Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
This is the complete list of members for System.Net.Http.SocksHelper, including all inherited members.
EncodeString(ReadOnlySpan< char > chars, Span< byte > buffer, string parameterName) | System.Net.Http.SocksHelper | inlineprivatestatic |
EstablishSocks4TunnelAsync(Stream stream, bool isVersion4a, string host, int port, Uri proxyUri, NetworkCredential credentials, bool async, CancellationToken cancellationToken) | System.Net.Http.SocksHelper | inlineprivatestatic |
EstablishSocks5TunnelAsync(Stream stream, string host, int port, Uri proxyUri, NetworkCredential credentials, bool async) | System.Net.Http.SocksHelper | inlineprivatestatic |
EstablishSocksTunnelAsync(Stream stream, string host, int port, Uri proxyUri, ICredentials proxyCredentials, bool async, CancellationToken cancellationToken) | System.Net.Http.SocksHelper | inlinestatic |
ReadToFillAsync(Stream stream, Memory< byte > buffer, bool async) | System.Net.Http.SocksHelper | inlineprivatestatic |
VerifyProtocolVersion(byte expected, byte version) | System.Net.Http.SocksHelper | inlineprivatestatic |
WriteAsync(Stream stream, Memory< byte > buffer, bool async) | System.Net.Http.SocksHelper | inlineprivatestatic |