Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Reflection.Metadata.StringHandle Struct Reference

Public Member Functions

override bool Equals (object? obj)
bool Equals (StringHandle other)
override int GetHashCode ()
bool Equals (T? other)

Static Public Member Functions

static implicit operator Handle (StringHandle handle)
static operator StringHandle (Handle handle)
static bool operator== (StringHandle left, StringHandle right)
static bool operator!= (StringHandle left, StringHandle right)

Package Types

enum  VirtualIndex {
  System_Runtime_WindowsRuntime , System_Runtime , System_ObjectModel , System_Runtime_WindowsRuntime_UI_Xaml ,
  System_Runtime_InteropServices_WindowsRuntime , System_Numerics_Vectors , Dispose , AttributeTargets ,
  AttributeUsageAttribute , Color , CornerRadius , DateTimeOffset ,
  Duration , DurationType , EventHandler1 , EventRegistrationToken ,
  Exception , GeneratorPosition , GridLength , GridUnitType ,
  ICommand , IDictionary2 , IDisposable , IEnumerable ,
  IEnumerable1 , IList , IList1 , INotifyCollectionChanged ,
  INotifyPropertyChanged , IReadOnlyDictionary2 , IReadOnlyList1 , KeyTime ,
  KeyValuePair2 , Matrix , Matrix3D , Matrix3x2 ,
  Matrix4x4 , NotifyCollectionChangedAction , NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs , NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler ,
  Nullable1 , Plane , Point , PropertyChangedEventArgs ,
  PropertyChangedEventHandler , Quaternion , Rect , RepeatBehavior ,
  RepeatBehaviorType , Size , System , System_Collections ,
  System_Collections_Generic , System_Collections_Specialized , System_ComponentModel , System_Numerics ,
  System_Windows_Input , Thickness , TimeSpan , Type ,
  Uri , Vector2 , Vector3 , Vector4 ,
  Windows_Foundation , Windows_UI , Windows_UI_Xaml , Windows_UI_Xaml_Controls_Primitives ,
  Windows_UI_Xaml_Media , Windows_UI_Xaml_Media_Animation , Windows_UI_Xaml_Media_Media3D , Count

Package Functions

StringHandle WithWinRTPrefix ()
StringHandle WithDotTermination ()
StringHandle SuffixRaw (int prefixByteLength)
int GetHeapOffset ()
VirtualIndex GetVirtualIndex ()
int GetWriterVirtualIndex ()

Static Package Functions

static StringHandle FromOffset (int heapOffset)
static StringHandle FromVirtualIndex (VirtualIndex virtualIndex)
static StringHandle FromWriterVirtualIndex (int virtualIndex)


uint RawValue [get]
bool IsVirtual [get]
bool IsNil [get]
StringKind StringKind [get]

Private Member Functions

 StringHandle (uint value)

Private Attributes

readonly uint _value

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file StringHandle.cs.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: