Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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Terraria.ID.ArmorIDs.Legs Class Reference


class  Sets

Static Public Attributes

const int FamiliarPants = 0
const int CopperGreaves = 1
const int IronGreaves = 2
const int SilverGreaves = 3
const int GoldGreaves = 4
const int ShadowGreaves = 5
const int MeteorLeggings = 6
const int NecroGreaves = 7
const int JunglePants = 8
const int MoltenGreaves = 9
const int TuxedoPants = 10
const int PlumbersPants = 11
const int HerosPants = 12
const int ArchaeologistsPants = 13
const int NinjaPants = 14
const int TheDoctorsPants = 15
const int CobaltLeggings = 16
const int MythrilGreaves = 17
const int AdamantiteLeggings = 18
const int MiningPants = 19
const int ClownPants = 22
const int HallowedGreaves = 23
const int SantaPants = 24
const int RedsLeggings = 25
const int FrostLeggings = 26
const int TinGreaves = 27
const int LeadGreaves = 28
const int TungstenGreaves = 29
const int PlatinumGreaves = 30
const int WoodGreaves = 31
const int EbonwoodGreaves = 32
const int RichMahoganyGreaves = 33
const int PearlwoodGreaves = 34
const int CrimsonGreaves = 35
const int EskimoPants = 36
const int SteampunkPants = 37
const int BeePants = 38
const int MummyPants = 39
const int CowboyPants = 40
const int PiratePants = 41
const int CactusLeggings = 42
const int ShadewoodGreaves = 43
const int AncientShadowGreaves = 44
const int AncientCobaltLeggings = 45
const int PinkEskimoPants = 46
const int ChlorophyteGreaves = 47
const int TikiPants = 48
const int PalladiumLeggings = 49
const int OrichalcumLeggings = 50
const int TitaniumLeggings = 51
const int SailorPants = 52
const int WhiteTuxedoPants = 53
const int TurtleLeggings = 54
const int SpectrePants = 55
const int ShroomiteLeggings = 56
const int CenxsLeggings = 57
const int CrownosLeggings = 58
const int WillsLeggings = 59
const int JimsLeggings = 60
const int AaronsLeggings = 61
const int DTownsLeggings = 62
const int CenxsDressPants = 63
const int PumpkinLeggings = 64
const int NursePants = 65
const int CyborgPants = 66
const int CreeperPants = 67
const int CatPants = 68
const int PumpkinPants = 69
const int RobotPants = 70
const int UnicornPants = 71
const int VampirePants = 72
const int LeprechaunPants = 73
const int PixiePants = 74
const int WitchBoots = 75
const int KarateTortoisePants = 76
const int ScarecrowPants = 77
const int FoxPants = 78
const int SpookyLeggings = 79
const int SpaceCreaturePants = 80
const int WolfPants = 81
const int TreasureHunterPants = 82
const int DryadLoincloth = 83
const int MrsClausHeels = 84
const int TreeTrunks = 85
const int ParkaPants = 86
const int ElfPants = 87
const int BeetleLeggings = 98
const int GiFemaleExtension = 99
const int GypsyRobeMaleExtension = 101
const int GypsyRobeFemaleExtension = 102
const int BeeGreaves = 103
const int AnglerPants = 104
const int SpiderGreaves = 105
const int MermaidTail = 106
const int FishCostumeFinskirt = 107
const int BorealWoodGreaves = 108
const int PalmWoodGreaves = 109
const int VortexLeggings = 110
const int NebulaLeggings = 111
const int SolarFlareLeggings = 112
const int MartianCostumePants = 113
const int MartianUniformPants = 114
const int GiMaleExtension = 118
const int GladiatorLeggings = 122
const int TaxCollectorsPants = 124
const int ClothiersPants = 125
const int BuccaneerPantaloons = 126
const int ObsidianPants = 127
const int FallenTuxedoPants = 128
const int FossilGreaves = 129
const int StardustLeggings = 130
const int Yoraiz0rsSkirt = 132
const int SkiphssBearButt = 133
const int LokisGreaves = 134
const int SillySunflowerBottoms = 138
