Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
No Matches
System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketProtocolComponent Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static bool Succeeded (int hr)

Package Types

enum  Action {
  NoAction , SendToNetwork , IndicateSendComplete , ReceiveFromNetwork ,
enum  BufferType : uint {
  None = 0u , UTF8Message = 2147483648u , UTF8Fragment = 2147483649u , BinaryMessage = 2147483650u ,
  BinaryFragment = 2147483651u , Close = 2147483652u , PingPong = 2147483653u , UnsolicitedPong = 2147483654u
enum  PropertyType {
  ReceiveBufferSize , SendBufferSize , DisableMasking , AllocatedBuffer ,
  DisableUtf8Verification , KeepAliveInterval
enum  ActionQueue { Send = 1 , Receive }

Static Package Functions

static string GetSupportedVersion ()
static void WebSocketCreateServerHandle (global::Interop.WebSocket.Property[] properties, int propertyCount, out SafeWebSocketHandle webSocketHandle)
static void WebSocketAbortHandle (SafeHandle webSocketHandle)
static void WebSocketDeleteHandle (IntPtr webSocketPtr)
static void WebSocketSend (WebSocketBase webSocket, BufferType bufferType, global::Interop.WebSocket.Buffer buffer)
static void WebSocketSendWithoutBody (WebSocketBase webSocket, BufferType bufferType)
static void WebSocketReceive (WebSocketBase webSocket)
static void WebSocketGetAction (WebSocketBase webSocket, ActionQueue actionQueue, global::Interop.WebSocket.Buffer[] dataBuffers, ref uint dataBufferCount, out Action action, out BufferType bufferType, out IntPtr actionContext)
static void WebSocketCompleteAction (WebSocketBase webSocket, IntPtr actionContext, int bytesTransferred)


static string SupportedVersion [get]
static bool IsSupported [get]

Static Private Member Functions

static WebSocketProtocolComponent ()
static void DrainActionQueue (SafeHandle webSocketHandle, ActionQueue actionQueue)
static void MarshalAndVerifyHttpHeader (IntPtr httpHeaderPtr, ref global::Interop.WebSocket.HttpHeader httpHeader)
static global::Interop.WebSocket.HttpHeader[] MarshalHttpHeaders (IntPtr nativeHeadersPtr, int nativeHeaderCount)
static void ThrowOnError (int errorCode)
static void ThrowIfSessionHandleClosed (WebSocketBase webSocket)
static WebSocketException ConvertObjectDisposedException (WebSocketBase webSocket, ObjectDisposedException innerException)

Static Private Attributes

static readonly string s_dummyWebsocketKeyBase64
static readonly IntPtr s_webSocketDllHandle
static readonly string s_supportedVersion
static readonly global::Interop.WebSocket.HttpHeader[] s_initialClientRequestHeaders
static readonly global::Interop.WebSocket.HttpHeader[] s_ServerFakeRequestHeaders

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file WebSocketProtocolComponent.cs.

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