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System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 Ping ()
PingReply Send (string hostNameOrAddress)
PingReply Send (string hostNameOrAddress, int timeout)
PingReply Send (IPAddress address)
PingReply Send (IPAddress address, int timeout)
PingReply Send (string hostNameOrAddress, int timeout, byte[] buffer)
PingReply Send (IPAddress address, int timeout, byte[] buffer)
PingReply Send (string hostNameOrAddress, int timeout, byte[] buffer, PingOptions? options)
PingReply Send (IPAddress address, int timeout, byte[] buffer, PingOptions? options)
void SendAsync (string hostNameOrAddress, object? userToken)
void SendAsync (string hostNameOrAddress, int timeout, object? userToken)
void SendAsync (IPAddress address, object? userToken)
void SendAsync (IPAddress address, int timeout, object? userToken)
void SendAsync (string hostNameOrAddress, int timeout, byte[] buffer, object? userToken)
void SendAsync (IPAddress address, int timeout, byte[] buffer, object? userToken)
void SendAsync (string hostNameOrAddress, int timeout, byte[] buffer, PingOptions? options, object? userToken)
void SendAsync (IPAddress address, int timeout, byte[] buffer, PingOptions? options, object? userToken)
Task< PingReplySendPingAsync (IPAddress address)
Task< PingReplySendPingAsync (string hostNameOrAddress)
Task< PingReplySendPingAsync (IPAddress address, int timeout)
Task< PingReplySendPingAsync (string hostNameOrAddress, int timeout)
Task< PingReplySendPingAsync (IPAddress address, int timeout, byte[] buffer)
Task< PingReplySendPingAsync (string hostNameOrAddress, int timeout, byte[] buffer)
Task< PingReplySendPingAsync (IPAddress address, int timeout, byte[] buffer, PingOptions? options)
Task< PingReplySendPingAsync (string hostNameOrAddress, int timeout, byte[] buffer, PingOptions? options)
void SendAsyncCancel ()
void Dispose ()
override string ToString ()
object GetLifetimeService ()
virtual object InitializeLifetimeService ()

Protected Member Functions

override void Dispose (bool disposing)
void OnPingCompleted (PingCompletedEventArgs e)
virtual ? object GetService (Type service)
MarshalByRefObject MemberwiseClone (bool cloneIdentity)


byte[] DefaultSendBuffer [get]
virtual bool CanRaiseEvents [get]
bool CanRaiseEventsInternal [get]
EventHandlerList Events [get]
virtual ? ISite Site [get, set]
IContainer? Container [get]
bool DesignMode [get]



Private Member Functions

void CheckArgs (int timeout, byte[] buffer, PingOptions options)
void CheckArgs (IPAddress address, int timeout, byte[] buffer, PingOptions options)
void CheckDisposed ()
void CheckStart ()
void Finish ()
void InternalDispose ()
void TranslateTaskToEap (object userToken, Task< PingReply > pingTask)
async Task< PingReplySendPingAsyncInternal (IPAddress address, int timeout, byte[] buffer, PingOptions options)
PingReply GetAddressAndSend (string hostNameOrAddress, int timeout, byte[] buffer, PingOptions options)
async Task< PingReplyGetAddressAndSendAsync (string hostNameOrAddress, int timeout, byte[] buffer, PingOptions options)
void TestIsIpSupported (IPAddress ip)
void InternalDisposeCore ()
PingReply SendPingCore (IPAddress address, byte[] buffer, int timeout, PingOptions options)
Task< PingReplySendPingAsyncCore (IPAddress address, byte[] buffer, int timeout, PingOptions options)
Task< PingReplyDoSendPingCore (IPAddress address, byte[] buffer, int timeout, PingOptions options, bool isAsync)
void RegisterWaitHandle ()
void UnregisterWaitHandle ()
SafeWaitHandle GetWaitHandle (bool async)
void InitialiseIcmpHandle ()
int SendEcho (IPAddress address, byte[] buffer, int timeout, PingOptions options, bool isAsync)
PingReply CreatePingReply ()
void Cleanup (bool isAsync)
void PingCallback ()
unsafe void SetUnmanagedStructures (byte[] buffer)
void FreeUnmanagedStructures ()

Static Private Member Functions

static IPAddress GetAddressSnapshot (IPAddress address)
static IPStatus GetStatusFromCode (int statusCode)
static PingReply CreatePingReplyFromIcmpEchoReply (global::Interop.IpHlpApi.IcmpEchoReply reply)
static PingReply CreatePingReplyFromIcmp6EchoReply (global::Interop.IpHlpApi.Icmp6EchoReply reply, IntPtr dataPtr, int sendSize)

Private Attributes

readonly ManualResetEventSlim _lockObject = new ManualResetEventSlim(initialState: true)
SendOrPostCallback _onPingCompletedDelegate
bool _disposeRequested
byte[] _defaultSendBuffer
bool _canceled
int _status
int _sendSize
bool _ipv6
ManualResetEvent _pingEvent
RegisteredWaitHandle _registeredWait
SafeLocalAllocHandle _requestBuffer
SafeLocalAllocHandle _replyBuffer
global::Interop.IpHlpApi.SafeCloseIcmpHandle _handlePingV4
global::Interop.IpHlpApi.SafeCloseIcmpHandle _handlePingV6
TaskCompletionSource< PingReply_taskCompletionSource
ISite _site
EventHandlerList _events

Static Private Attributes

static readonly SafeWaitHandle s_nullSafeWaitHandle = new SafeWaitHandle(IntPtr.Zero, ownsHandle: true)
static readonly object s_eventDisposed = new object()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 11 of file Ping.cs.

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