const int PedguinsTrousers = 139
const int DjinnsCurse = 140
const int AncientArmor = 141
const int AncientBattleArmor = 142
const int Lamia = 143
const int ApprenticeTrousers = 144
const int SquireGreaves = 145
const int HuntressPantsMale = 146
const int HuntressPantsFemale = 147
const int MonkPants = 148
const int ApprenticeRobeExtension = 149
const int SquirePlatingExtension = 150
const int HuntressJerkinExtension = 151
const int ValhallaKnight = 152
const int ApprenticeDark = 153
const int RedRidingHuntress = 154
const int RedRidingHuntress_Male = 155
const int ShinobiInfiltrator = 156
const int ArkhalisPants_Male = 157
const int ArkhalisPants_Female = 158
const int LeinforsPants = 159
const int LeinforsPantsCoat = 160
const int ShinobiInfiltratorBodyExtension = 161
const int ForbiddenArmorBodyExtension = 162
const int GladiatorBreastplateBodyExtension = 163
const int BeeBreastplateBodyExtension = 164
const int ReaperRobe = 165
const int BrideOfFrankensteinDress = 166
const int WitchDress = 167
const int PrincessDress = 168
const int GhostShirt = 169
const int DTownBreastplateBodyExtension = 170
const int RaincoatMaleBodyExtension = 171
const int RaincoatFemaleBodyExtension = 172
const int ObsidianLongcoatBodyExtension = 173
const int ApprenticeDarkBodyExtension = 174
const int TikiShirtBodyExtensionMale = 175
const int TikiShirtBodyExtensionFemale = 176
const int MaidBodyExtensionFemale = 177
const int MaidBodyExtensionMale = 178
const int MaidFemale = 179
const int MaidMale = 180
const int MaidAltBodyExtensionFemale = 181
const int MaidAltBodyExtensionMale = 182
const int MaidAltFemale = 183
const int MaidAltMale = 184
const int Golf = 185
const int WitchDressBodyExtension = 186
const int AmberRobe = 187
const int GameMasterPants = 188
const int StarPrincessDress = 189
const int ChefPants = 190
const int SuperHeroTightsMale = 191
const int SuperHeroTightsFemale = 192
const int PrettyPinkDressPantsMale = 193
const int PrettyPinkDressPantsFemale = 194
const int PrettyPinkDressSkirt = 195
const int UndertakerCoat = 196
const int FuneralPantsMale = 197
const int FuneralPantsFemale = 198
const int VictorianGothDressExtension = 199
const int GhostarShirtExtensionFemale = 200
const int GhostarShirtExtensionMale = 201
const int GhostarLegsFemale = 202
const int GhostarLegsMale = 203
const int DrManFlyLabCoatLegs = 204
const int ButcherPants = 205
const int SafemanSunDressExtension = 206
const int SafemanDressLeggingsFemale = 207
const int SafemanDressLeggingsMale = 208
const int FoodBarbarianGreaves = 209
const int GroxTheGreatGreaves = 210
const int MushroomPants = 211
const int AncientHallowedGreaves = 212
const int CrystalNinjaLeggings = 213
const int GraduationGownBlueExtension = 214
const int GraduationGownMaroonExtension = 215
const int GraduationGownBlackExtension = 216
const int MoonLordLegs = 217
const int PlaguebringerGreaves = 218
const int RoninPantsMale = 219
const int RoninPantsFemale = 220
const int RoninShirtExtension = 221
const int TimelessTravelerBottom = 222
const int TimelessTravelerRobeExtension = 223
const int FloretProtectorLegs = 224
const int CapricornLegs = 225
const int CapricornTail = 226
const int TVHeadPants = 227
const int RoyalDressBottom = 228
const int FlinxFurCoatExtension = 229
const int PrincePants = 230
const int WilsonPants = 231
const int WillowSkirtMale = 232
const int WillowSkirtFemale = 233
const int AshWoodGreaves = 234
const int LincolnsPants = 235
static readonly int Count = 236

Detailed Description

Definition at line 1035 of file ArmorIDs.cs.

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