendarInfoExEx (delegate *unmanaged< char *, uint, IntPtr, void *, BOOL > pCalInfoEnumProcExEx, string lpLocaleName, uint Calendar, string lpReserved, uint CalType, void *lParam)
static unsafe bool GetNLSVersionEx (int function, string localeName, NlsVersionInfoEx *lpVersionInformation)
static unsafe int ResolveLocaleName (string lpNameToResolve, char *lpLocaleName, int cchLocaleName)
static unsafe bool CancelIoEx (SafeHandle handle, NativeOverlapped *lpOverlapped)
static IntPtr CreateIoCompletionPort (IntPtr FileHandle, IntPtr ExistingCompletionPort, UIntPtr CompletionKey, int NumberOfConcurrentThreads)
static bool PostQueuedCompletionStatus (IntPtr CompletionPort, int dwNumberOfBytesTransferred, UIntPtr CompletionKey, IntPtr lpOverlapped)
static bool GetQueuedCompletionStatus (IntPtr CompletionPort, out int lpNumberOfBytes, out UIntPtr CompletionKey, out IntPtr lpOverlapped, int dwMilliseconds)
static unsafe void InitializeConditionVariable (CONDITION_VARIABLE *ConditionVariable)
static unsafe void WakeConditionVariable (CONDITION_VARIABLE *ConditionVariable)
static unsafe bool SleepConditionVariableCS (CONDITION_VARIABLE *ConditionVariable, CRITICAL_SECTION *CriticalSection, int dwMilliseconds)
static bool DeleteVolumeMountPointPrivate (string mountPoint)
static unsafe void InitializeCriticalSection (CRITICAL_SECTION *lpCriticalSection)
static unsafe void EnterCriticalSection (CRITICAL_SECTION *lpCriticalSection)
static unsafe void LeaveCriticalSection (CRITICAL_SECTION *lpCriticalSection)
static unsafe void DeleteCriticalSection (CRITICAL_SECTION *lpCriticalSection)
static bool DeviceIoControl (SafeHandle hDevice, uint dwIoControlCode, IntPtr lpInBuffer, uint nInBufferSize, byte[] lpOutBuffer, uint nOutBufferSize, out uint lpBytesReturned, IntPtr lpOverlapped)
static uint ExpandEnvironmentStrings (string lpSrc, ref char lpDst, uint nSize)
static bool FindNextFile (SafeFindHandle hndFindFile, ref WIN32_FIND_DATA lpFindFileData)
static unsafe BOOL FileTimeToSystemTime (ulong *lpFileTime, SYSTEMTIME *lpSystemTime)
static bool FindClose (IntPtr hFindFile)
static bool FlushFileBuffers (SafeHandle hHandle)
static bool FreeLibrary (IntPtr hModule)
static int GetLastError ()
static unsafe BOOL GetCPInfo (uint codePage, CPINFO *lpCpInfo)
static uint GetCurrentDirectory (uint nBufferLength, ref char lpBuffer)
static IntPtr GetCurrentProcess ()
static uint GetCurrentProcessId ()
static unsafe bool GetFileInformationByHandleEx (SafeFileHandle hFile, int FileInformationClass, void *lpFileInformation, uint dwBufferSize)
static int GetFileType (SafeHandle hFile)
static unsafe uint GetFinalPathNameByHandle (SafeFileHandle hFile, char *lpszFilePath, uint cchFilePath, uint dwFlags)
static uint GetFullPathNameW (ref char lpFileName, uint nBufferLength, ref char lpBuffer, IntPtr lpFilePart)
static int GetLogicalDrives ()
static uint GetLongPathNameW (ref char lpszShortPath, ref char lpszLongPath, uint cchBuffer)
static uint GetModuleFileName (IntPtr hModule, ref char lpFilename, uint nSize)
static unsafe bool GetOverlappedResult (SafeFileHandle hFile, NativeOverlapped *lpOverlapped, ref int lpNumberOfBytesTransferred, bool bWait)
static bool GetProcessMemoryInfo (IntPtr Process, ref PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS ppsmemCounters, uint cb)
static bool GetProcessTimes (IntPtr handleProcess, out long creation, out long exit, out long kernel, out long user)
static IntPtr GetStdHandle (int nStdHandle)
static uint GetSystemDirectoryW (ref char lpBuffer, uint uSize)
static void GetSystemInfo (out SYSTEM_INFO lpSystemInfo)
static unsafe void GetSystemTime (SYSTEMTIME *lpSystemTime)
static bool GetSystemTimes (out long idle, out long kernel, out long user)
static uint GetTempFileNameW (ref char lpPathName, string lpPrefixString, uint uUnique, ref char lpTempFileName)
