Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
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Terraria.GameContent.Creative.CreativePowers.APerPlayerSliderPower Class Referenceabstract

Public Member Functions

bool GetRemappedSliderValueFor (int playerIndex, out float value)
float RemapSliderValueToPowerValue (float sliderValue)
void DeserializeNetMessage (BinaryReader reader, int userId)
void ProvidePowerButtons (CreativePowerUIElementRequestInfo info, List< UIElement > elements)
void DebugCall ()
UIElement ProvideSlider ()
void PushChangeAndSetSlider (float value)
GroupOptionButton< int > GetOptionButton (CreativePowerUIElementRequestInfo info, int optionIndex, int currentOptionIndex)
virtual void Reset ()
virtual void ResetForPlayer (int playerIndex)
void OnPlayerJoining (int playerIndex)
bool GetIsUnlocked ()

Package Functions

void UpdateInfoFromSliderValueCache ()
float GetSliderValue ()
void SetValueKeyboard (float value)
void SetValueGamepad ()
void PushChange (float newSliderValue)

Package Attributes

Point _iconLocation
float _sliderCurrentValueCache
string _powerNameKey
float[] _cachePerPlayer = new float[256]
float _sliderDefaultValue


ushort PowerId [get, set]
string ServerConfigName [get, set]
PowerPermissionLevel CurrentPermissionLevel [get, set]
PowerPermissionLevel DefaultPermissionLevel [get, set]

Private Member Functions

void categoryButton_OnUpdate (UIElement affectedElement)
void AttemptPushingChange ()

Private Attributes

float _currentTargetValue
bool _needsToCommitChange
DateTime _nextTimeWeCanPush = DateTime.UtcNow

Detailed Description

Definition at line 197 of file CreativePowers.cs.

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