Terraria v1.4.4.9
Terraria source code documentation
This is the complete list of members for Interop.NtDll, including all inherited members.
CreateDisposition enum name | Interop.NtDll | |
createDisposition | Interop.NtDll | private |
CreateOptions enum name | Interop.NtDll | |
createOptions | Interop.NtDll | private |
DesiredAccess enum name | Interop.NtDll | |
desiredAccess | Interop.NtDll | private |
eaBuffer | Interop.NtDll | private |
eaLength | Interop.NtDll | private |
FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS enum name | Interop.NtDll | |
fileAttributes | Interop.NtDll | private |
NtCreateFile(IntPtr *FileHandle, DesiredAccess DesiredAccess, OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *ObjectAttributes, IO_STATUS_BLOCK *IoStatusBlock, long *AllocationSize, FileAttributes FileAttributes, FileShare ShareAccess, CreateDisposition CreateDisposition, CreateOptions CreateOptions, void *EaBuffer, uint EaLength) | Interop.NtDll | private |
NtQueryDirectoryFile(IntPtr FileHandle, IntPtr Event, IntPtr ApcRoutine, IntPtr ApcContext, IO_STATUS_BLOCK *IoStatusBlock, IntPtr FileInformation, uint Length, FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS FileInformationClass, BOOLEAN ReturnSingleEntry, UNICODE_STRING *FileName, BOOLEAN RestartScan) | Interop.NtDll | |
NtQueryInformationFile(SafeFileHandle FileHandle, out IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock, void *FileInformation, uint Length, uint FileInformationClass) | Interop.NtDll | package |
NtQueryInformationProcess(SafeProcessHandle ProcessHandle, int ProcessInformationClass, void *ProcessInformation, uint ProcessInformationLength, out uint ReturnLength) | Interop.NtDll | package |
NtQuerySystemInformation(int SystemInformationClass, void *SystemInformation, uint SystemInformationLength, uint *ReturnLength) | Interop.NtDll | package |
NtQuerySystemInformation(int SystemInformationClass, void *SystemInformation, uint SystemInformationLength, uint *ReturnLength) | Interop.NtDll | package |
objectAttributes | Interop.NtDll | private |
preallocationSize | Interop.NtDll | private |
rootDirectory | Interop.NtDll | private |
RtlGetVersion(ref RTL_OSVERSIONINFOEX lpVersionInformation) | Interop.NtDll | private |
RtlGetVersionEx(out RTL_OSVERSIONINFOEX osvi) | Interop.NtDll | inlinepackagestatic |
securityQualityOfService | Interop.NtDll | private |
shareAccess | Interop.NtDll | private |
unsafe(uint status, IntPtr handle) CreateFile(ReadOnlySpan< char > path | Interop.NtDll | packagestatic |