static uint GetTempPathW (int bufferLen, ref char buffer)
static unsafe bool GetVolumeInformation (string drive, char *volumeName, int volumeNameBufLen, int *volSerialNumber, int *maxFileNameLen, out int fileSystemFlags, char *fileSystemName, int fileSystemNameBufLen)
static unsafe BOOL GlobalMemoryStatusEx (MEMORYSTATUSEX *lpBuffer)
static IntPtr LoadLibraryEx (string libFilename, IntPtr reserved, int flags)
static IntPtr LocalAlloc (uint uFlags, nuint uBytes)
static IntPtr LocalReAlloc (IntPtr hMem, nuint uBytes, uint uFlags)
static IntPtr LocalFree (IntPtr hMem)
static bool LockFile (SafeFileHandle handle, int offsetLow, int offsetHigh, int countLow, int countHigh)
static bool UnlockFile (SafeFileHandle handle, int offsetLow, int offsetHigh, int countLow, int countHigh)
static unsafe int MultiByteToWideChar (uint CodePage, uint dwFlags, byte *lpMultiByteStr, int cbMultiByte, char *lpWideCharStr, int cchWideChar)
static void OutputDebugString (string message)
static unsafe BOOL QueryPerformanceCounter (long *lpPerformanceCount)
static unsafe BOOL QueryPerformanceFrequency (long *lpFrequency)
static bool QueryUnbiasedInterruptTime (out ulong UnbiasedTime)
static unsafe int ReadFile (SafeHandle handle, byte *bytes, int numBytesToRead, IntPtr numBytesRead_mustBeZero, NativeOverlapped *overlapped)
static unsafe int ReadFile (SafeHandle handle, byte *bytes, int numBytesToRead, out int numBytesRead, NativeOverlapped *overlapped)
static unsafe int ReadFileScatter (SafeHandle hFile, long *aSegmentArray, int nNumberOfBytesToRead, IntPtr lpReserved, NativeOverlapped *lpOverlapped)
static unsafe int WriteFileGather (SafeHandle hFile, long *aSegmentArray, int nNumberOfBytesToWrite, IntPtr lpReserved, NativeOverlapped *lpOverlapped)
static unsafe bool SetConsoleCtrlHandler (delegate *unmanaged< int, BOOL > HandlerRoutine, bool Add)
static bool SetCurrentDirectory (string path)
static unsafe bool SetFileInformationByHandle (SafeFileHandle hFile, int FileInformationClass, void *lpFileInformation, uint dwBufferSize)
static bool SetFilePointerEx (SafeFileHandle hFile, long liDistanceToMove, out long lpNewFilePointer, uint dwMoveMethod)
static void SetLastError (int errorCode)
static bool SetThreadErrorMode (uint dwNewMode, out uint lpOldMode)
static unsafe BOOL SystemTimeToFileTime (SYSTEMTIME *lpSystemTime, ulong *lpFileTime)
static uint GetDynamicTimeZoneInformation (out TIME_DYNAMIC_ZONE_INFORMATION pTimeZoneInformation)
static uint GetTimeZoneInformation (out TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION lpTimeZoneInformation)
static unsafe BOOL TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime (IntPtr lpTimeZoneInformation, SYSTEMTIME *lpLocalTime, SYSTEMTIME *lpUniversalTime)
static bool VerifyVersionInfoW (ref OSVERSIONINFOEX lpVersionInfo, uint dwTypeMask, ulong dwlConditionMask)
static ulong VerSetConditionMask (ulong ConditionMask, uint TypeMask, byte Condition)
static unsafe void * VirtualAlloc (void *lpAddress, UIntPtr dwSize, int flAllocationType, int flProtect)
static unsafe bool VirtualFree (void *lpAddress, UIntPtr dwSize, int dwFreeType)
static unsafe UIntPtr VirtualQuery (void *lpAddress, ref MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION lpBuffer, UIntPtr dwLength)
static unsafe int WideCharToMultiByte (uint CodePage, uint dwFlags, char *lpWideCharStr, int cchWideChar, byte *lpMultiByteStr, int cbMultiByte, IntPtr lpDefaultChar, IntPtr lpUsedDefaultChar)
static unsafe int WriteFile (SafeHandle handle, byte *bytes, int numBytesToWrite, IntPtr numBytesWritten_mustBeZero, NativeOverlapped *lpOverlapped)
static unsafe int WriteFile (SafeHandle handle, byte *bytes, int numBytesToWrite, out int numBytesWritten, NativeOverlapped *lpOverlapped)
static bool CloseHandle (IntPtr handle)
static bool SetEvent (SafeWaitHandle handle)
