10[assembly: UnconditionalSuppressMessage(
"IL2026:RequiresUnreferencedCode", Target =
"M:System.Xml.Serialization.ReflectionXmlSerializationReader.#cctor", Scope =
"member", Justification =
"The reason why this warns is because the two static properties call GetTypeDesc() which internally will call ImportTypeDesc() when the passed in type is not considered a primitive type. That said, for both properties here we are passing in string and XmlQualifiedName which are considered primitive, so they are trim safe.")]
11[assembly: CLSCompliant(
13[assembly: AssemblyDefaultAlias(
14[assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguage(
15[assembly: AssemblyMetadata(
16[assembly: AssemblyMetadata(
17[assembly: AssemblyMetadata(
18[assembly: AssemblyMetadata(
19[assembly: AssemblyCompany(
"Microsoft Corporation")]
20[assembly: AssemblyCopyright(
"© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.")]
21[assembly: AssemblyDescription(
"Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly.")]
22[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion(
23[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion(
24[assembly: AssemblyProduct(
"Microsoft® .NET")]
25[assembly: AssemblyTitle(
26[assembly: AssemblyMetadata(
27[assembly: TargetPlatform(
28[assembly: SupportedOSPlatform(
29[assembly: AssemblyVersion(
31[module: SkipLocalsInit]