Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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System.Reflection.Metadata.Ecma335.LocalScopeTableReader Struct Reference

Package Functions

 LocalScopeTableReader (int numberOfRows, bool declaredSorted, int methodRefSize, int importScopeRefSize, int localVariableRefSize, int localConstantRefSize, MemoryBlock containingBlock, int containingBlockOffset)
MethodDefinitionHandle GetMethod (int rowId)
ImportScopeHandle GetImportScope (LocalScopeHandle handle)
int GetVariableStart (int rowId)
int GetConstantStart (int rowId)
int GetStartOffset (int rowId)
int GetLength (int rowId)
int GetEndOffset (int rowId)
void GetLocalScopeRange (int methodDefRid, out int firstScopeRowId, out int lastScopeRowId)

Package Attributes

readonly int NumberOfRows
readonly int RowSize
readonly MemoryBlock Block

Private Attributes

readonly bool _isMethodRefSmall
readonly bool _isImportScopeRefSmall
readonly bool _isLocalConstantRefSmall
readonly bool _isLocalVariableRefSmall
readonly int _importScopeOffset
readonly int _variableListOffset
readonly int _constantListOffset
readonly int _startOffsetOffset
readonly int _lengthOffset

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file LocalScopeTableReader.cs.

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