static bool ResetEvent (SafeWaitHandle handle)
static SafeWaitHandle CreateEventEx (IntPtr lpSecurityAttributes, string name, uint flags, uint desiredAccess)
static SafeWaitHandle OpenEvent (uint desiredAccess, bool inheritHandle, string name)
static uint GetEnvironmentVariable (string lpName, ref char lpBuffer, uint nSize)
static unsafe char * GetEnvironmentStringsW ()
static unsafe BOOL FreeEnvironmentStringsW (char *lpszEnvironmentBlock)
static SafeWaitHandle OpenMutex (uint desiredAccess, bool inheritHandle, string name)
static SafeWaitHandle CreateMutexEx (IntPtr lpMutexAttributes, string name, uint flags, uint desiredAccess)
static bool ReleaseMutex (SafeWaitHandle handle)
static SafeWaitHandle OpenSemaphore (uint desiredAccess, bool inheritHandle, string name)
static SafeWaitHandle CreateSemaphoreEx (IntPtr lpSecurityAttributes, int initialCount, int maximumCount, string name, uint flags, uint desiredAccess)
static bool ReleaseSemaphore (SafeWaitHandle handle, int releaseCount, out int previousCount)
static bool SetEnvironmentVariable (string lpName, string lpValue)
static unsafe int WriteFile (IntPtr handle, byte *bytes, int numBytesToWrite, out int numBytesWritten, IntPtr mustBeZero)
static void GetNativeSystemInfo (out SYSTEM_INFO lpSystemInfo)
static void GetSystemInfo (out SYSTEM_INFO lpSystemInfo)
static bool CloseHandle (IntPtr handle)
static IntPtr GetCurrentProcess ()
static IntPtr GetCurrentProcess ()
static IntPtr GetCurrentThread ()
static bool DuplicateHandle (IntPtr hSourceProcessHandle, IntPtr hSourceHandle, IntPtr hTargetProcessHandle, ref SafeAccessTokenHandle lpTargetHandle, uint dwDesiredAccess, bool bInheritHandle, uint dwOptions)
static bool CloseHandle (IntPtr handle)

Static Package Functions

static unsafe int GetLeadByteRanges (int codePage, byte[] leadByteRanges)
static string GetMessage (int errorCode)
static unsafe string GetMessage (int errorCode, IntPtr moduleHandle)
static bool IsGetConsoleModeCallSuccessful (IntPtr handle)
static string GetMessage (int errorCode)
static unsafe string GetMessage (int errorCode, IntPtr moduleHandle)
static unsafe bool GetModuleInformation (SafeProcessHandle processHandle, IntPtr moduleHandle, out NtModuleInfo ntModuleInfo)
static string GetComputerName ()
static unsafe int GetLeadByteRanges (int codePage, byte[] leadByteRanges)
static unsafe SafeFileHandle CreateFile (string lpFileName, int dwDesiredAccess, FileShare dwShareMode, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *lpSecurityAttributes, FileMode dwCreationDisposition, int dwFlagsAndAttributes, IntPtr hTemplateFile)
static Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFindHandle FindFirstFile (string fileName, ref WIN32_FIND_DATA data)
static string GetMessage (int errorCode)
static unsafe string GetMessage (int errorCode, IntPtr moduleHandle)
static bool GetFileAttributesEx (string name, GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS fileInfoLevel, ref WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA lpFileInformation)
static bool CreateDirectory (string path, ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes)
static string GetMessage (int errorCode)
static unsafe string GetMessage (int errorCode, IntPtr moduleHandle)
static unsafe SafeFileHandle CreateFile (string lpFileName, int dwDesiredAccess, FileShare dwShareMode, FileMode dwCreationDisposition, int dwFlagsAndAttributes)
static string GetMessage (int errorCode)
static unsafe string GetMessage (int errorCode, IntPtr moduleHandle)
static string GetMessage (int errorCode)
static unsafe string GetMessage (int errorCode, IntPtr moduleHandle)
static int CopyFile (string src, string dst, bool failIfExists)
static bool CopyFileEx (string src, string dst, IntPtr progressRoutine, IntPtr progressData, ref int cancel, int flags)
static bool CreateDirectory (string path, ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes)
