Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
Internal.NativeCrypto.CapiHelper Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static string UpgradeDSS (int dwProvType, string wszProvider)
static string UpgradeRSA (int dwProvType, string wszProvider)
static int OpenCSP (CspParameters cspParameters, uint flags, out SafeProvHandle safeProvHandle)
static object GetProviderParameter (SafeProvHandle safeProvHandle, int keyNumber, int keyParam)
static int NameOrOidToHashAlgId (string nameOrOid, OidGroup oidGroup)
static int ObjToHashAlgId (object hashAlg)
static byte[] SignValue (SafeProvHandle hProv, SafeKeyHandle hKey, int keyNumber, int calgKey, int calgHash, byte[] hash)
static bool VerifySign (SafeProvHandle hProv, SafeKeyHandle hKey, int calgKey, int calgHash, byte[] hash, byte[] signature)
static void DeriveKey (SafeProvHandle hProv, int algid, int algidHash, byte[] password, int cbPassword, int dwFlags, byte[] IV_Out, int cbIV_In, [NotNull] ref byte[] pbKey)
static CryptographicException GetBadDataException ()
static CryptographicException GetEFailException ()
static bool CryptGetUserKey (SafeProvHandle safeProvHandle, int dwKeySpec, out SafeKeyHandle safeKeyHandle)
static bool CryptGenKey (SafeProvHandle safeProvHandle, int algId, int dwFlags, out SafeKeyHandle safeKeyHandle)
static unsafe bool CryptImportKey (SafeProvHandle hProv, ReadOnlySpan< byte > pbData, SafeKeyHandle hPubKey, int dwFlags, out SafeKeyHandle phKey)
static bool CryptCreateHash (SafeProvHandle hProv, int algId, SafeKeyHandle hKey, global::Interop.Advapi32.CryptCreateHashFlags dwFlags, out SafeHashHandle phHash)
static bool CryptDeriveKey (SafeProvHandle hProv, int algId, SafeHashHandle phHash, int dwFlags, out SafeKeyHandle phKey)

Package Types

enum  CryptGetKeyParamQueryType {
  KP_KEYLEN = 9 , KP_ALGID = 7
enum  CspAlgorithmType { Rsa , Dss }

Static Package Functions

static byte[] ToKeyBlob (this DSAParameters dsaParameters)
static DSAParameters ToDSAParameters (this byte[] cspBlob, bool includePrivateParameters, byte[] cspPublicBlob)
static byte[] ToKeyBlob (this RSAParameters rsaParameters)
static RSAParameters ToRSAParameters (this byte[] cspBlob, bool includePrivateParameters)
static byte GetKeyBlobHeaderVersion (byte[] cspBlob)
static string GetDefaultProvider (int dwType)
static void AcquireCsp (CspParameters cspParameters, out SafeProvHandle safeProvHandle)
static SafeProvHandle CreateProvHandle (CspParameters parameters, bool randomKeyContainer)
static bool IsFlagBitSet (uint dwImp, uint flag)
static int GetProviderParameterWorker (SafeProvHandle safeProvHandle, byte[] impType, ref int cb, global::Interop.Advapi32.CryptProvParam flags)
static int GetUserKey (SafeProvHandle safeProvHandle, int keySpec, out SafeKeyHandle safeKeyHandle)
static int GenerateKey (SafeProvHandle safeProvHandle, int algID, int flags, uint keySize, out SafeKeyHandle safeKeyHandle)
static int MapCspKeyFlags (int flags)
static uint MapCspProviderFlags (int flags)
static void VerifyValidHandle (SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid handle)
static byte[] GetKeyParameter (SafeKeyHandle safeKeyHandle, int keyParam)
static void SetKeyParameter (SafeKeyHandle safeKeyHandle, CryptGetKeyParamQueryType keyParam, byte[] value)
static void SetKeyParameter (SafeKeyHandle safeKeyHandle, CryptGetKeyParamQueryType keyParam, int value)
static CspParameters SaveCspParameters (CspAlgorithmType keyType, CspParameters userParameters, CspProviderFlags defaultFlags, out bool randomKeyContainer)
static SafeKeyHandle GetKeyPairHelper (CspAlgorithmType keyType, CspParameters parameters, int keySize, SafeProvHandle safeProvHandle)
static int GetErrorCode ()
static bool GetPersistKeyInCsp (SafeProvHandle safeProvHandle)
static void SetPersistKeyInCsp (SafeProvHandle safeProvHandle, bool fPersistKeyInCsp)
static void DecryptKey (SafeKeyHandle safeKeyHandle, byte[] encryptedData, int encryptedDataLength, bool fOAEP, out byte[] decryptedData)
static void EncryptKey (SafeKeyHandle safeKeyHandle, byte[] pbKey, int cbKey, bool foep, [NotNull] ref byte[] pbEncryptedKey)
static int EncryptData (SafeKeyHandle hKey, ReadOnlySpan< byte > input, Span< byte > output, bool isFinal)
static int DecryptData (SafeKeyHandle hKey, ReadOnlySpan< byte > input, Span< byte > output)
static void ImportKeyBlob (SafeProvHandle saveProvHandle, CspProviderFlags flags, bool addNoSaltFlag, byte[] keyBlob, out SafeKeyHandle safeKeyHandle)
static byte[] ExportKeyBlob (bool includePrivateParameters, SafeKeyHandle safeKeyHandle)
static HashAlgorithm ObjToHashAlgorithm (object hashAlg)
static byte[] ToPlainTextKeyBlob (int algId, byte[] rawKey)


static ReadOnlySpan< byte > RgbPubKey [get]

Static Private Member Functions

static void ReadKeyBlobHeader (BinaryReader br, out byte bVersion)
static void WriteKeyBlobHeader (DSAParameters dsaParameters, BinaryWriter bw, bool isPrivate, out bool isV3)
static void ReadDSSSeed (DSAParameters dsaParameters, BinaryReader br, bool isV3)
static void WriteDSSSeed (DSAParameters dsaParameters, BinaryWriter bw)
static void WriteReversed (this BinaryWriter bw, byte[] bytes)
static byte[] ExponentAsBytes (uint exponent)
static byte[] ReadReversed (this BinaryReader br, int count)
static void ReverseDsaSignature (byte[] signature, int cbSignature)
static void CreateCSP (CspParameters parameters, bool randomKeyContainer, out SafeProvHandle safeProvHandle)
static int AcquireCryptContext (out SafeProvHandle safeProvHandle, string keyContainer, string providerName, int providerType, uint flags)
static void ValidateCspFlags (CspProviderFlags flags)
static int GetAlgIdFromOid (string oid, OidGroup oidGroup)
static void UnloadKey (SafeProvHandle hProv, SafeKeyHandle hKey, [NotNull] ref byte[] key_out, ref int cb_out)
static SafeHashHandle CreateHashHandle (this SafeProvHandle hProv, byte[] hash, int calgHash)
static SafeHashHandle CreateHashHandle (this SafeProvHandle hProv, byte[] hash, int calgHash, bool throwOnSizeError)
static void WriteKeyBlobHeader (int algId, BinaryWriter bw)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 13 of file CapiHelper.cs.

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