Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
This is the complete list of members for System.Text.Json.JsonReaderHelper, including all inherited members.
CountNewLines(ReadOnlySpan< byte > data) | System.Text.Json.JsonReaderHelper | inlinestatic |
GetTextFromUtf8(ReadOnlySpan< byte > utf8Text) | System.Text.Json.JsonReaderHelper | inlinepackagestatic |
GetUnescapedSpan(ReadOnlySpan< byte > utf8Source, int idx) | System.Text.Json.JsonReaderHelper | inlinestatic |
GetUnescapedString(ReadOnlySpan< byte > utf8Source, int idx) | System.Text.Json.JsonReaderHelper | inlinestatic |
GetUtf8ByteCount(ReadOnlySpan< char > text) | System.Text.Json.JsonReaderHelper | inlinepackagestatic |
GetUtf8FromText(ReadOnlySpan< char > text, Span< byte > dest) | System.Text.Json.JsonReaderHelper | inlinepackagestatic |
IndexOfOrLessThan(ref byte searchSpace, byte value0, byte value1, byte lessThan, int length) | System.Text.Json.JsonReaderHelper | inlineprivatestatic |
IndexOfQuoteOrAnyControlOrBackSlash(this ReadOnlySpan< byte > span) | System.Text.Json.JsonReaderHelper | inlinestatic |
int | System.Text.Json.JsonReaderHelper | static |
IsHexDigit(byte nextByte) | System.Text.Json.JsonReaderHelper | inlinestatic |
IsTokenTypePrimitive(JsonTokenType tokenType) | System.Text.Json.JsonReaderHelper | inlinestatic |
LocateFirstFoundByte(Vector< byte > match) | System.Text.Json.JsonReaderHelper | inlineprivatestatic |
LocateFirstFoundByte(ulong match) | System.Text.Json.JsonReaderHelper | inlineprivatestatic |
s_utf8Encoding | System.Text.Json.JsonReaderHelper | static |
ToValueKind(this JsonTokenType tokenType) | System.Text.Json.JsonReaderHelper | inlinepackagestatic |
TranscodeHelper(ReadOnlySpan< byte > utf8Unescaped) | System.Text.Json.JsonReaderHelper | inlinestatic |
TryDecodeBase64(ReadOnlySpan< byte > utf8Unescaped, [NotNullWhen(true)] out byte[] bytes) | System.Text.Json.JsonReaderHelper | inlinestatic |
TryDecodeBase64InPlace(Span< byte > utf8Unescaped, [NotNullWhen(true)] out byte[] bytes) | System.Text.Json.JsonReaderHelper | inlinestatic |
TryGetEscapedDateTime(ReadOnlySpan< byte > source, out DateTime value) | System.Text.Json.JsonReaderHelper | inlinestatic |
TryGetEscapedDateTimeOffset(ReadOnlySpan< byte > source, out DateTimeOffset value) | System.Text.Json.JsonReaderHelper | inlinestatic |
TryGetEscapedGuid(ReadOnlySpan< byte > source, out Guid value) | System.Text.Json.JsonReaderHelper | inlinestatic |
TryGetFloatingPointConstant(ReadOnlySpan< byte > span, out float value) | System.Text.Json.JsonReaderHelper | inlinestatic |
TryGetFloatingPointConstant(ReadOnlySpan< byte > span, out double value) | System.Text.Json.JsonReaderHelper | inlinestatic |
TryGetUnescapedBase64Bytes(ReadOnlySpan< byte > utf8Source, int idx, [NotNullWhen(true)] out byte[] bytes) | System.Text.Json.JsonReaderHelper | inlinestatic |
Unescape(ReadOnlySpan< byte > source, Span< byte > destination, int idx, out int written) | System.Text.Json.JsonReaderHelper | inlinepackagestatic |
UnescapeAndCompare(ReadOnlySpan< byte > utf8Source, ReadOnlySpan< byte > other) | System.Text.Json.JsonReaderHelper | inlinestatic |
UnescapeAndCompare(ReadOnlySequence< byte > utf8Source, ReadOnlySpan< byte > other) | System.Text.Json.JsonReaderHelper | inlinestatic |