static unsafe SafeFileHandle CreateFile (string lpFileName, int dwDesiredAccess, FileShare dwShareMode, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *lpSecurityAttributes, FileMode dwCreationDisposition, int dwFlagsAndAttributes, IntPtr hTemplateFile)
static unsafe SafeFileHandle CreateFile (string lpFileName, int dwDesiredAccess, FileShare dwShareMode, FileMode dwCreationDisposition, int dwFlagsAndAttributes)
static bool DeleteFile (string path)
static bool DeleteVolumeMountPoint (string mountPoint)
static unsafe IntPtr CreateFile_IntPtr (string lpFileName, int dwDesiredAccess, FileShare dwShareMode, FileMode dwCreationDisposition, int dwFlagsAndAttributes)
static void CreateSymbolicLink (string symlinkFileName, string targetFileName, bool isDirectory)
static SafeFindHandle FindFirstFile (string fileName, ref WIN32_FIND_DATA data)
static string GetComputerName ()
static bool GetFileAttributesEx (string name, GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS fileInfoLevel, ref WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA lpFileInformation)
static bool MoveFile (string src, string dst, bool overwrite)
static bool RemoveDirectory (string path)
static bool ReplaceFile (string replacedFileName, string replacementFileName, string backupFileName, int dwReplaceFlags, IntPtr lpExclude, IntPtr lpReserved)
static bool SetFileAttributes (string name, int attr)
static string GetMessage (int errorCode)
static unsafe string GetMessage (int errorCode, IntPtr moduleHandle)
static string GetMessage (int errorCode)
static unsafe string GetMessage (int errorCode, IntPtr moduleHandle)
static string GetMessage (int errorCode)
static unsafe string GetMessage (int errorCode, IntPtr moduleHandle)
static string GetMessage (int errorCode)
static unsafe string GetMessage (int errorCode, IntPtr moduleHandle)
static string GetMessage (int errorCode)
static unsafe string GetMessage (int errorCode, IntPtr moduleHandle)
static unsafe bool TryGetACPCodePage (out int codePage)

Private Member Functions

static unsafe BOOL GetCPInfoExW (uint CodePage, uint dwFlags, CPINFOEXW *lpCPInfoEx)
static unsafe int FormatMessage (int dwFlags, IntPtr lpSource, uint dwMessageId, int dwLanguageId, void *lpBuffer, int nSize, IntPtr arguments)
static unsafe int FormatMessage (int dwFlags, IntPtr lpSource, uint dwMessageId, int dwLanguageId, void *lpBuffer, int nSize, IntPtr arguments)
static bool GetModuleInformation (SafeProcessHandle processHandle, IntPtr moduleHandle, out NtModuleInfo ntModuleInfo, int size)
static int GetComputerName (ref char lpBuffer, ref uint nSize)
static unsafe BOOL GetCPInfoExW (uint CodePage, uint dwFlags, CPINFOEXW *lpCPInfoEx)
static unsafe SafeFileHandle CreateFilePrivate (string lpFileName, int dwDesiredAccess, FileShare dwShareMode, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *lpSecurityAttributes, FileMode dwCreationDisposition, int dwFlagsAndAttributes, IntPtr hTemplateFile)
static Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFindHandle FindFirstFileExPrivate (string lpFileName, FINDEX_INFO_LEVELS fInfoLevelId, ref WIN32_FIND_DATA lpFindFileData, FINDEX_SEARCH_OPS fSearchOp, IntPtr lpSearchFilter, int dwAdditionalFlags)
static unsafe int FormatMessage (int dwFlags, IntPtr lpSource, uint dwMessageId, int dwLanguageId, void *lpBuffer, int nSize, IntPtr arguments)
static bool GetFileAttributesExPrivate (string name, GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS fileInfoLevel, ref WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA lpFileInformation)
static bool CreateDirectoryPrivate (string path, ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes)
static unsafe int FormatMessage (int dwFlags, IntPtr lpSource, uint dwMessageId, int dwLanguageId, void *lpBuffer, int nSize, IntPtr arguments)
