Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
This is the complete list of members for Interop, including all inherited members.
ApplicationProtocolNegotiationExt enum name | Interop | package |
ApplicationProtocolNegotiationStatus enum name | Interop | package |
BOOL enum name | Interop | package |
BOOL enum name | Interop | package |
BOOL enum name | Interop | package |
BOOL enum name | Interop | package |
BOOL enum name | Interop | package |
BOOL enum name | Interop | package |
BOOL enum name | Interop | package |
BOOL enum name | Interop | package |
BOOL enum name | Interop | package |
BOOL enum name | Interop | package |
BOOL enum name | Interop | package |
BOOLEAN enum name | Interop | package |
BOOLEAN enum name | Interop | package |
CallStringMethod< TArg1, TArg2, TArg3 >(SpanFunc< char, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, Globalization.ResultCode > interopCall, TArg1 arg1, TArg2 arg2, TArg3 arg3, out string result) | Interop | inlinepackagestatic |
CheckForAvailableVirtualMemory(ulong nativeSize) | Interop | inlinestatic |
ClaimSecurityAttributeType enum name | Interop | package |
ContextTrackingMode enum name | Interop | |
ContextTrackingMode enum name | Interop | |
CreateFileMapping(SafeFileHandle hFile, ref Kernel32.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES securityAttributes, int pageProtection, long maximumSize, string name) | Interop | inlinestatic |
CreateFileMapping(IntPtr hFile, ref Kernel32.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES securityAttributes, int pageProtection, long maximumSize, string name) | Interop | inlinestatic |
GetRandomBytes(byte *buffer, int length) | Interop | inlinepackagestatic |
ImpersonationLevel enum name | Interop | |
ImpersonationLevel enum name | Interop | |
MapViewOfFile(SafeMemoryMappedFileHandle hFileMappingObject, int desiredAccess, long fileOffset, UIntPtr numberOfBytesToMap) | Interop | inlinestatic |
ObjectAttributes enum name | Interop | |
ObjectAttributes enum name | Interop | |
OpenFileMapping(int desiredAccess, bool inheritHandle, string name) | Interop | inlinestatic |
SECURITY_STATUS enum name | Interop | package |
SECURITY_STATUS enum name | Interop | package |
SECURITY_STATUS enum name | Interop | package |
SECURITY_STATUS enum name | Interop | package |
SplitLong(long number, out int high, out int low) | Interop | inlineprivatestatic |
VirtualAlloc(SafeHandle baseAddress, UIntPtr size, int allocationType, int protection) | Interop | inlinestatic |