No Matches
This is the complete list of members for System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary< TKey, TValue >, including all inherited members.
Add(TKey key, TValue value) | System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary< TKey, TValue > | |
System::Collections::Generic::ICollection.Add(T item) | System.Collections.Generic.ICollection< T > | |
Clear() | System.Collections.Generic.ICollection< T > | |
Contains(T item) | System.Collections.Generic.ICollection< T > | |
ContainsKey(TKey key) | System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary< TKey, TValue > | |
CopyTo(T[] array, int arrayIndex) | System.Collections.Generic.ICollection< T > | |
Count | System.Collections.Generic.ICollection< T > | |
System::Collections::Generic::ICollection.IEnumerable< T >.GetEnumerator() | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable< T > | |
System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable< out T > | |
IsReadOnly | System.Collections.Generic.ICollection< T > | |
Keys | System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary< TKey, TValue > | |
Remove(TKey key) | System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary< TKey, TValue > | |
System::Collections::Generic::ICollection.Remove(T item) | System.Collections.Generic.ICollection< T > | |
this[TKey key] | System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary< TKey, TValue > | |
TryGetValue(TKey key, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out TValue value) | System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary< TKey, TValue > | |
Values | System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary< TKey, TValue > | |