static unsafe SafeFileHandle CreateFilePrivate (string lpFileName, int dwDesiredAccess, FileShare dwShareMode, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *lpSecurityAttributes, FileMode dwCreationDisposition, int dwFlagsAndAttributes, IntPtr hTemplateFile)
static unsafe int FormatMessage (int dwFlags, IntPtr lpSource, uint dwMessageId, int dwLanguageId, void *lpBuffer, int nSize, IntPtr arguments)
static unsafe int FormatMessage (int dwFlags, IntPtr lpSource, uint dwMessageId, int dwLanguageId, void *lpBuffer, int nSize, IntPtr arguments)
static bool CopyFileExPrivate (string src, string dst, IntPtr progressRoutine, IntPtr progressData, ref int cancel, int flags)
static bool CreateDirectoryPrivate (string path, ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes)
static unsafe SafeFileHandle CreateFilePrivate (string lpFileName, int dwDesiredAccess, FileShare dwShareMode, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *lpSecurityAttributes, FileMode dwCreationDisposition, int dwFlagsAndAttributes, IntPtr hTemplateFile)
static bool DeleteFilePrivate (string path)
static unsafe IntPtr CreateFilePrivate_IntPtr (string lpFileName, int dwDesiredAccess, FileShare dwShareMode, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *lpSecurityAttributes, FileMode dwCreationDisposition, int dwFlagsAndAttributes, IntPtr hTemplateFile)
static bool CreateSymbolicLinkPrivate (string lpSymlinkFileName, string lpTargetFileName, int dwFlags)
static SafeFindHandle FindFirstFileExPrivate (string lpFileName, FINDEX_INFO_LEVELS fInfoLevelId, ref WIN32_FIND_DATA lpFindFileData, FINDEX_SEARCH_OPS fSearchOp, IntPtr lpSearchFilter, int dwAdditionalFlags)
static int GetComputerName (ref char lpBuffer, ref uint nSize)
static bool GetFileAttributesExPrivate (string name, GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS fileInfoLevel, ref WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA lpFileInformation)
static bool MoveFileExPrivate (string src, string dst, uint flags)
static bool RemoveDirectoryPrivate (string path)
static bool ReplaceFilePrivate (string replacedFileName, string replacementFileName, string backupFileName, int dwReplaceFlags, IntPtr lpExclude, IntPtr lpReserved)
static bool SetFileAttributesPrivate (string name, int attr)
static unsafe int FormatMessage (int dwFlags, IntPtr lpSource, uint dwMessageId, int dwLanguageId, void *lpBuffer, int nSize, IntPtr arguments)
static unsafe int FormatMessage (int dwFlags, IntPtr lpSource, uint dwMessageId, int dwLanguageId, void *lpBuffer, int nSize, IntPtr arguments)
static unsafe int FormatMessage (int dwFlags, IntPtr lpSource, uint dwMessageId, int dwLanguageId, void *lpBuffer, int nSize, IntPtr arguments)
static unsafe int FormatMessage (int dwFlags, IntPtr lpSource, uint dwMessageId, int dwLanguageId, void *lpBuffer, int nSize, IntPtr arguments)
static unsafe int FormatMessage (int dwFlags, IntPtr lpSource, uint dwMessageId, int dwLanguageId, void *lpBuffer, int nSize, IntPtr arguments)
static unsafe BOOL GetCPInfoExW (uint CodePage, uint dwFlags, CPINFOEXW *lpCPInfoEx)

Static Private Member Functions

static string GetAndTrimString (Span< char > buffer)
static string GetAndTrimString (Span< char > buffer)
static string GetAndTrimString (Span< char > buffer)
static string GetAndTrimString (Span< char > buffer)
static string GetAndTrimString (Span< char > buffer)
static string GetAndTrimString (Span< char > buffer)
static string GetAndTrimString (Span< char > buffer)
static string GetAndTrimString (Span< char > buffer)
static string GetAndTrimString (Span< char > buffer)
static string GetAndTrimString (Span< char > buffer)
static string GetAndTrimString (Span< char > buffer)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 7 of file Interop.cs.

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